Rule to – 148 points –

No i don't understand

The sink is to the apple as water is to water.

You wouldn't drink a sink or drink an apple. And yet you drink water or drink water. Low blocking is exactly the same: if the water of the sink is the same as the water from the apple, then it follows that you have to kick your cat now.

I think that in the case of sinking apples let’s drink the remaining washed fruit juice directly from the sink tap so soak up the hormones like milk for dogs.

Eh I see the logic (and also feel personally attacked lol), but here’s how I justify it: running water doesn’t accumulate the particulates you’re trying to avoid when you drink it in large enough quantities, and you know the apple may have dirt on it that’s carrying other pathogens. So mainly you’re trying to avoid getting listeria or E. coli from the apple by risking a little bit of the water pollutants.

It’s a perverse risk analysis calculus, ideally water and apple both should be clean enough. But we know store bought and “rinsed” produce often causes food poisoning, and drinking large amounts of unfiltered tap water in some places can also make you sick. As mentioned, ideally you’re somewhere where washing the apple makes it relatively cleaner.

YFW you got a serious response 😬

Where in the developed world can you get sick by drinking tap water?

In Canada there are communities that have been under boil water advisories for years

Flint, Michigan has entered the chat

fwiw, my town has been sending us notices about increased PFAS beyond acceptable values. But I guess PFAS are everywhere..

Yeah i think "pfas beyond acceptable levels" is just the new baseline and nobody wants to do anything about it. It sucks.

The UK (in an old home where hot water tanks heated water in an unsafe way).

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you are rationalizing this wayy too much.

just be drinking the fluoride water without a care in the world, makes you happier.

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Why wouldn't I drink the water from the sink? What else would I drink?

Makes you think, but also:

Block overheads high.

Use filtered water to wash your fruit, if it bothers you. Using a towel to wipe dry the fruit probably cleans it more than that 2 second rinse anyway.

Water + drying with an object is like 90% of what makes all cleaning work. Soap just helps that again along.

Like, why wouldn't you properly block an overhead if you know it's an overhead though? It's fighting game defense 101

Wait im ass at fighing games. Is he blocking low and getting hit? Or is it just an inefficiency to block low?

Typically you need to block neutral/high to block an overhead. So yeah he's getting hit