It just doesn't add up to – 212 points –

Because december is consumerism celebration burn all the money month and January is poor af.

Except for the gyms. They do pretty good in January.

So it’s not filled with holiday music.

But don't you listen to the same amount of holiday music every year, regardless of when the Wrapped comes out?

So everyone gets Mariah Carey as their #1 artist for their year? How fun!

Probably the same reason that a.m. becomes p.m. at 12:00

Ah, so, pure unadulterated bullshit.

Actually, on second thought, I can argue that it makes sense, but only if you rename 12 to 0, I.e. midnight is 0 o'clock. Similarly, recapping the year at the beginning of December makes sense if you rename December to Zerouary and make sure the year starts on Zerouary zeroth.

Am and pm means before midday and after midday in Latin.

After 11:59 you are after midday.

Before 12:00 you are before midday.

That explanation doesn't make the concept any less ridiculous.

Because that's when the timezone passes through the sun's zenith?

Classic meridian bullshit

Wrap is the end of filming so they do it at the end of the year. Why would they move it to the beginning of the year? Also ppl wrap presents in December. Jan not so much.

Because wrapped summarizes your calendar year. It happens is early December and ignores a whole month.

The game awards does this too which creates a lame duck season. But they at least are trying to sell games for Christmas.

December can skew the wrap though. People will listen to more holiday music in December, they might use their spotify for Xmas parties, while wrapping presents, or just listen to it because 'tis the season. Suddenly Mariah Carey is contending for a top 10 artist and holiday music could be one of your top genres.

So they just ignore December altogether, not even rolling it into the next year?

So it isn't really about the year, just 11 months.

That's pretty much the year. Like they will have to cut off the data collection at some point. Because, well, when the wrapped Playlist comes out, you're probably going to listen to that Playlist a few times, to recap your year, which would drive more data for those songs.

I dunno, just seems like a silly thing to worry about. "Oh my gosh they only captured 11 months of my listening! How will I know that I went from Taylor Swift non-stop for 11 months and then nothing but Mayhem for all of December!!" It's a personal record of what you listened to throughout the year, and its kind of fun to see, but it has no actual bearing on your music taste. You still like what you like.

Pointing out that a name is misleading is not worrying about it.

Wait, the Game Awards goes purely by the calendar year? A game that releases after the show at the very end of 2023 wouldn't be eligible to appear in 2024's show?

I was wrong. If they are released after mid November, they fall to the following year.

Though the farther your release is from the award show the less buzz it might get due to people forgetting. Especially in a jam packed year and some of the voting done by the masses.