Lauren Boebert's Ex-Husband Calls Restraining Order "Cruel and Unfair," Says He Wasn't Served to politics – 95 points –
Lauren Boebert's Ex-Husband Calls Restraining Order "Cruel and Unfair," Says He Wasn't Served

In before she claims she's a battered woman on the campaign trail to try to stack up sympathy votes.

Yall love attacking women when you don't agree with them. How do you know she's not been abused? Does the husband suddenly have a ton of credibility? He's obviously telling half a story.

I'm not attacking her for being female.

I'm attacking her for being a perpetually self-serving grifter who has repeatedly abused the public trust in an attempt to cash in on her Jerry Springer-esque freakshow popularity at the expense of American democracy.

But sure, go ahead and stand up for her. I'm sure she won't mind stepping on your head on her way up to her overpaid position at OAN or Newsmax once she tanks her election next year.

Yall love attacking women when you don't agree with them.

What are you talking about, why are you bringing gender into this, and are you subsequently aware of how ironic that statement is and what psychological projection is?

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Makes sense, she seems to be more concerned with servicing her boyfriend ...

Despite it being prevalent in movies, is "serving" people still a thing?

Last I checked they didn't remove it from the legal process. I mean how else do you ensure that people are aware of these things?

When my sister broke up with her boyfriend, he freaked out. My dad, who's a lawyer, had ex-boyfriend served with a restraining order at work, while the boyfriend was in a meeting with his boss.