The UK Is Using a New Definition of “Extremism” to Repress Palestine Solidarity to World – 259 points –
The UK Is Using a New Definition of “Extremism” to Repress Palestine Solidarity

Suddenly, being against freedom of speech is okay if you're cracking down on speech you don't like. WTF is going on?

Hasn't that always been the case on the far right? Isn't that, like, almost part of the definition at this point?

Same thing that happened before a certain German dude with a mustache got elected 100 years ago...

This is something I've been shouting from the rooftops every time people online cheer on the idea of "cracking down" on hate speech. It eventually will be used against you because some dipshits will redefine what "hateful" means.

Hate speech isn't even mentioned in this article, and hate speech is a term with specific legal definitions (depending on your country). You're spreading misinformation against laws that protect minorities.

Bad actors using illegitimate bad faith definitions is not a valid reason to do nothing about a problem.

Politicians are also redefining climate protests as terrorism. That doesn't mean that we should ignore terrorism OR climate catastrophe.

Sooo nothing should be done about hate speech bc you might be incorrectly defined as a bigot? That's fucking ridiculous, how the hell can you support hateful fuckers being allowed to spew their bile? Surely it's not because you're a bigoted fucker who says a lot of hate speech right? That would be ridiculous

Checked your comments just to be sure I wasn't way off base and holy shit I wasn't xD defending hate speech against black people, defending trump being on the ballot, saying the government should never do anything about hateful ideologies. You're the scum of the earth, I hope your fascist ass gets put in a camp by the people you think are defending free speech

Is this a joke? In one of your recent comments you're using the word Zionist negatively. That would already be considered hate speech somewhere.

using the word Zionist negatively. That would already be considered hate speech somewhere.

Which is also bullshit. Zionism is a political ideology, not an ethnicity. In fact, failing to make that distinction is antisemitism, as is the "Israel = Jewish people in general" bullshit that genocide deniers also use to silence dissent.

"Some people incorrectly call me a bigot, therefore nothing should ever be done about bigotry ever." Grow the fuck up

I'm talking about the state, not whatever it is you choose to do in your personal capacity. I don't care what you call me. I care if the state labels me something that they can jail me for. This article is about the state labeling pro-Palestine solidarity as extremist. I can't speak for you, but I don't think that the state should have the right to quell that speech. If you do, then I think we have fundamentally different philosophies.

I'm 1000% against governments labeling criticism of Israel or support for Gaza hate speech too, but ffs the problem here isn't that the government should just allow all hate speech all the time. If you think a republican's right to say I'm a groomer and call for my execution/lynching is good or more important than my safety you can go fuck yourself (edited phrasing a bit)

Calling for violence against anyone should be illegal imo. But yes that includes things like telling people to punch nazis.

Otherwise if they actually do convince people you're a groomer they'll think it's ok to punch you too. "Group x is an exception" or "subject matter y isn't protected" is the problem, not disallowing certain rhethorics.

Hey look, it's a cishet white guy who thinks his opinion on hate speech is relevant!

Punching Nazis will always be necessary and based, no matter what a spineless centrist on the internet has to say about it

U got the white part correct, congrats.

And no, I just have principles. And well, the intelligence to realize that it's not the greatest wau forward. Would still press a magic button that instantly kills all nazis, but that doesn't exist.

If your principles are that nazis should be allowed to exist peacefully and spew their hate wherever they want, your principles are shit and you should get some new ones, like actually giving a shit about your minority friends who nazis are actively trying to kill

Way to miss the point entirely.

Oh well no point trying to talk to someone not even trying to think about things.

My point is that my safety is more important than your right to call me slurs and call for my death. Your point is shit and irrelevant because you think fascists need to be protected and supported rather than fought against. Have a shit day :)

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TIL the government is some people

hate speech is a different thing from the government's definition of extremist groups.

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What an anti-semitic law.

the promotion or advancement of an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance, that aims to: negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms of others

This describes Zionism, and anti-Zionism is anti-semitism in some jurisdictions.

It isn't a law. They haven't bothered to go through any of the necessary processes to make it a law, because that would require a consultation phrase, instead they've just announced this. It amounts to absolutely nothing and everyone can safely ignore it.

This is just the insane rumbling of a failed government. No one pays any attention to anything they do anymore because it's all so irrelevant.

We went from 0 to CCP in half a year. Good bye free speech we hardly believed in ye.

It's been a lot longer tha half a year my freind.

Yeah the banning of protests happen right after Brexit if I recall correctly

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Governments only tolerate the right to protest as long as you aren't actually protesting something they don't want to change.