Russia has forked Wikipedia, featuring "better truths" to World – 273 points –
Russia Clones Wikipedia, Censors It, Bans Original

From real Wikipedia:

Articles containing content contrary to the Russian government's official line have been removed. Removals of content considered "anti-Russian propaganda" include coverage of the Russo-Ukraine War, the Wagner rebellion, and criticism of Vladimir Putin.


Is Wikipedia but Russian! Is best Wikipedia!

Assuming it still allows community edits, some brave soul is probably going to go all [Citation needed] on it and probably end up in a gulag.

Blyatipedia page for “Gulag”:

Comrade, Gulag is wonderful place, many nice people and beautiful beaches. Food is amazing and lots of beautiful women. You get a new set of clothes and your very own room, which is very secure. You will have the best time!

2 more...

If you make an edit —-> GULAG

If you don't make an edit, gulag

Make edit, but make typo: shit that cancels out but still gulag for finding loophole in system. The system is flawless; it’s you who is wrong. Oh yea, did we mention gulag?

But Putin's stooges already did this. Apparently one dictator-oriented misinformation spewing Conservapedia wasn't enough. Gotta have two, I guess.

As awful as state controlled media is I look forward to reading the absurdities. The absolute distain communists have for jeans is absolutely hilarious, durable clothing made for sailors and miners is a sign of western opulence.

What does communism have to do with the Russian government? Russia abandoned communism 34 years ago.

The communists used state controlled media... Just like the Russians. Governments can only get away with saying crazy shit, like blue jeans are the devil, when there is no one to keep them in check.

Suspect this might be clickbait, they didn't ban the original wiki. I've asked a friend of mine from Russia to verify this and they were able to access the 'old' wiki, both English and Russian version just fine.

But Putin's stooges already did this. Apparently one dictator-oriented misinformation spewing Conservapedia wasn't enough. Gotta have two, I guess.

Not a big fan of carving up the internet like this.

This is my exact response every time someone suggests federating wikipedia. This is exactly what you will get.

The world needs to carve a Russian sized hole in the internet. it would be best for all of us.

I can’t believe everyone is missing the Star Trek:::

Wikipedia is best it the original Russian.