Two Navy SEALS Presumed Dead in Raid on Ship Carrying Iranian-Supplied Weapons to World – 275 points –
Two Navy SEALS Presumed Dead in Raid on Ship Carrying Iranian-Supplied Weapons

"While boarding the Dhow in rough seas - such searches are considered among the most dangerous naval missions - one SEAL team member fell into the ocean and a second tried to recover him."

A Navy Seal drowned? Damn, didn't think they could do that.

The ocean can kill even the most experienced men.

Still, there's training videos of seals being bound and gagged and thrown into a pool with a lockpick or something at the bottom. They're supposed to sink to the bottom, do a bunch of breaches to get air, and then sink to the bottom to collect tools and break free.

After all that I thought Navy seals were invincible in their mative habitat. I guess the ocean is so much more hardcore than all the training we can think up.

thing about a pool is it's only a few feet deep. you sink in the ocean, you just keep sinking. you get lost in the ocean, there's a whole lot of ocean and you're moving from the point that you fell into. it's night in the ocean? no one is finding you, even if they pass by a few dozen feet away. all this, and you're constantly fighting the whole time you're in there without food or fresh water. Between that and temperature shock, you're losing consciousness in 12 hours in the best case scenario and, depending on the temp of the water, maybe only a few minutes. Once you're lost in the open ocean you are ggggoooooonnnnneeee.

The ocean is kinda like mountain climbing in Antarctica, even if youre good at mountain climbing and dealing with extreme temps combong the two is an exponential increase in difficulties.

For any sailor in open sea especially rough seas of you go overboard it's generally presumed you will not be recovered. Even carriers in smooth seas have the occasional overboard loss, somebody will slip no one notices and by the time they go dropping zodiacs and getting helos in the air they might be miles away leaving a search area of several miles.

They might be able to stay alive for days even in cold ocean water, but that doesn't mean you'll find them in time

But seals don't drown, no? I think this is why Russia prefers dolphins.

Seals can drown. They are mammals and as such don't have gills. They may be able to hold their breath for a long time, but eventually they have to come back up to breathe.

news aside, dear lord there are some serious american imperialism shills in this thread

Kinda crazy that when it comes to bombing the shit out of the middle east all of the warmonger came put of the woodwork. Would've love to have seen this kind of enthusiasm against russia.

Trump likes Russia, the Dems are helping Ukraine, and the people who get bombed in the Middle East dress funny and have brown skin.

Just swim, I thought they would cover that in basic training

If you've ever fallen off a boat into the water and been sucked under that boat and had to claw yourself back out again, you will understand why this is surprisingly non-trivial.

If you've been awake for 72 hours, jacked up on a pharmaceutical only God and the six most sadistic chemists at the Pentagon know about, and you just pulled yourself up on board a ship in the dead of night after tailing pirates for days, I have to image its even harder.

The Navy does prefer to kill their best and brightest in helicopter crashes. But its still very possible to get drowned to death on the job.

Cheap shot

Umm it's kinda their job

I hope you're respected in similar fashion some day and it hurts.

For a guy called mechanical jester you seem to take things awfully seriously.

Mocking SpecOps who are KIA is something generally off limits for me. I handed over a hundred of our flags to surviving family so I'm humor dysfunctional in that area. However... jokes? Okay that's kinda funny. Best if served from combat vets I think. I regret making a fuss. Dysfunctional.

From my experience with soldiers they probablywould have made worse jokes/ mockings about anything and everything including other soldiers and people they have killed.

And since they also died attacking a civilian vessel I don't feel the need to show any respect in the first place.

"The official said crew on the dhow, which did not have a country flag, were planning to transfer the missile parts, including warheads and engines, to another boat off the coast of Somalia."

Looks like "Finding Out" to me.

The gallows humor is real. Coping mechanisms for traumatic jobs is real. Ever hear civilian firefighters joke around? Same. Military firefighters and combat medics probably have the darkest humor. We've all collectively decided we want people to be really good at killing people and blowing shit up so other people don't kill out people and blow our shit up.

The gallows humor is real.

My point exactly.

Anything carrying weapons isn't "civilian", it's a military supply ship.

Imagine thinking just because it's not painted gray and equipped with guns that it isn't for a military use case.

Yeah that's nit how that works at all.

Civilian shipping is still civilian shipping even when they are carrying engines for war planes. And I 1,000,000% gaurantee you wouldn't be saying that same shit if it was Ansar Allah attacking weapons shipments heading to Israel.

So there were no weapons and munitions on this ship? No drones or explosives? Just innocent little airplane engines?

I don't give a shit about Israel, but pretending that supplying the enemy war machine with weapons can be classified as civilian because of the ship you're putting those weapons on is a farce.

I would absolutely expect those groups to attack weapons shipments, why the fuck wouldn't they? Also, attack? Two Navy Seals sent in to sieze control and you want to pretend that's the same thing as bombarding a ship with explosives? Lol fucking biased as shit. Guarantee if they'd been successful you'd see fewer civilian casualties than any operation performed by Hamas or Islamic Jihad.

You can't see the forest for the trees.

Literally everything you said applies to Ansar Allah, they have target civilian vessels supplying arms to Israel, they have boarded vessels to divert them away from Israel, which has been seen as an "attack on civilian vessels" by the west and the media.

You're getting incredulous, but only because I'm daring to challenge the world view you've been fed your entire life. And I know you don't /think/ You're a victim of propaganda and you'll deny it, maybe claim that I'm actually the one that's been tricked or whatever. I understand I was the same way once. But when you start actively trying to distance yourself from your preconceived biases it becomes easier to see things in a different light to the "we are the good guys and any that disagrees is a bad guy" mindset.

Guarantee if they'd been successful you'd see fewer civilian casualties than any operation performed by Hamas or Islamic Jihad.

And that makes it okay? That the better trained militants with better equipment could do it better, that makes what they do okay?

You can joke about anything, I'm a fan of dark humour. But these aren't even jokes, they're just spiteful remarks about 2 dead guys.

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Nazi servants dying isn't a sad event. If civilians were killed I'd be sad. Military is putting themselves in that position of their own free will.

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