LGBTQ+ parents are being removed from their children’s birth certificates in Italy to World – 493 points –
LGBTQ+ parents are being removed from their children’s birth certificates in Italy – here’s what’s behind this disturbing trend

Fascist governments got to fascist.

Targeting the LGBTQ+ population and eroding their rights and making it a focus during a time of an international cost of living crisis, is a tried and true practice of the right wing to hide their incompetence in governing and in matters of economy.

Here's this thing that doesn't affect me at all in any way but I kinda think is weird, so let me crush the spirit of a minority that already gets treated like shit?

Man some people suck so much.

It's all political, for all their talk about the traditional family, Meloni had a child outside of marriage, and Salvini is divorced.

I still can’t believe that Meloni got elected. Watching the far right rise all over Europe has been disturbing.

Oh I can definitely believe that. Most Italians are very gullible and populism sounds way better than ideas grounded in reality. Not to mention her opponents all sucked and would rather split up in hundreds of parties rather than actually form a coalition and have a chance at winning.

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and then people ask me, an Italian, why I want to leave this country asap

Unfortunately, the places where you can go are an ever-decreasing list. Some Nordic countries, a few EU ones, that's about it. Fascism is growing into a majority in literally the rest of the world.

I also have a Swedish citizenship so I always thought of going there but now they also have a right government. the list is getting thinner. Also my job doesn't have that many good places I can ask a transfer too. too bad.

Not really

It certainly is in Europe and is only going to get worse as resource wars intensify in Africa more will flee to Europe pushing the public to the right as their resources are spread thinner and thinner.

The USA and Canada are both heading this way too. Here in Canada the new leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, Pierre Poilievre, had been courting the far right, marching with their protests, being photographed with neo-Nazis and dropping constant dogwhistles. Polls show the Conservatives well in the lead, for the first time in a long while. People love their fascism, it seems.

Fascism is not growing anywhere. But a lot of "lefties" behave like fascists for sure, so people turn away from anything that smells left.

On the other hand, modern definition of left includes authorisation ideologies and regimes, so no wonder that happens.

This comment is making it very hard to follow my personal lemmy rule which states that I should not just comment 'you are a fucking idiot'.

We ought to ask the mod of this sub to just ban people like him on site and to stop giving hate speech a platform. That's what we really ought to do

Getting too ban-happy is one of the reasons people hated powermods on Reddit. I don’t think we should repeat that here.

That guy just expressed an opinion (which I completely disagree with) and isn’t actively offending anyone, just downvote and move on.

The way italy is going, they're trying to be mussolini all over again.

It's almost as if the stated goal of dividing the LGB and the TQ so that it's easier to go after the LGBTQ is going off exactly like they planned.... :/

Gods, Marriage equality was one of rhe biggest hurdles in Trans activism back in the day and one of the reasons for the banding together of the T and the LGB. It really is like watching progress undo in reverse chronological order.

History facr. Back in the before days you couldn't change your gender designation on your legal documents because people were worried that gay and lesbian people would use transitioning as a way to get around the marriage ban which was the major hangup. Same sex marriage thus made it possible for trans people to socially transition from a legal standpoint.

Any historians care to explain why Italy jumps to fascism so quickly?

Not a historian but their location makes it easy to scapegoat people so fascists can rise to power

Why does their location make it easy to scapegoat people?

Edge of Europe bordering Africa and it's aspiring immigrants. Italy is often the first stop for immigrant boats, and on-shoring desperate people. All a right wing government has to do is point to those people and say how they are going to destroy everything you know. Rinse repeat, voila fascism.

Not a historian, nor Italian, so double check me on this, but a big part of the "why" is that the facists were never removed from Italy. They've just been kind of allowed to fester since 1946. I mean, Germany didn't really get rid of their facists either, but the Italian facist movement was basically unscathed. Movimento Sociale Italiano (MSI) was founded in 1946 by Facists literally from Mussolini's party, and maintained relevance by making political alliances with other, more moderate conservative parties.

