Biden's Middle East Policy Is Horrific. Trump's Would Be Even Worse to politics – 334 points –
Biden's Middle East Policy Is Horrific. Trump's Would Be Even Worse | Common Dreams

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Oh no! The fascists and capitalists that run society have given us the two worst choices to vote for! You better pick one of them to keep the system happy, and don't consider voting for a third party...OR ELSE!

Defeat genocidejoe. Vote pirate. Or West.

ROFLā€¦ I was young and idealistic once as well. The difference is, I was afforded the time to be ignorant.

You arenā€™t.

Pay attention. A lot is at stake here.

Keep voting for the "lesser evil"! I'm sure your descendants will think you were super intelligent and well informed!

ā€¦. Said the genius that thinks NOT doing something will bring change.

Listen up,

Someone is going to get elected whether you like it or not. By now you should probably know what Trump will do to the LGBTQ+, to women, to anyone that stands against the Christian ideology. Which pretty much includes everyone you know I would imagine.

So go ahead and admit right now that you either donā€™t give a fuck at all about anyone that will be hurt if drum wins,

Or admit youā€™re here in bad faith and go away.

Actually believing in change for the better must include acting on that belief. I can't say I want something better and then vote for genocidal garbage that we have now. So which of has is here in bad faith?

Youā€™re getting genocidal garbage but doing nothing. And by now, itā€™s safe to say you know that. So aside from plainly admitting that youā€™re here to get Trump elected, how exactly are you going to reconcile knowing that

ā€¢ Trump will be FAR worse to Palestine.

(Knowing this and still not voting to stop him from taking over America essentially is admitting you donā€™t give a shit about Palestine)

ā€¢ Trump will scrap climate laws.

(Allowing him to get elected without even trying to stop it invalidates any argument you have in defense of protecting our environment)

ā€¢ Trump will call for the executions of dozens of people on death row despite their legal freedom to challenge.

(How do you not give a shit about this?)

ā€¢ Trump will revoke protections to trans rights

And lastly, pay attention. To this one:

Trump not only will help Israel win, he tore into Biden and got PISSED because he withheld weapons to them

Do you honestly think that sitting on your hands in November is going to stop any of this? Of course you donā€™t. This late in the gameā€¦.

You know EXACTLY what youā€™re doing. And so does everyone else.

This is why brainlet teens shouldn't be allowed to vote

Well for better or worse they also tend to not vote. Which is why the parties ignore them anyway.

Difference is, in this case, they're not voting on purpose! šŸ¤£

Same energy as high school students staging a "school walkout" to that thing was, who cares, no school woo!

50 years of lesser evil has made genocide acceptable

You haven't seen a history book before, have you??

Genocide has been accepted since before even the old testament when God himself decided to do it a few times. There is even specific passages about killing civilians including babies.

Not when Trump is the alternative.

There will always be a Boogeyman to fear, Trump is the current one. That's how the oligarchy stays in power

And your solution to neoliberalism is to put a Nazi in the Oval Office?

Blue fascist, red Nazi, doesn't matter. The quality of our lives does not improve.

Holy privilege Batman. Are trans people not included in your definition of "our lives"?

Did you just openly admit that you only care about straight white men?

Incredibly naive of you to assume I'm straight. The hollow platitudes coming from Democrats don't protect trans either. And quit using marginalized people as human shields to defend shitty politics while insisting they vote for the people keeping them marginalized.

Trans here. You're lying to me when you say I have nothing to lose from a Trump presidency, and you're either lying to yourself or lying about being queer.

What protections have Democrats extended for you? They talk about using the bathroom of choice but don't do shit that you have to live on the streets to do it, or have access to physical or mental health care that you may need, and basic cost of living is out of control. While Republicans have passed over 300 bills against the lgbtq+ community, Democrats have done shit at the federal level to counteract those laws. As someone that came out during Ronald Reagan's presidency, I've seen Democrats do nothing but shit on us while claiming to be an ally.

Then you're advocating for more power for people who want to end your existence. Nice play, genius.

This comment shows extreme historical ignorance

A historical evidence of democrats offering up a Boogeyman so they can hang onto power

Yeah you're in no way full of bullshit

When was the last time you voted for a candidate and not against one?

Irrelevant, but Obama, twice. So most of the times I have voted. Any other irrelevant ways you wanna be wrong?

Trump is the inevitable if you keep voting in genocidal trash like Biden that depresses voter turnout.

Accelerationists are far worse than MAGA. Because MAGA can claim ignorance.

You are threatening to purposely fuck up America unless your demands are heeded.

Itā€™s fucking extortion.

Lets assume it is extortion.

Wouldnt it be irresponsible to not give them what the want with the stakes so high?

Never negotiate with anyone willing to sacrifice the freedoms and rights of others to get what they want.

America is already fucked up. The people who don't believe so are deluded or benefiting from the situation.

So youā€™re an admitted troll here to disrupt an electionā€¦ got it.

Thatā€™s all I needed.

I've made no such admission. You just don't like the truth.

And what is the truth exactly? That you wonā€™t cop to the fact that while you claim to care about genocide, you are entirely unwilling to stop it from getting exponentially worse?

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If you think they are the same you are the most privileged of people.

So stupid. We have to change the voting system before a ā€œthird partyā€ will make any difference. It will take years of lobbying, marching, fighting. Your lazy little protest vote will accomplish nothing. The two parties control the electoral college. No third party has a chance till the system changes. Plus, no current third party is REMOTELY close to being a contender. Last time it even had a chance was Bernie if he ran independent in 2016 after the DNC screwed him and he chose not to. Just voting third party when no third party is showing any sign of winning, in an election like this, is so irresponsible. It proves you have no understanding of government. Itā€™s acting like a child taking their ball and going home.

I was around during Ross Perot's independent run. If he didn't win, no third party had a chance. Ross was extremely popular his first run and when he ran his little whiteboard presentations, a huge number of people watched because that was the most entertaining and relatable show on TV. He drew viewers from both parties. He got 19% of the popular vote and not a single electoral vote.

All due respect to Bernie, but he wouldn't have touched Ross's numbers just because you can't have that kind of reach any more. Third party just can't win.

Are comments like this your plan for getting millions of people to vote third party? Because unless you get several million to do that, they have zero chance of winning

If you want to make a meaningful change, you have to play the long game. Right now, we have to vote to mitigate even worse disasters. If I had a viable third party in the presidential race, I would vote for them.

But the key word is viable. We don't have one. So while Biden isn't my favorite, my vote is less for him and more against Trump.

If you want to have a chance to see a third party that more represents your political views, you'll need to campaign for a third party in local, state, and congressional elections for probably decades until they become popular enough to become a viable contender for the presidential office.

But in this presidential election, advocating for voting third party only benefits one person and that's someone who not only would allow a worse genocide but will actively harm people in your community. Voting third party because Biden is complicit makes your actions, as noble and idealistic as you think they are, actively create a worse situation and makes you just as complicit in the pain and suffering that Trump will cause.

So campaign and vote third party in local, state, and congressional elections and build that following to disrupt the two party system. But you've already lost the presidential election.

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