‘Everything is a scam!’ Trump ridiculed after pics of Black church event show white crowd

Stopthatgirl7@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 646 points –
‘Everything is a scam!’ Trump ridiculed after pics of Black church event show white crowd

Donald Trump was ridiculed Saturday after attending what his campaign called a Black roundtable at a Detroit church — with photos showing a largely white audience.

Trump’s campaign reached out to the 180 Church to set up the event at which attendees asked a handful of questions before bursting into a rendition of Happy Birthday.

The evangelical church is in the heart of Detroit’s west side and has a mainly Black congregation.

But photos caught by the media, and shared widely online, showed a lot of white people in the audience.


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I thought it was disrespectful to wear your hat in church. Huh.

It's historically disrespectful for (men) to wear a hat indoors in quite a few buildings. That guy there looks like he'd be old enough to know better.

And iirc the historical reason it's not disrespectful for women to keep their hat on is that hats were much more integrated into women's hairdos. So, it'd be a whole production of removing hat pins, re-arranging curls, etc.

That's an interesting theory but there are many churches where women are supposed to put on a hat especially for church.

Probably it has more to do with this rather ridiculous passage from Corinthians:

Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head.

5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. 6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.

7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. Source 1 Corinthians 11: 2-16


Wait so is this saying hair counts as a hat?

No. If you have hair, it needs to be covered. If you don't cover it, then you ought to shave it. But women shouldn't shave their heads. So they should wear hats. But if you don't have hair, you shouldn't wear a hat.

That might be part of it and seems practical. I think another was that men taking off a helmet/lifting a visor was a thing - similar to (possible?) origins of the handshake - military men signifying they mean no harm.

Norms change over time - used to be, until JFK, there was even more rituals conformed to around men and hats until he came along. JFK was apparently blamed for men mostly abandoning the hat, but apparently that was building before he came along...in today's world, I don't know that it makes a whole lot of sense for something decorative like a hat to have all these rules only apply to one gender...might have been a time when someone got the vapors over a guy not removing his hat when he entered a library, church, etc...but I suppose that sort of thing is fading nearly daily. People don't always wear a suit and tie everywhere, either...

While it doesn't really exude "classy" vibes to have some guy sitting in a church wearing a hat, or, even worse, a hat with a slogan most Americans associate with a hate group, but if violating fading fashion norms was all these people were doing, I doubt too many would care.

Yeah hats went way down long before JFK like pre WWII

"that guy"? The are dozens of them... This isn't a church service, it's clearly a cult service.

That cropping. Seriously I thought there was a hair on my phone.

Oh definitely - even in that pic above there are several, but I was talking about the guy in the red shirt near the front in the pic above.

It’s never been about Christianity. It’s really a new religion - the only parts of the Bible they know are the anti-queer parts.

As a Christian, it disgusts me how these people are pretending

The guy wouldn't even take his RED HAT in the church.

Looks like there were several men in there wearing hats. The hat "rules" don't apply to women, but I see a few women wearing that hat, too.

I saw someone wearing a Maga hat at their kids highschool graduation this past week. I just can't fathom how someone is so cringe that they can't put politics aside to be happy for their kid.