Some facists just straight up joined the Liberal parties. Fernando Tambroni, Christian Democratic Prime Minister of Italy for 116 days in 1960, for instance, was a Facist Party member during the war, and was quite the fan of Mussolini. The subsequent Prime Minister, Christian Democrat Party leader, Amintore Fanfani, who served five non-consecutive terms as PM, was also a member of the Facist Party.

In the 90s other facist parties, particularly Forza Italia, and Alleanza Nazionale were spun off from MSI and basically wore a better better mask, and managed to get Berlusconi, also a Mussolini Stan, in as PM.

We could continue doing pointing out facists in powerful positions in Italian politics, and we skipped the whole "decades of facist terrorism" thing, but really the reason Italy jumped to fascism is because it has been there the whole time, and has had power semi-regularly.

Is it Italy? Or is it just humans?

I choose not to believe that is humans natural path.

You can deny it, but have you really thought about it.

Think about American Politics. "Well conservatives are just fascists." Sure, I mean there's the party that wants to control what people say, Cancelling them if they ever said anything they don't like. Want to remove all rights from people in specific parties, and mandate how others act at all times... and then there's the republicans which are also clearly fascists.

I'm not trying to say "Republicans are better than Democrats" they're not, they're clearly not. But Democrats aren't that good either. It's a problem with a desire to control others and when one party wins, they should feel they have a mandate to GOVERN but instead there's a feeling they have a mandate to RULE or CONTROL. Luckily most politicians are somewhat sane about this, but god damn, some of the die hards on both sides have lost their mind.

Power corrupts, and Absolute Power corrupts absolutely. That's kind of a fact of being human.

Can you give an example outside American politics?

Democrats aren't the ones rolling back civil rights protections for women and the LGBTQ+ community, flying Nazi and Confederate flags, pretending hate speech and hate rhetoric are legitimate political opinions or beliefs, banning and censoring books that so much as talk about the LGBTQ+ community let alone support it, or hiding behind the first amendment to justify all of this while taking away first amendment rights for everybody else.

Nah, you the baddies, hun

Italy had a strong communist presence since forever, after WWI fascism was supported by the elite to counter that, and after WWII it was supported by the "liberators", the US, for obvious reasons.

Looks like the motherland of fascism is moving back in time...

Not surprised with the new government.

Maybe I’m against the grain here but shouldn’t biological parents be on the birth certificate?

If they cared about that, they would make a law that forces all newborns and their 'parents' to submit to a DNA test before issuing a certificate. This is just being done to make it harder for LGBTQ+ parents to have the same rights and responsibilities as straight parents. Not being named on your kid's birth certificate makes things so much harder when dealing with government programs and even enrolling in school or taking them to the doctor.

Mine does not, it shows my parents who have legal custody over me, they are not lgbtq+. That is what a birth cert shows, the people who have legal custody and responsibility for you.

I imagine you think this because of medical things (heredity and all that) AFAIK It isn't used for such things, only for legal responsibility (adoption for instance would modify it), so in order to protect the position of those who actually raise the kid and the stability of their family, I don't agree with you. Not without changing the role of the birth certificate first at least

They definitely should.

mah, their parents should be on there.

On a BIRTH certificate? No! That will only lead to a lot of problems in the future for the unlucky kid. Imagine kid's bio parents have some hereditary disease and without them on a BIRTH certificate doctors will never know. No. Just no.

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It's gonna get worse and they're gonna do more in other countries too, especially as climate change kicks in, everyone starves and they need someone to blame.

I had such a raw disgust reading that headline. I wondered what fucking state would do that. Then I got to the end. So Italy is just speed running to open fascism. That sucks.

If they want the biological parents names, just do a DNA test on every baby. I am sure the upstanding straight citizens of Italy always know who the actual father is in every case and would be willing to submit that to public record.

Sounds like it's the law that's wrong, and the office and court are doing their jobs. This is on the lawmakers, and these guys aren't supposed to make their own laws.