America's largest LGBTQ rights group plans $15 million swing state blitz to re-elect Biden to politics – 275 points –
America's largest LGBTQ rights group plans $15 million swing state blitz to re-elect Biden

And after crunching the numbers, the organization sees warning signs in the form of soft support for Biden in the 2024 electorate.

HRC estimates that this year there will be 75 million “equality voters” — who vote based on support for LGBTQ rights — up from 62 million in 2020 and 52 million in 2016. But the group says one-third of them aren’t a lock for Biden. In the six key swing states, hundreds of thousands are “at risk of not voting,” and another group of hundreds of thousands of voters are what HRC refers to as “double doubters” who will likely defect to a third party, according to data HRC shared with NBC News.


This is what I'm voting for Biden on. The fascists and the neoliberals take the same orders on the economy destroying our shared COMMUNal habitat for short term private profit. We're only permitted a vote on how to address the social symptoms of our growth/metastasis addicted capitalist economy we aren't and never will be permitted a vote on.

All we get to vote on as we sink into oblivion are the handling of social issue symptoms. I'm voting Biden because we don't need to ALSO use the country's Presidential bully pulpit to scapegoat LGBTQ, immigrants, pregnant women, etc for it as we sink into oblivion.

That's the only power we have, so why not be kind with it? Here at the end? Just be kind?

Agreed. Social and climate legislation are the most clear differences in the candidates.

If you don't like Biden and he wins, you'll have a chance to vote for someone else in 2028.

If Trump wins, that 2028 election is not assured.

Also, yknow, the next 4 years will be a hell of a lot worse for a lot of people.

*republicans all powerful and get everything they want. Democrats held back by republicans blocking everything they do.

This isn't the best argument for supporting your party

So tell what great viable far Left candidate is waiting hidden in the wings?

Please, I'm dying to know the great alternative you've got lined up.

If Democrats did their job and held their politicians accountable an alternative wouldn't be necessary. They are supporting their own oppressors and striking back at anyone trying to hold them accountable.

So tell what great viable far Left candidate is waiting hidden in the wings?

Please, I’m dying to know the great alternative you’ve got lined up.

So much complaining, so little solution.

My solution is to no longer support either right wing party. Can't claim to support progressive ideas while supporting the status quo that keeps everything the same.

Hmmm... It's almost as if you don't understand how elections work.

Also, you should look up the history of progressives becuase this situation has come up in the past.

There were plenty of women and former slaves who worked for politicians even when they themselves couldn't vote. Those politicians couldn't promise to get them the vote, either.

But I guess you're more moral than those people long ago.

I understand how elections work, I also understand that voters have zero impact on policy or legislation. Thats a privilege reserved for the monied class.

It's more like

Republicans are willing to bend the rules and cheat to get what they want

Democrats are cucks to the system that they think is perfect

Honestly, fuck both of them. There are no good candidates this election.

The thing is republicans dont have to cheat, the blue wing of fascism gives them everything they want. In rhetoric they are Pelosi ripping up her copy of Trumps SOTU, In action that very same day she gave him his requested military budget and threw in a few billion extra for good measure.

The best thing they could do is convince Biden to shut up about Israel unless it's to say, "We are stopping all military aid except air defense missiles to intercept rockets and we will not stand in the ICC's way."

We are stopping all military aid

Considering that this most definitely means the end of Israel, you might just as well not bother with the air defence stuff, either.

Sounds like a good plan. Ship it

Sounds like a good plan.

It was a good plan ten years ago, too. At least these days I don't get immediately banned for suggesting it.

Seeing as Trump raised 50% more than Biden in April, Biden needs all the help he can get.

I mean - all power to them.

But Biden and the (so-called) "Democratic" party do not deserve any of this support.

What makes you think the dems "deserving" the votes has absolutely anything to do with this? LGBQT+ people be trying to exist and you're asking them if Biden "deserves" their vote?

What makes you think the dems “deserving” the votes has absolutely anything to do with this?

You really think the Dems are going to accept this support and think, "Gee, we should really do something to protect LGBQT+ folk, like... maybe not reaching across the aisle to the people that will gladly perpetrate mass-murder on them" huh?

If you do, I have a bridge to sell you.

You're literally called "Human Rights Campaign" and you're campaigning for someone who is supporting a genocide this minute with weapons. Shameless.

Those LGBTQ people are, people. Human beings. Humans.

What a terf post.

What the hell does Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminism have to do with protesting a Genocide?

Genocide denialist or genocide approver?

The choice is:

  • Support candidate that is tacitly okay with genocide
  • Support candidate that is enthusiastic about genocide and stripping away LGBTQ rights
  • Say nothing and let the second candidate operate unimpeded by your opposition in key states

I mean... come on, let's be reasonable.

That is not how it works.

It is: "Who wants to get the vote must uphold human rights." The fact that Biden rather wants Trump to win, than to do that should tell you everything about how his second term and the DNC will be after him. Once they think it will gain them some votes from the Republicans, they will start to crack down on LGBT too.

This only makes sense if the people who think like you reach a critical mass, which they have not and very likely never will.

