After calls for gun safety, Tennessee votes to arm teachers

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 177 points –

How long until a pissed, stressed teacher threatens or even shoots a kid?

More likely is that one of them will leave it in the bathroom after having removed it to take a shit. Happens a decent amount of times with school resource officers.

That sort of thing has already been happening for years with the so-called “safety” officers station in schools

Almost like police aren’t trustworthy with firearms.



Guns are bad. Cops are bad.

And you can't fight.

Who or what protects you from violence at that point?

Who or what protects you from violence at that point?

Legally, cops are under no obligation to protect you.

Since when do cops protect anyone besides the already powerful?

Right. There's no one in prison for violence against commoners.

That's some after the fact shit. After the commoners were already violated, because the cops won't or can't and definitely have no interest in protecting them.

How many are in prison for violence against the powerful?

Police can't follow everyone around 24/7. Are you saying there are no instances of police protecting commoners from violence?

Also, are you trying to argue that we shouldn't have police to imprison people "after the fact?" You think these people should just get to roam free?

Yeah, that's exactly what I said you fucking genius. Absolutely brilliant.

Why are you getting so mad?

I'm asking you questions. If it's not what you think or what happened, then say so.

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In my experience, it's my brother-in-law. His testimony was an important part of a case that put 22 people in jail for actually planning an actual mass murder. Actual bad people, actual plans, actual schedules, actual gear.

He's a cop, one of a few in my family (we're more a firemen/infantry family).

If thats okay with you, I'm going to disagree with your assessment of his character.

So he hasn't been forced out or realized what he's participating in yet. It's not that hard to figure out. If he sticks around it'll become more apparent.

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Or a good teacher who knows they're neither trained nor paid enough to warrant the responsibility will keep it locked up very tightly and in the panic forget the code / lose the key, and then they'll be the scapegoat after everything ends.

Cue some distraught parent with little else to avoid feeling any blame except some entitled Monday-morning quarterbacking.

Hell, I was trained in shooting automatic weapons for work. If I hear shooty pow-pow, I'm not going for the gun-safe but the windows.

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Or until an angry teenager just takes the gun away from his teacher and uses it instead of having to bring one from home.

Or the principal when the teacher's request for more supplies and fewer students per class is met with some dismissive and insulting excuse. No one will care then, either.

The price of America's Freedom to Murder is exactly what you think: dead people.

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Will they give guns to all the teachers, good and bad alike? Then I guess we will find out if the good teachers with guns can stop the bad teachers with guns.

The law is not issuing guns to teachers, it's allowing teachers to concealed carry in a school if they pass some tests and get approval from a few relevant people. The data says it's ineffective at having the intended effect (stopping school shootings) but apparently already 2/3 of states have a similar policy. Anyway, if you want to learn how to stop school shootings I suggest you read Angry White Men by Michael Kimmel.

The law is not issuing guns to teachers, it's allowing teachers to concealed carry in a school if they pass some tests and get approval from a few relevant people

So in other words, the gun laws teachers are subject to may actually be effective for stopping dangerous and negligent people from owning a firearm but we can't apply similar policies to the public because it would inconvenience reactionaries and weapon manufacturers.

This law has nothing to do with owning a firearm. It is only about who can concealed carry and where. The law in this area is highly variable, changing even from city to city.

I didn't claim it had anything to do with owning a firearm. You either misunderstood my comment or are deliberately trying to pretend I don't understand the law.

So in other words, the gun laws teachers are subject to may actually be effective for stopping dangerous and negligent people from owning a firearm

Right there.

The law doesn't say anything about whether teachers can own guns or not, just how they will be permitted to concealed carry them in school.

"The teachers are getting additional vetting (to carry within a school) that could be effective and appropriate for all gun owners, but they get a pass"

Well okay, that's a perfectly valid opinion but it's not the one you originally stated, even if you didn't mean to. They're both valid opinions actually, it's just that the distinction between the two is important because we're dealing with the law, where details matter.

Speaking of which, I must re-emphasize, "they get a pass" really depends on the state and city, but even in the most permissive jurisdictions there's still limits on who can carry or concealed carry and where.

we are going to give more under-trained humans human killing devices where juvenile humans exist en masse? awesome. im sure that will go super swell.

the mere existence of a human killing device in your proximity increases your chances of being affected by a human killing device. why are we putting children in more danger?

Also glossed over every time this stupid fucking "more guns" idea is proposed: Are we going to make carrying a gun mandatory for teachers? What's the actual number of teachers who want to be armed while teaching?

The only reason this shit gets support is because it's profitable to the gun lobby. One day the kids that the pro-gun community threw under the bus will run the country and they're going to have no compassion whatsoever for the people who armed their classmates, teachers and random psychopaths who wanted their suicide to be on the news.

Tennessee has been working overtime to lose my respect in the last year. Everything they've done has been terrible.

I used to live in Tennessee. I'm not disparaging Tennesseans. I'm disparaging the people you elected. I know you probably didn't have much say in the matter (gerrymandering).

Tennessee is an idiot fest. Next we will have reports of teachers gunning down kids that piss them off.

Make them wear helmets and camo too lol! Stay frosty, teachers

Also no, you can’t borrow a dollar with your McDonald’s-salary-havin-ass. Find some bootstraps to do something with.

Why would a teacher who makes shit money want to take one the liability and responsibility of carrying a gun around school? It's either gonna be crazy teachers who volunteer for the job, or it'll be like the resource officers during school shootings who run away at the first sign of trouble

I've seen enough teachers snap at kids to know this is a terrible idea.

And teachers will have to purchase their own forearm and firearm training. Though knowing Tennessee, they wouldn't require any training whatsoever anyways because that state is full of braindead morons.

In the late 80s, I lived in Bohemia, NY, in some shitty town on Long Island. I was the only asian student in the town. A teacher named Mrs. Thompson hit me multiple times while calling me racial slurs and while the vice principal watched.

Let's not really solve one problem with a whole new set of problems.

Ytubers joked about this, sadly it seems reality doesn't realize it supposed to parody...

May I presume Firearms will be a new line item in this public school system's already inadequate budget?

You'll note that these are the same people lawmakers accuse of allowing "marxist and critical race theory" in schools. But if you wanna arm the enemy, who am I to disagree?