Moms for Liberty Is Slowly Imploding, and That’s Bad for MAGA in 2024 to politics – 391 points –
Moms for Liberty Is Slowly Imploding, and That’s Bad for MAGA in 2024

With Moms for Liberty co-founder Bridget Ziegler embroiled in scandal, the group is now on the defensive—and that will hurt Republicans in this fall’s elections.

Moms for Liberty has fallen on hard times. Membership is dwindling in some precincts, and its school board candidates are on a losing streak. Co-founder Bridget Ziegler is embroiled in a sex scandal involving her husband, former Florida GOP Chair Christian Ziegler, and parents are running brutal ads attacking her. We chatted with journalist Jennifer Berkshire, the author of a forthcoming book on battles over education, who explains the bigger story here: The right is now on the defensive in the culture wars.


What’s bad for MAGA is best for America.

I mean, I want to believe. But these pop-up shops have always been disposable. Moms for Liberty. Project Veritas. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. They aren't built to last. Their staff will be recycled into the next astroturfed group, be it "Concerned Uncles Noticing Terrorists", "Freedom Advocate Rights Technicians", or "Grandmothers Overseeing All Temporary State Enforced Xenophobia".

And they'll get a dozen Op-Eds in your national news org of note, because Harlan Crow knows which Ombudsman needs a new RV.

And the rest of the world, more likely than not.

It’s actually way more of a sure thing than that, Trump winning in November pretty much signs the death warrant for virtually any climate change mitigation initiative. And while nuclear war is a very real possibility either way it’s clearly lower under the least impulsive of the two options

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Moms for Baby-rearing slavery? With the various Christian Evangelist Fundamentalist "wins" in the last few years, hopefully it gets clearer and clearer that these issues are increasingly difficult to de-couple from the current Republican Party.

the current republican party is full of christian nationalist money.

so, yeah, it may need to be destroyed and split into a "here's where you christians can spew out your domination propaganda" and "here's actual conservatism with room for compromise."

Or, as I like to refer to them: KarenPAC

Clanned Karenhood

Klanned Karenhood, but yeah.

What does the last K stand for?

Ku Klux Klanned Karenhood

There's an extra K in there because it's trendy. Ubisoft released the first AAAA game, so the white supremacists gotta one-up it.

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Gosh I feel for them... if only they imploded quickly and dramatically... and maybe there could be a significant enough scandal that most of them could end up in prison.

That's the karma these fucks deserve.

There's a small part of me that hopes this election will actually be less close than the media are portraying it to be, because they have a motive to keep people watching and less people will watch if they think it isn't close, and because their coverage suggests it'll be close this will hopefully ensure high turnout among anti-Trump voters.

Although the polling doesn't look great. (And I say this as someone who knows about confidence intervals, margins of error, and weighting)

I'm really surprised this many republicunts we're able to work this closely together for so long without eating each other sooner.

Moms with STD’s

I know a mom with an STD. She's a good person and good mother, moreover she opposes MfL entirely. Let's not shame people for things that don't reflect on their poor character.


Respectfully, I am an individual who is not seeking an editor.

The transference and personalization of my quip aimed at Mom’s for Liberty to your friend is a crazy stretch, like your friend probably.

No one cares what you're seeking

With your use of apostrophes to pluralise you probably need one.



let us.

"let's meet for a drink sometime"

(It’s a contraction — my grammar is correct)

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Ad hominem attacks are weak and lazy when there are such great things to legitimately criticize them about.

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