Twitter account suspended for tracking Elon Musk’s jet joins Meta’s Threads to World – 378 points –
Twitter account suspended for tracking Elon Musk’s jet joins Meta’s Threads

He's not tracking Elon's jet. The activity of Elon's jet is already public information. All he's doing is republishing it on a widely used platform.

Try explaining that to Elon, "the world's smartest man"

The ridiculous thing about his claim of 'doxxing' and 'assassination coordinates' is yeah, it's all public on the FAA website, and anyone who was trying to stalk him or whatever would just look there. The tracking Twitter account was basically just niche celebrity news.

They've also been on Mastodon since Dec '22

Yes, not sure why the Guardian is reporting on this. I'm not even sure Threads is available in Britain.

Yeah, it mostly seems like a publicity piece for Threads. I think Threads is available in the UK though, but not the EU.

I think it is kinda newsworthy because Elon already threw his toys out of the pram when Threads launched and started eating what was left of Twitter's lunch. That this one guy just reposting the already public data about his jet's movements bothers him so much is delightful.

Threads is having problems with EU regulation, not the UK.

Yeah unfortunately being on Threads doesn't guarantee that the information would be public. I think this news is only relevant to the few who have joined Threads.

Now why would Elon Musk, self-proclaimed Free Speech Absolutist, have that account suspended?

Good question. Maybe the same reason why Elon "humour is now legal again" Musk can't take a little teasing?

The data is public, the feed just only prints out publicly available flight data - if Elon wants privacy, he should just charter a private jet used by other billionare dickheads, it's not exactly a hardship now is it

This is why competition in the online space is essential and we need strong regulation to kill the network effects that keep Twitter and reddit afloat.

A platform should not be able to unilaterally censor anyone.

What lol? They never owned the internet, more like the users loaned them their attention for years - till they really screw up which they’ve been doing as of late.

I have nothing against coming down on companies that try & do anti-competitive things & pulling an API via ridiculous pricing is one of those things I feel the FTC should have the power to intervene in but I know conservatives would scream government over reach. They already do with both smaller & bigger things.

Regardless kbin, mastodon & Fediverse are all strong responses to what’s been going on & sadly they all need to avoid inter connectivity w/ these behemoths to ensure they don’t try underhanded tactics to destroy it, ironically. Maybe when/if they get to be of similar sizes & the momentum is too great for them to destroy a competitor then connectivity btwn the 2 can be done but till then it’s not safe imho.

This is definitely the reason why Elon bought twitter.

The flap that Musk made about that led to one of the most ridiculously dumb phrases he has said yet: "assassination coordinates".

For platforms with an amount of users in many millions, we need regulations on who can be banned, and for what reasons you can't.

There is a difference between keeping tabs on someone & stalking/harassment.
I don't like the Elon jet tracker stuff, I'm more a fan of privacy.

It's not stalking though, if he wanted privacy he could fly on a normal commercial plane like everyone else.

This is literally publicly available information.

It's about as much of an invasion of privacy as posting the weather. It's publicly available information.

I don’t like it either, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the irony of people who make billions violating our privacy complaining about their privacy being violated with their own tools.

Not to mention a nice reminder that Elon's petty fiefdom has its limits.

do you think billionaires/ruling care about YOUR privacy? cause they don't. These people enact rules and regulations on us like cattle and then live differently as the world burns. A jet tracker is by far the least we can do to keep tabs on these people who would kill us for pennies (and have) and as mentioned it's all public info anyway, like it matters though.

You can track most flights on flightradar24. It's public information. When I see an interesting plane fly past I look it up on Flight Radar. It's usually on there unless it's a small crop dusting plane.

Elon isn't a private citizen. He's a public figure.

Rules are different. Elon puts himself in the spotlight repeatedly. He doesn't live a private life. Many of his billionaire cohorts do.

Even if you are a private citizen, it doesn't matter. Informations on everyone's private jets are public information, no matter how "public" of a citizen the owner of the jet is.

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