'That's why Black people like me': Trump says it's 'amazing' that indictments helped him

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 300 points –
'That's why Black people like me': Trump says it's 'amazing' that indictments helped him

The racism continues...


Sometimes I have to stop strangers on the street just to show them when I just read on my phone, because I don’t fucking believe what I just read on my phone. This is one of those times. Three other people just said, “what the fuck” because they couldn’t believe what they just read. I just shared shocking disbelief with three strangers.

This is been happening for 8 1/2 years because of this asshole. I’m sick and tired of it. Also the fascism. Especially the fascism.

Did you see the actual video of him saying it? Unhinged!


sorry, I deleted my instagram, like, 5 years ago along with FB and Twitter because they’re garbage and hate funneled directly into your soul to drain it for corporate profit. do you have a link that will play without be covering myself in spyware an literal poison and shit just to watch a tiny video clip?

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What do you think will actually happen if he wins the election? I'm not American, and that scares the shit out of me that he could win.

there’s waaaay too much that could happen between now and then to know if that’s even a possibility at this point. I really don’t know what to think at this point. shit, either or both Trump and Biden could die suddenly, and if could be Harris vs Haley, and who the fuck knows what that would be like?

all I know is that I’m terrified.

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Every so often, something makes me take a step back and just wonder how the fuck we got here. Like, really, him? He's a former president? That happened? What the actual fuck.

I do the same, but mine is: He's the frontrunner? Really? WTF?"

Yeah I gotta say I don't 100% believe he's really the frontrunner. I say it's all "magical thinking" but that would imply, you know, thinking.

We never hold anyone accountable for terrible shit. That and lack of education.

All with a heavy dose of lead.

You know that old trope of black people who owe $350 million from decades of corporate fraud. So relatable.

Next time he'll just say "Black people like me, because I'm a criminal. And they are also all criminals."

Black People: "We're constantly under threat of being killed by police and denied services because of our skin color. We're being discriminated against!"

Racist White People: "I'm being indicted for crimes I committed. I'm being discriminated against just like those black people!"

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I’m just waiting for him to drop an N bomb. It’s got to be coming.

he won’t because

  1. he loves playing the game of dancing around the word and issue of racism because he thinks it makes him look smart, but it just makes us all see how racist he really is
  2. he doesn’t need to because he is able to employ (and even invent) a litany of racist dog-whistles instead to get his points across.
  3. the man is such a blistering boil of pus and hate that the N-word is… forgive me for saying… beneath him. His racist rhetoric operates at a much higher level than simple slurs.

I'd say that's too far even for him... But he's literally claiming black people like him because he's a criminal.

He's showing that he's more racist than we gave him credit for. And we already thought he was crazy racist.

He'll play it off that he was speaking Chinese to his Asian voters and saying "that one".

That's pretty racist Colin Donald.

Idk, it's kinda dumb for him to say it, but it isnt racist to acknowledge the facts about the private prison complex. It's dumb because he is trying to connect with them on an uncomfortable truth, but at least as far as he claims, trump believes he was the victim of a justice system out to get him, which, if it were true, would actually give him something in common with an average black person.

Yup exactly. Nothing to do with if what he believes is true or not. But that's what he believes. He has done numerous things that deserve jail for the rest of his life and all his assets seized.

Unfortunately the things that have currently "gottim" aren't those things. Those cases are still working through the courts slowly or not at all. Property valuation fraud is the name of the game in the US for a developer. Insulting someone is the American way.

The reason they got Al Capone was taxes. The government looked at him, said he was guilty but couldn't prove it. So then found other charges just to get him in jail and threw the book at him. This happens to brown and black people all the time. Looking suspicious is enough to find crimes you're guilty of. What is happening to Trump right now is similar. He's being punished for things that no normal person would be punished for. It's only because they want to get him. He has a point that he is being victimized and anyone who has been victimized by the injustices of the US system recognizes it.

Hopefully the cases with actual merit, that do exist and he's overwhelming guilty by admission, resolve soon so he can't play this card anymore.

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Well, if he actually believes that shit, let him.

He doesn’t. But he knows his loyalists are dumb enough to.

They’re not even afraid to say the quiet thing out loud anymore. That’s exactly how untouchable they really are.