Inmate's organs, including brain, missing from decomposing body; second case in last month to – 281 points –
Inmate's organs, including brain, missing from decomposing body; second case in last month | WBMA

ABC 33/40 News has obtained court documents revealing another case of a deceased Alabama inmate's body found missing organs. The body of Charles Edward Singleton was returned to his family missing all organs including his brain.


Legal organ trafficking, because why the fuck not?

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Well, Buck v. Bell was never overturned, so the US government still has the right to sterilize citizens without consent. So I'm not sure this is much of a leap.

I'm looking forward to Alabama's argument that a woman doesn't have a right to control her fetus, therefor an inmate doesn't have a right to control their organs.

The family wasn't convicted of a crime. Even if they were, this is not how we punish or rehabilitate people.

Well they weren't gonna eat the organs. Can't let that all go to waste.

Why take the brain? That can't be trafficked.

Perhaps as an anatomical specimen for study? There’s a market for that. It’s usually where someone ends up when they legitimately donate their body to ‘science’.

I saw they found the brain: Abby Normal

Nah that's Abby Normal. Says it right on the label.

I read it as the warning is directed at Abby.

Do not use this brain, ABBY

That little shit.

Do you know how someone goes about getting set up to donate their body to science? I want that done with my body, but have no idea how to get it set up and put in a will.

Sorry, no, I am not a lawyer. But it should be pretty simple, like just putting a directive to that effect in a will, I guess.

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Looks like America is starting to follow China’s lead with regards to organ harvesting…

Did they at least ask before dismembering then?

"May we have your liver?"

"Might as well throw in the intestines, liver, brain and pancreas while you're at it"

Once again: prisons in the USA south are fucked. Worst in America. The brutality of christian states is horrifying.