Am I the only one who thinks tardigrades are cute? to – 282 points –

Pretty sure that’s a universal opinion.

I have one of these at home.

That makes me happy, those plushies are so cute! I showed the post pic to two people and both said "Ew," I think their cuteness detector is broken.

Looks like you found the first item for your Christmas wish list!

For sure, and I like the earrings, too. Really cool site in general, thanks for sharing!

Yeah it never occurred to me that anyone might not think they're cute

With a body like a vacuum cleaner bag & face that looks like a jacuzzi jet, they’re about as adorable as they come!

Looks like someone wearing a costume to disguise as a bacteria :D

Now I can't unsee it, remind me of those T-rex costumes.


Fucking hell, they are the most alien looking animals on the planet, they're amazing.

I mean, I don't disagree, but also let me introduce you to Centurio senex. Also quite alien-looking!

Nope. My neighbor is a tardigrade expert in fact. Retired Marine Biologist Professor.

Do they have a bunch of tardigrades at home? Or marine life in general?

Nope. They are retired and spend lots of vacation time in Cabo. Used to be avid scuba divers.

It makes so much sense for a marine biologist to be an avid scuba diver. As a therapist, when i retire, I will go to Cabo, sit at a café, and people watch. That's the same thing, right?

I’d say so! I’m pushing 50 and still not sure what I will be when I grow up so who knows what I will do if I ever retire lol.

If I were a tardigrade I'd move out from home || Why live in the shrubbery when you could have a throne? || Pressure wouldn't squash me and fire couldn't burn. || These are the things that I never will learn. ||

I had no ides their life spans were so short. Technically, can they die of old age in tun form?