Marianne Williamson drops long-shot 2024 presidential bid to politics – 59 points –
Marianne Williamson drops long-shot 2024 presidential bid


Oprah Winfrey's sham spiritual advisor and scam artist author turned politician. She's notably on record for calling clinical depression a scam, supposedly to impress Russell Brand.

Good riddance...

ok....since my stroke in 2020 I've been diagnosed with clinical depression, who the hell am I scamming? Anyway, I've found that if I drink 32 ounces of water before bed every night, I have a reason to get out of bed every seriously, if you're depressed, see a doctor.

Anyway, I’ve found that if I drink 32 ounces of water before bed every night, I have a reason to get out of bed every day…

Needing to pee is often a great motivator to get out of bed, unless you're really depressed.

Makes me also glad Dr.Oz lost his chance to be a senator. But damn was it scary close.

We don't really need anymore celebrities of any kind to take up positions of power and influence. We're already suffering the effects of a bad businessman, conman celebrity as it is.

Oprah really needs to catch more flack for the grifters she legitimized and damage she did to the overall culture through them and other new agey bullshit

That would mean people would have to acknowledge that she herself is a grifter...

How could we do that when her totally legitimate show brought us gems like this!?

Apparently she was once a 'spiritual advisor' to Oprah. Take that with however many grains of Wikipedia salt as you feel necessary.

Oprah has done a serious damage by bringing up shady characters like this one and Oz

My heart isn't breaking for this. Why?

She began her professional career as spiritual leader of the Church of Today, a Unity Church in Warren, Michigan.

We don't need anymore god damn religious people in power!

She was launched into prominence by Oprah Winfrey, being a frequent guest on her daytime talk show and becoming known as her "spiritual advisor".

Which has fuck-all merit in how to better a country.

As far as I'm concerned, being promoted by Oprah is an indication of lack of quality more than anything else. Dr Phil, Dr Oz, John of God.

Wtf I cast like six spells a day and totally spent the spiritual power of my entire crystal collection, the cosmos must be in misalignment :'(

Sad. The only candidate that was pushing for actual progressive policies. The media treated them like they didn’t even exist.

Progressive my ass, she's a scamming Russian psy-op for dopes, same as the last go-around.

you really tried to fit as many msnbc and cnn words as you could in that sentence huh.

Let's be real, she wasn't a real contender. She was also a non-entity in 2020 (other than brief divergences to make fun of her mysticism). It's not like Bernie jumped in for round 3 and the news just pretended it didn't happen.