Hair probably had an important function at some point in human evolution but now it's mostly cosmetic to – 10 points –

As a bald man I can tell you that the hair on your head does A LOT to keep you warm. I have to wear hats all year round except in the hottest part of summer.

I appreciate the usefulness of my eyebrows to divert rain away from my eyes. I do not appreciate my moustache’s water gathering properties when walking in humid environments.

aw man, walking on a humid day, get a free lil drink of rainwater from my mustache every few minutes, it's great

Oh man I feel like a chump... I've just been using mine to sort soup into "drinkable" and "chewable"

Yeah but why my ear hair started growing in so aggressively?

Habitual lack of earmuffs. Your ears have been cold your whole life, so your body has finally adapted to your negligence.

Plucked the equivalent of a pube from my ear lobe yesterday... Age has cometh

My husband says he used to have "a swimmer's body," smooth and hairless. But he's 55 now so...

He's got hair in his chest, belly, back, and shoulders, and it's spreading.

Every few months, I pluck the hairs out of his ears. It used to be just one or two but now it's a couple long thick ones and a few small curly ones from each ear.

About a month ago, I noticed he's also got a couple of long wild strands growing out of the peak of each eyebrow.

It's pretty decent at stopping mosquitoes from getting to your skin, sun burn is lessened, but our technology definitely can overcome that. It just takes a little more effort than existing, like hair does.

Sue Johanson taught me hair is for retaining and spreading your scent to sexual mates.

Why is everyone on Lemmy at least as old as I am?

Because "works just like email" sounds like a good thing to us.

Apparently most of Gen Z are fine using centralized, for-profit social media. 😔

My 15-year-old stepdaughter went on a 10-minute-long explosive rant about how conservative politicians are retarded and seem incapable of doing math at a basic high-school level which ended with her storming off to write a "book on how they can do better that she will send to the governments". I could not have been more proud. She has even started expressing frustration with the amount of advertising that is going on and is coming to understand just how much information is taken from us every day.