US will not take part in any Israeli retaliatory action against Iran to – 220 points –

President Joe Biden warned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the U.S. will not take part in a counter-offensive against Iran, an option that Netanyahu's war cabinet favors after a mass drone and missile attack on Israeli territory, according to officials.

The threat of open warfare erupting between the arch Middle East foes and dragging in the United States has put the region on edge, triggering calls for restraint from global powers and Arab nations to avoid further escalation.

The U.S. will continue to help Israel defend itself but does not want war, John Kirby, the White House's top national security spokesperson, told ABC's "This Week" program on Sunday.

Jordan's King Abdullah told Biden in a phone call on Sunday that any further escalation from Israel would widen the conflict in the region, Jordanian state media reported.


I sincerely hope that this time the "line that we refuse to cross with you" is an actual line and not just words because that makes this actually good news. A new open war in the Middle East isn't good for anything except keeping Netanyahu in power via a constant state of conflict and plowing even more money into the arms sector. That last bit is why I have to stop at hopeful, because we've seen bad wars for profit happen before.

because we’ve seen bad wars for profit happen before

All wars are driven by profit. Always has been, certainly for the last 150 years at least.

So....does that mean we will stop arming them?

"We're not going to help them commit their actions, just make sure they don't suffer any consequences from them"

As Israel uses the weapons we provide to them....this is a lie.

Given that Israel have said they won't retaliate again, maybe it's true.

Israel could still go back on their word, though, and that wouldn't be particularly surprising.

What about US weapons?

The U.S. will continue to help Israel defend itself but does not want war, John Kirby, the White House's top national security spokesperson, told ABC's "This Week" program on Sunday

I mean, will Israel use US weapons to take actions against Iran?

We can stipulate that they are for "defensive purposes only". Like we did for Saudi Arabia in Yemen.

And when they violate that agreement will we do anything about it? No, we won't, not with Israel. They're just meaningless platitudes with the Israelis.

(Saudi Arabia killed ~400k yemeni's with our "defensive weapons")

I never said the Saudis followed through with their end of that either. Just that the Israelis would not follow through with that and repercussions wouldn't happen if they didn't.

I believe that is they point they are also making.

Israel: America, we are allies, come help us!

America: dafuq you think we should you all those missiles for, jackass? It sure as hell wasn't to exterminate Gazans.

But guys Trump will destroy the middle east if we don’t arm Israel, how can you be so antisemitic? Remember Blue no matter who in November!

ETA: but ya know lets see what Genocide Joe does, maybe he’ll do one of his monthly student loan forgiveness plans that seem to affect no one to compensate for lying again

What are things I doubt anybody has said to you, for $600, Alex?

Fully agree with you. Much better to let Trump win, he's gonna put a stop to the genocide

^ That was sarcasm