How does an instance of Lemmy, especially a larger one like pay for costs involved with running a Lemmy instance in a sustainable way? to – 199 points –

Sustainably? They don’t (mostly). Most are either pet projects, paid for out of pocket by the instance owner or run off donations. Neither are particularly sustainable long term, with rare exceptions like

The SDF runs just about every federated service you can think of, and has done so since the 1980s, run almost entirely off donations. Started as a dialup BBS (still active).

Yeah, I enjoyed checking out the open collective link that was shared by another commenter.

I pretty much knew the answer to my question but mission accomplished in the sense of getting more info.

I suppose out of pet project versus donation, the latter is the less of two evils.

I think it's a good question to ask anyways just so more people see it and learn more how this all works. Myself included. Thank you.

If you check out the opencollective link in lemmy worlds sidebar, theres a budget breakdown there. And how much they gain in donations.

Or you could just to go the head admin's blog, where he does financial breakdowns of where the whole *.world thing is up to (they run multiple instances).

As of May, they've been making money from donations.

That’s awesome! Glad to see that my donations from canceling Reddit premium are making a difference. Hopefully the owners can eventually make an actual living off of this. Would be good for everyone involved

I donate to them because i believe in the cause. Its $1 per month, so not like its breaking the bank. But if every user donated the same, they would have more than enough to cover the bills

I used to pay a dollar a month to Apollo. I’m happy to donate it to a Lemmy instance.

Yep Steve Huffman literally said he didn’t want our dirty 3rd party app loving money so fuck them, let’s help build the feddiverse

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Could you share a link? I've been trying to find a way to donate

What's the difference between mastodon and lemmy

Mastodon is similar to Twitter, while Lemmy is similar to Reddit.

See the heart button up top in the web client.

That's to support the Lemmy software but I'm looking to donate to the instance

FYI the admins should have changed it then to whatever they want. It's supposed to be the default place for support links. You should let them know.

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Charge USD0.50 for every swear word posted or the reply won't appear.

This..... is actually a pretty fucking good idea.

Make it $.01 and you might actually have a good idea on your hands. Big enough to matter given the thousands of users, small enough for the average user not to care.

The hard part is running a secure and private payment system on top of this.

It would need to be on a credit system. $0.01 is going to get eaten up in processing. It would be extra funny to buy 100 fucks for a dollar though.

Bitcoin lightning network has entered the chat

Feels like sarcasm, but I can't tell.

Nope. I'm no expert, but lightning network fees get down to something like $0.0003 and transactions are instant, it would be great for this sort of thing.

Thanks for asking this. This is something I've been serious about for awhile. Turns out while it's expensive in the grand scheme of giant website it's not that expensive money wise. Though it is very time expensive.

IDK, I thought I saw they said it cost $300-400 a month to host, for a personal expense that's pretty significant for most folks (plus the time, though it seems to be a labor of love).

Oh that's for sure a big expense for most people myself included but if you go to the open collective link above the estimated budget for this year is only 16k ish. and thats to host one of if not the biggest instance right now. if every user donated a dollar the instance could run possibly for years.