US safety agency says Boeing video of door-plug removal was overwritten to – 215 points –
LGBTQ teen Nex Benedict died by suicide, medical examiner says

NTSB also said investigators still do not know who worked on door plug before it blew out mid-flight

The head of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said on Wednesday that investigators still do not know who worked on a Boeing 737 Max 9 door plug involved in the 5 January Alaska Airlines midair emergency and that video footage was overwritten.

The NTSB’s chair, Jennifer Homendy, said in a letter to senators that investigators sought security camera footage when the door plug was opened and closed in September but were informed the material was overwritten. “The absence of those records will complicate the NTSB’s investigation moving forward,” she said.

The NTSB said previously that four key bolts were missing from the door plug that blew out on the plane.


Just arrest the boeing board already. They’ve shown that they won’t learn without force.

And risk getting assassinated? The chuckefucks we need to prosecute these people are terrified of them. Welcome to capitalism.

Pshh, I’m not scared of those lo

This poor guy was assassinated before they even finished typing their comment. Boeing you’ve gone too

Why is Boeing even hitting the submit button on these comm

What is even going on in this thread. People are dissappearing like they are talking about Candlejack or something. For fuck'sake, it's an airplane manufacturer not some ki

I'm pretty sure that would be a massive due process violation. Don't get me wrong, I'd happily violate the board, but cutting corners like that would torpedo the prosecution's case. A mistrial or an acquittal resulting from prosecution's fuck-up would probably be the worst outcome -- after all, that's the reason Cosby is a free man now.

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I’m sure whistleblowers would come forward… if they weren’t mysteriously killing themselves in the middle of depositions.

I'm sure the CCTV will turn up in a hotel car park soon enough.

"Oh no. The CCTV was destroyed by self inflicted injury"

‘Turns out one of our managers took the tapes home and recorded the game over them. Shame how that conveniently happened’

The solution is simple. We need to nationalize Boeing. Profit chasing and shareholders are what turned Boeing to what it is today.

As much as I would like to see a drastic solution for Boeing, America also has a very poor track of nationalization outcomes. Everything the government touches becomes bloated and inefficient. Best solution would be for Boeing board of directors and the C-level executives to be entirely replaced or just let Boeing die a slow death under litigations.

That's not true. And even if it was it's not necessarily a bad thing.

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Last I heard the video died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound the day it was needed as evidence in a trial.

The video was overwritten? In that case, I expect Boeing to offer a stock buyback.

Guys I have material evidence of Boeings misdeeds. Unfortunately I killed myself next week with two to the back of the head.

It kinda sounds like the NTSB is looking for a fall guy rather than tackling the systemic issues over at Boeing.