blue rules don't matter to – 1021 points –

I've seen this on vehicles with children in them. Do y'all think they might be pedo abduction wagons? A lot of them had excessive window tint and it could have been to hide the poor kids! I'll pray on this.

I'm 100% for intentionally spreading this misinformation.


Get these people away from your children. Call ACAB if you need to and shuttle them out, just get these groomers away from children!

Remember kids, cops are no one's friend.

The first 'A' in ACAB stands for ALL

Yes even that one cop you know. Yes, even your uncle.

There can be no 'good' cops while they look away from 'bad' cops

I saw this post pop up in my all feed and decided to look it up.

That really is just the thin blue line flag. No idea where this pedophile stuff came in and I can’t find a source. Can you provide one? I don’t want false info spread, even if I’m not a supporter of this original intent.

Maybe this community is about something I don’t understand?

This is a completely shitpost community

Thank you. It looked like maybe it was but there was nothing outright saying it in its description so as a casual scroller I wasn’t sure.

This is a meme shitpost community.

And this specific post is intentional misinformation/satire of cop bootlickers because fuck cops and fuck the people who fly this flag.

Thank you. I was casually scrolling and checked the community info, which didn’t outright say it was a shitpost community but sort of indicated it so I wasn’t sure.

I believe it's just trying to make fun of cops but not coming off as a sarcastic joke and instead misinformation about what's actually a signal for pedos.

I like the sentiment but I don't like this type of propaganda, no matter how despicable people that fly these flags are.

I don't agree with spreading misinformation even if the goal seem to justify the means.

Agree. There is no source and it's probably some stupid person trying to scare people.

FWIW I get angry when I see these flags but I also know some people who support this and they are simply misled. If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times, people can change. I used to have the opinion similar to Blue Lives Matters. My world view was bey limited and this was before social media. It's up to everyone else to listen to them and help better understand their perspective so we can help broaden their life experiences.

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The blue line flag used to be to honor the police force. It's being used now to support police's racist decisions. Fucking extreme republicans hijacked the blue line flag, then slapped it on the American flag. This was before they became MAGA republicans somehow hijacked the American flag. No hate on sane republicans, though. You're cool!

Republicans have always been racist, they were just a bit quieter.

Also ACAB. The role of police in society is subjugation of the poor (especially in a racist way too) and the maintainance of capitalism and hierarchy.

So is it a pedophile symbol or not? This is the first time I heard about it.

This is a shitpost.

Although, I wouldn't put it past bad cops to also be pedos.

It is what I said it is, @Potato_in_my_anus. Nothing to do with pedos.

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remeber: if u see a p*do wearing their trademark blue uniform, you have a moral duty to seize their service weapon

I hope this is mostly satire. IIRC it represents the police and support for the police. (ACAB)

in theory it does, but where i live it seems to imply racism and extremist seperationism but the people who arent bold enough for a confederate flag

Yeah it totally does, didn't mean to convey it doesn't but I don't think it conveys pedophilia. Still hoping this is satire.

fun fact, this is not an american flag, as it is not compliant with the united states flag code. here's a real american flag:

i don't get the hard-on conservatives have for flying decidedly unamerican flags, such as those of the only two enemies of the usa at war that posed a credible threat to the states (the csa and nazi germany). i'm starting to think they just have no clue about flags whatsoever, because much like this thin blue travesty, the so-called "confederate" flag isn't real either, it was only used by a very small and specific military unit within the confederacy. here's what a real confederate flag looks like, actually used by the entirety of the csa's military at one point:

Funny how this has become the “Just Say No” sticker of current times. Only found on the vehicles of drug dealers and boot lickers…