Republican bill aims to give Americans in Israeli military same benefits as US soldiers

Linkerbaan@lemmy.worldbanned from community to World – 188 points –
Republican bill aims to give Americans in Israeli military same benefits as US soldiers

Two Republican congressmen have introduced legislation that would provide the same employment and economic protections to Americans serving in the Israeli military as US citizens who get deployed to serve in the US military.

The bill, if passed, would amend US law and extend certain protections to include American citizens who serve in the Israeli military.

Those protections include being safe against foreclosure and the repossession of rental property, and would also reduce the interest rates of any loans taken out before their service. It would also protect those Americans from default judgements in legal cases, and grant them job rights and the employment benefits that US veterans receive.


American here: Shit, I'd like to see our own veterans get the care and benefits they're supposed to be entitled to.

Some vets have been getting screwed over for literal decades after being forced to kill, suffer injury, psychological damage, lose good friends, and regularly risk death all supposedly for our country.

Veteran here. Yep. I am pretty alright I guess, but I don't have the time or energy to fight for all the shit I should have gotten. Fuck that. It breaks my shriveled little heart to watch people I served with having to fight tooth and nail to get a new fucking prosthetic because theirs broke and being held together by duct tape, only to have their new one break walking through the damn parking lot on the way out of the VA.

Sorry that happened to you and your friends, that shit isn't right.

Appreciate it. You're right, it's not right. The most fucked up part is the prosthetic is for his leg that he lost IN THE FUCKING WAR.

Let Israel pay for their own veterans.

If it is the same bill I saw earlier it is like a national guard benefit of credit freeze and dept freeze. Also you can come back to the same job and same pay you left with.

And? The US didn't ask them to go serve in the IDF. They can deal with the consequences.

Launch these fucking cunts into the sun.

easy there, we have enough climate problems without the sun going supernova on us.

Fortunately our sun isn't big enough to go supernova. It'd just go nova. But also, the iron in a few thousand people's blood probably isn't enough to get down to the center of the sun within the timescale humans are likely to exist on.

European here.

...Why are there Americans soldiers in the Israeli military?

They aren't American Soldiers. They're Americans who volunteered to go to Israel and serve. I guess some of them might be veterans of the US military though? Israel requires service of dual citizens if they want to remain citizens so that's a big thing about it too.

Anyways this is just insane. There's no way it makes it past the Senate.

Thanks for the reply.

Only makes it weirder really.

American here.

No fucking clue. I'm as surprised as you are. Seriously wtf?

Just Americans, not American Soldiers. If we're sheep dipping anywhere right now it's Ukraine.

Childkiller benefits bill. What a fucking stupid fake country this is.

This is how you get those lobby dollars, from a community that spends a lot of lobby dollars

If they're getting the benefits of American soldiers, they should have the obligations of American soldiers too, with the same loyalties

so basically not so much hahah sure give it to them. The US doesn't take care of it's veterans anyway

I thought serving in another nation's military was pretty much the one thing you couldn't do as a dual citizen.

Actually there are tons of exchange and cross training events with militaries from other countries. Pick any member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and look up their awards on Wikipedia. You’ll find that they carry medals and ribbons from all over the world as their careers developed.

Crazy. Having had some experience with US immigration, and knowing the kind of questions they ask, it's wild to me that you could be serving in a foreign military and qualify for US citizenship.

If you are a US citizen and you are in the US military doing their bidding with/in a foreign army it is fine. If you are applying for citizenship that is different, because you should see yourself as a worthless beggar who only might receive the grace of the US to let you in.

"Leftists" complaining about Biden, where are you? I don't see you being very vocal against republicans

I literally posted this article

And yet you commented on it in a very neutral tone, without expressing any concern. To me it looks like you agree with it.

How any sane person would think that someone would post this in support of the republican party? Is anyone in the USA actually cheering this?

Yes I am posting articles about Republicans making insane statements about israel on Lemmy because that's certainly going to get everyone to vote for them.

If you need it to be happy: Fuck the Republicans and fuck the Dems for trying to be as similar to them as they can get away with. But if you believe giving them the blanket check by declaring you will vote for them no matter what, you are just encouraging Biden and the DNC to become just like the Reps. And that is why they declared to send more weapons and not stop sending weapons no matter what.