Chris Christie is set to drop out of the 2024 presidential race to politics – 164 points –
Chris Christie is set to drop out of the 2024 presidential race

Unironically the best GOP candidate. I say that with a straight face. I mean that wholeheartedly. That's how fucked the whole batch of them are.

Inb4 Christie backs Trump despite his "principles".

Honestly forgot he was still in it.

He spent millions of dollars to get on stage and talk shit about Trump. It was mildly amusing.

If I’m not mistaken, he’s the only one who said he wouldn’t pardon trump.


So he’ll be missed. He’s still a ratfucker like the rest of them, but if he meant it, he might have been the least scummy of the bunch.

Y'all talking shit about the man yet he's the only candidate up there calling out the others for their subservience to Trump and their march towards fascism, I appreciate Christie, he still sucks as a person, but far less than any of these Republican Trump Qultists.

In other news, Chris Christie was running for president in 2024.

Surprised he didn't at least wait until the Iowa caucus, but I guess this just saves him the humiliation.

Just proving, once again, that no matter what Chris Christie says, he is totally full of shit.

I guess that all those times he said he wasn't going to drop out were ... what's the word for that again?

To be fair, no candidate says they'll drop out until they do.

Of course, but he's been especially strong in his statements that he was going to stay in the race no matter what. It's not hard to pivot away from questions about your viability, and he chose to go completely the other way.

I wonder if Haley adding him as her VP choice would help or hurt her chances in the primaries?

Ol fat sumbitch needs to drop a couple pounds before he drops dead