Sri Lanka ends visas for hundreds of thousands of Russians staying there to avoid war to World – 147 points –
Sri Lanka ends visas for hundreds of thousands of Russians avoiding war

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The fucking orcs were setting up whites only bars. Good for Sri Lanka for kicking them out.

They didn't kick out that minority who ran racist businesses, they kicked out all the 288k people who reneged on their "duty" to go kill ukrainians and die for putin's aspirations.

The fact that unregistered illegal Russian businesses had become an actual problem there indicates that Sri Lanka - a very poor nation that almost went bankrupt last year - is not equipped to deal with an influx of that size.

If you want someone to take on 288 thousand refugees I agree with you, but it shouldn't be Sri Lanka.

Tourism minister Harin Fernando told Daily Mirror that the ministry has been receiving complaints of some Russian tourists running unregistered and illegal businesses in the southern part of the country.

That's a wrong amount. Real figure is unknown, though surely much lower. Check the article.

Maybe instead of living the peaceful life for a few years until the war ends, they’ll have to go hold their own country accountable.

Easy words to type, difficult to live. Try considering the entirety of someone's situation before prescribing their actions.

It would be ideal, but this is not something that can be solved with votes and protests. If I were in their shoes, I certainly wouldn't be the brave one who would give his life to rebel against tyranny.
It's not their responsibility either, they just had the bad luck to be born there.

The fucking orcs

were setting up whites only bars

This is so confusing, are we for or against racism?

Importantly we do not judge all by the actions of few.

It's not "few" orcs that have crossed the border to Ukraine. It's not "few" orcs celebrating the ethnic cleansing of Ukraine. It's the collaborative efforts of a nation

Should i blame you because your government openly support genocide in gaza? I could but we both know that the government and people in power are the ones to blame, most people are feed up on the propaganda these criminals spread to gain wealth and power.

I assume you take me as American? I do think it's fair to call out how dumb they're voting, as it's fair to do with Finland too

That entirely depends on whether OP you’re replying to cheers for the destruction of Gaza and their government being complicit in it.

I've had this talk so many times, it's a simple lesson but it needs repeating.

It may be a conversation worth having in a 1 to 1, but internet denizens crave hate and hate as much as they can when they can.

Usually I get downvoted for "let's come together" comments that say things like all Israelis and Russians shouldn't die in a fire, because they are not all bad, when people are calling for culling them. The internet is weird.

A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. - Agent Kay

It's Russian people who allow Putin to commit his shit

It's Israelis who allow their government commit the shit

It's the Mongols who allowed Ghengis Khan to commit his shit.

Uh oh, now you should be worried considering his lineage is in most of us. Those damn Mongol ancestors of yours. Why were your ancestors so complicit in the rape and pillage of continents? I think that makes you complicit, too, by your logic.

Pitchforks at the ready everyone.

Ghengs Khan wasn't democratically elected.

That's my point. Neither is Putin. Netanyahu's approval ratings are rock bottom.

Yet they voted him in multiple times over decades full well knowing who he is.

And how much of his approval rating is only low because he didn't have enough people on the Gaza border to stop the attack? They don't care about what happens to Palestinians, the majority support it, they care that they were allowed to be attacked instead of being the attackers like usual.

And the majority of Palestinians in Gaza weren't even BORN the last time Hamas allowed elections, let alone old enough to vote!

99% of the times atrocities are committed by the powerful few, it's against the will of the powerless many. Not least because the latter are also the ones who bear the brunt of the suffering.

But yeah, bigots gonna take any chance at more socially acceptable bigotry, I guess 😮‍💨

Find me one person who got their trip to the "Homeland" who isn't cheering for Gazan genocide? Obviously anecdotes, but numerous people I went to high school with have been posting horrendous shit since all this kicked off

Obviously anecdotes

That's the understatement of the cenozoic era.

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Seriously? “Thanks for letting us escape to your country, now stay the fuck out of our bar.” Major dick move.

The fucking orcs were setting up whites only bars. Good for Sri Lanka for kicking them out.

This comment sound as much racist as the people you are referring to, i hope you realize that you are just like them

It sounds like the "orcs" this person was referring broke the tolerance contract first, by setting up white only bars. I see no problem here at all. Bigots aren't deserving of any sort of civility.

So if a gang of African American people broke into my house and called me a cracker, does that grant me the right to call them by a derogatory name?

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