MSNBC Guest Says He Spotted Trump ‘Editing’ Speeches Allies Made Outside the Courtroom to politics – 339 points –
MSNBC Guest Says He Spotted Trump ‘Editing’ Speeches Allies Made Outside the Courtroom

Some context:

Former Trump White House Communications Director Michael Dubke suggested on CNN Tuesday that Trump had mobilized his allies and proxies to the courthouse in an effort to “get around the gag order” imposed on him by Judge Merchan.

Yep. He's trying to violate the gag order indirectly. Unfortunately for him, the gag order specifically includes attempting to have surrogates violate the order on his behalf.

I suspect there's another gag order hearing incoming.


That's a witness to criminal contempt of court. The prosecution should get this guy to swear to his hat he saw under oath so Trump can spend some time in prison for his games.

Edit: I'm not fixing that typo, let him swear to his hat.

Edit: I’m not fixing that typo, let him swear to his hat.


I am totally blanking on what he actually meant there.

Swear to his...god? Heart? I feel like I'm missing something really stupidly more obvious.

He accidentally hit the suggested word "his" while trying to type the word "what," would be my guess.

The sentence should read: ...swear to what he saw....

I figured it was just some turn of phrase I had never heard before.

Honestly having Trump swear on one of his stupid red hats with MAGA would probably be the equivalent to his version of swearing on the Bible. After all, his word is gospel to his mouth breathing cult.

"..swear to what he saw under oath.." I think

Edit: I'm not fixing that typo, let him swear to his hat.

Upbean for standing on principle 👍

They clearly don't want to send trump to prison, even though he most definitely deserves to rot in there, because of his rabid dumbass cult followers. So why not send anyone who helps him violate the gag orders to prison instead?

That's a start. Donald loves throwing his cronies under the bus so he'll be fine with it also.

Americans swear to hats in court? That explains a lot.

It was so clear that these stooges were only there to violate trump's gag order on his behalf. Of course he edited their speeches. Imagine how embarrassing it must be to have a senile dullard who can't string a sentence together correcting you when you already lie for a living.

Imagine how embarrassing it must be to have a senile dullard who can't string a sentence together correcting you when you already lie for a living.

That's mighty fine prose, dude.

I'm borrowing.

I’m borrowing.

You can keep it! I don't need it back.

"It's not an 11th violation of the gag order! It's the first time he violated the gag order in this way. That automatically restarts the count!" -- Trump's lawyers, probably.

80/20 odds says this judge goes with it so he doesn't actually have to punish Trump.

Just like QI. Was never warned about this specific type of violation, so this scolding won't even cost $1,000 for Donald.

If you just rtfa you would see that he's also barred from directing a third party to say something.

But, nah, reading and educating yourself takes precious time away from being outraged. Hell, sometimes it makes it even harder to find a reason to be outraged.

funny how you sound outraged but, like, sullen about it, like you're on the side of the losers or something, also you didn't say anything about what he said which is teh lulz. you just came in outraged about the outrage, and played yourself!

Which is funny cuz the first post seems more sad than angry, which was also in your post, yet you focused on the other thing. Weird!

I responded literally directly to what was said by pointing out that article notes that the gag order includes a ban on him directing other people to speak for him.

And I didn't actually address it? How does one even reason themselves into such a ridiculously mindless position?

This place is just getting worse and worse. You're right, but lemmy == reddit with the unthinking downvotes.

if downvotes on reddit are the reason you're here, you're not here for the right reason

if you think the behaviour of the users on reddit was the problem, you don't get why the rest of us are here

2 more...

Honestly, I'm kind of impressed that trump could read at a high enough level to edit quotes. That's gotta be like 5th or 6th grade level at least, which is well beyond where I thought his reading skills were at.