Axolotyl rule to – 359 points –

Ironic coming from a member of an endangered species.

And one that essentially remains in its juvenile form instead of undergoing metamorphosis

Agreed. Also, does the axolotl mean anything?

Edit: Also since this is the closest post that I've found related to this topic. Is anyone here interested in a community where people make story-based forecasts for the future of something true today but won't be in the future? Here is an example I did recently

Probably unrelated but Axolotl is the the most used tool to fine-tune models by the AI community/researchers

Is this a tautology?

nah. "what currently exists must necessarily exist". it adds the "must", as in, "the world could not be otherwise." that statement alone is not contained in "what currently exists" so adding the "must" thus develops the statement further rather than just redoubling it.

The opposing force is the idea that whatever exists is the result of luck, bad judgement, random choices or ill intent, rather than inherent or inevitable consequence.

It's not linear. History is one of those machines with the balls that fall down randomly and form a bell curve.

inherent or inevitable consequence

Can you give an example?

For example, the seeming contradiction between the values good people claim to pursue in life and the contradictions to those they're willing to tollerate.

That's not a product of the modern deceptions of a globalised economy as some have claimed, it's a product of the way humans are not capable of including the whole world in sense of what's real

This thought occurs to me every time I hear a U2 song play in the grocery store.

There's truth to this, but it's very hyperbolically and pretentiously presented.