And that is because of people like in this article paying a lot of money and working their lobbies very hard, to not have it happen. You are being propagandized with the same "us vs. them" bullshit, that the Reps pulled in 2016 to get Trump elected. 2024 Dem supporters sound scarily similar to 2016 Reps.

If he's okay with genocide over there then he's okay with it here. I get that HRC is trying to do damage control but this is evidence that Democrats will turn on marginalized groups the very second they think it benefits them.

If he's okay with genocide over there then he's okay with it here

That is a gigantic jump but go off

It has to do with how someone values human life. They may not find a genocide here convenient or may not have the correct people in place, but they're okay with doing one if they thought they needed to.

I feel like I keep hearing the future is stake because we can not let Trump be president, like he literally was our president for four years. This time is different because reasons? And never in any of this is dumping Biden considered sane, because why? So a en egoist wants to run despite being wild unpopular, literally stans for war crimes against a President who said (and he delivered) that we would not get into another war, “ Cmon man” as you Biden jokes say

It's because of those 4 years that we can't let it happen again.... He showed us exactly what he would like to do. But now he's had a practice round and can make "better" plans for next time.

Let's be real here. The man constantly talks about violating the term limits and he tried to take power by violence. Those are pretty big deal breakers.

How arrogant would voters have to be to vote in favor their rights while Biden is helping murder and violating human rights of brown people around the world?

Campaigning on women's rights while denying women's rights to life around the world.

I don't like it, but in reality I have 2 choices.

  1. Someone who is supporting awful things around the world, but will (at least temporarily) protect myself and my community. or
  2. Someone who will continue supporting awful things around the world, and will without a doubt persecute and hunt me and my community.

It's a shit choice. But its an easy choice. One candidate is a very real threat to not just myself, but my friends, family, and community. The other is not.

I'd love our magic 3rd option to show up and be viable, but they won't. We all know this.

It's absolutely bonkers to me that people think not voting for Biden will somehow help Palestinians.

Well, By telling Biden "it is okay, you will be voted no matter what" you encourage him to be his worst. The goal is to threaten and punish Biden if he does not uphold checks notes basic human rights, international rule of law and not being complicit in the worst crimes of humanity.

The DNC laughes about you and they are happy to fuck you over once elected again. And with you i mean everyone who is not super rich, or white upper class liberal. Believing the DNC would stick it out for LGBT rights is laughable given how happy they are to murder other minorities.

Well, By telling Biden “it is okay, you will be voted no matter what” you encourage him to be his worst.

I don't disagree with this. The point is that Trump being elected will be much worse for non-whites and LGBT than Biden.

Going into speculation, I don't think not voting for Biden will make dems shift further left. I see so many comments talking about how Biden's stance on Palestine might lose him the election but absolutely no evidence that shifting his stance would help him win. Leftists are a small minority and I see no evidence that Biden has anything to gain from appeasing the left. My guess would be that shifting left could lose dems the support of many "moderates" or whatever the fuck they call themselves.

If you want people to agree with you then you need to convince them that sharing your point of view benefits them. I see absolutely no evidence that not voting for Biden will benefit anybody on the left, but I see plenty of evidence it will harm the left. Going on about how voting for Biden is bad is just straight up fucking obnoxious when you fail to follow it up with any logical alternative. "Sending Biden a message" is not a good argument when you fail to prove that he has anything to gain by listening.

I see no evidence that Biden has anything to gain from appeasing the left.

I would argue that failing to realize how large of a voting bloc the left is was a large part of what got us Trump in the first place. Moderates weren't enough to push Hillary through in 2016, and Dems made sure to send a strong "we don't need or care about you" message to the left.

If you want people to agree with you then you need to convince them that sharing your point of view benefits them.

I fully agree with this, but here is the thing. The Dems aren't arguing that their point of view benefits the Left. They are arguing Republicans will be worse. Which is true, but saying I have to pay you $20 so your asshole friend doesn't beat me up and take my wallet isn't a benefit to me. It's extortion.

I will be voting for Biden, being extorted is a less terrible option in the short run after all. But I won't be surprised if the Dems "We are less awful" strategy doesn't woo enough voters. And the Dems will have only themselves to blame. Because just like you said, if you want people to agree with you, you have to show them the benefit.

Democrats havent done a damn thing to protect our community, endless lip service about rights and protections while doing nothing causes more harm

So the people doing nothing are causing more harm than the people actively hunting and persecuting me?

I’d disagree. That’s like saying my neighbors who didn’t put out the fire in my house are just as bad as my other neighbor who started the fire in the first place.

We have two choices.

Democrats haven’t done a damn thing…

Except in your bad up scenario, neighbor 1 provided the matches to neighbor 2.

YOU have 2 choices, neither of them is on list list. Theres a larger chance of you voting republican than me voting for either

Dems did not supply the matches lol. Republicans showed up with a flame thrower.

But whatever. There will be no winning you over, even with facts provided. Later boo

Yeah, I'm sure Trump will be your man and the defender of the rights of brown people and