Biden urged to stop EU 'unfairly' targeting American tech

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 89 points –
Biden urged to stop EU 'unfairly' targeting American tech

Biden urged to stop EU 'unfairly' targeting American tech::5 out of 6 'gatekeepers' are US-based so regulators across pond are just being mean to us, say lawmakers


Maybe that's because American corporations suck, wouldn't it be great if Biden actually enforced anti-trust laws instead of bowing down to them.

Then again, when has any American president stood up to big corporations?

That was the DoJ acting not the president.

Executive branch and judicial branch are not the same thing.

The DoJ isn’t in the judicial branch. The courts are the judicial branch. DoJ is in the executive branch because it is supposed to carry out and enforce the laws.

Yeah, 20 years ago. That's the problem.

Shockingly, the American president does not have jurisdiction over the eu. I mean, they know this, they it's more political hot air for nothing, and we give them the attention they want for it.

They don't have jurisdiction. But they have other things that make them very important to the EU which can be leveraged.

Yeah, let's do a trade war to save Google's monopoly! That's definitely in everyone's interest!

Who said anything about trade war? And who said anything about everyone's interest? That's exactly the point, it's not in anyone's interest except American corporations. Ie the only interest that matters in the US.

As an American...I support the EU. Because America will always support the capitalists fucking you over, and the EU at least tries to do differently...

Yah nice to have someone on the side of consumers for once. Shame we have to look across the ocean to find them

Alternative title: American Corporations rail that they can't rampage, unchecked, across the entire globe like they can in America. They whine about this publicly to their paid lackeys the government.

Yeah, this has nothing to do with Biden. That said, it sounds like the rules are not being applied fairly. That said, it's not like America has fair, consistent policies or anything...

This is just sideways related, but considering how difficult is making anything because of the word "ITAR" it is absolutely normal EU is trying to go away as fast as possible from EEUU tech and companies and is regulating their behaviour here.

hey you conservative fuckwad, imagine if the world didnt revolve around the corporations that feed your political coffers.

BIDEN, imagine if you were for the people. god damn i hate this old republican.

Read the title again.

Biden didn't do anything.

He was "urged" to do something by someone else.


Did they really use this term? Lol

dude, my bad, thanks!

i stand by my opinion he and the democratic party are really the republicans at this point. there are a handful of democrats and a room full of fascists.

Just out of curiosity, what do you think the mainstream repubs and the MAGA people are then, by comparison?

if it walks like a fascist and talks like a fascist and the entire party platform epitomizes fascist ideals, youre a fascist.

So, you just think they're all fascists then? What does fascism actually mean to you?

how about the textbook, which fits perfectly

utahoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy

I don't know about perfectly, I don't see the hallmark ultranationalism in Biden, and he also seems to care about election results, which makes dictator a little harder to say. I also don't see force being used to suppress his opposition, since Trump is still free and able to defend himself. Few others, but those are the big ones.

the current republicans are fascists.. the current democrats are just 'conservatives' at this point

Yeah, I won't argue that Biden has some conservative in him. I'm not a big fan of it either.

He didn't call Biden a fascist; he called the (current-ideology) Republicans fascists and he called Biden a (previous-ideology) Republican.

In other words, he's saying that the politicians are shifted one category to the right of where they claim to be.

I think you missed a third group. MAGA is not all repubs, there's all the Liz Cheney types they forced out. I assume he meant they were fascist too.

I think you missed a third group. MAGA is not all repubs, there’s all the Liz Cheney types they forced out.

You're not accounting for time. MAGA is all Repubs now, because all the Liz Cheney types have been forced out.

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This is the best summary I could come up with:

Bipartisan congressional representatives have sent a letter to President Joe Biden, demanding action over what they claim is the unfair targeting of US tech companies by the European Union's Digital Markets Act (DMA).

The letter [PDF], signed by 22 congresscritters, complains that, out of six gatekeepers designated earlier this year under the DMA, five are based in the US and none in the EU.

Gatekeepers, per the European Commission, are companies that "provide an important gateway between businesses and consumers in relation to core platform services."

The representatives also took umbrage that large Chinese tech companies like Tencent, Alibaba, and Huawei weren't included as gatekeepers, "despite the fact that they are competing aggressively with US firms in the EU and other markets."

Samsung, having no other skin in the game, wasn't otherwise included, while Alphabet and Microsoft's other core platform services meant they stayed on the gatekeeper list.

"We strongly urge you to advocate for American companies and workers by insisting that EU policymakers administer and enforce their digital policies fairly," the representatives asked of Biden, seemingly oblivious to the fact that, of the ten largest tech companies in the world, six of them are headquartered in the United States.

The original article contains 646 words, the summary contains 200 words. Saved 69%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!