Hotdog rule!?!? to – 132 points –

Ok why do my hotdogs keep doing this


The question is why don't all hot dogs do this? Look at those wonderful browned edges, those are going to be way tastier than any uniform pink boiled sadness logs. Put them on a different bun it in a wrap if you need to, but don't change how you're cooking them!!

Lol I like cutting my hotdogs and shallow-frying them, and I was getting creative with how I cut them

Probably cause you keep slicing them like that before you cook them?

I don't know what you're talking about

Forget the hot dog. How you fucked up so much cutting the bread on the right?

Some brands are pre-cut. Their machinery has a little variance in that cutting process.

Don't know if that's the case with OP, they could still have absolute shit aim.

All brands of hotdog bun are pre-cut where I live

You should support uncut hot dog buns.

I wish my bun was uncut

AI sure does drift pretty close to the sun sometimes

AI? No this is real. These are real hotdogs I ate the other day

Why are they all peeled up like that then?

If you cut the ends before frying then they'll do that

Why do people cut the ends before frying them?

You should cut off the hotdog anuses before you cook them.