More than 200 former Bush, McCain and Romney staffers endorse Harris to politics – 583 points –
More than 200 former Bush, McCain and Romney staffers endorse Harris

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So why would I vote for her?

Because of who she's running against.

That's it.

If you don't understand this then I can't help you.

They're suffering from the ML. They know why they should. But more than anything they're anti west. They'll hypocritically endorse those doing the exact things they critique the west of. As long as they aren't perceived as Western.

Once you understand that. All the nutty self contradictory things make perfect sense.

Lol who have I endorsed? I'm pretty vocally anti-Xi. I lived through the Shanghai lockdown of 2022

You are posting from an ml domain. And regardless of what you posted here I've seen you posting elsewhere. It's not like this is the first time I've bumped into you.

That said. You and I can agree on being anti-Xi. That's great. But you do realize that he's no one special. He is a symptom himself. Not the problem himself. Just like Mao Lennon Stalin Etc. Just like Reagan Bush Clinton Reagan Trump Etc adnauseam and on and on and on. Capitalism and leninism / Maoism are the problem. Like I said I'm not a hypocrite. Just a self-deprecating anti authoritarian anarchist.

I’m not a hypocrite. Just a self-deprecating anti authoritarian anarchist.

Now THERE'S a song lyric!

Billy Joe gonna throw a rager in the nursing home with this new banger

It freaked me out 20 years ago when American Idiot was just......pop music. Not because they'd changed their style, but because how do you rebel when you've become the stadium selling establishment?

I may be a goth. But I wouldn't turn down some good BJ. All entandre intended.

Lol you guys want to change the conversation away from DEMOCRATS SUPPORT CHILD KILLING

I'd link her policy platform but it's still not on her website. Bookmark it for later...

Sorry that was a rhetorical question: If Republicans support her then why would I vote for her?

Because the alternative is that much worse. Simple pragmatism.

Both will continue allowing Gazan children to die 🤷

But only one has encouraged Israel to "finish the job".

What has the current administration done to slow down the process?

That's unfortunately not the right question for the situation the US is facing.

The US election is a binary choice, so there is nothing that matters other than understanding which administration would make the process worse, and doing whatever is needed to keep them out of power.

What's worse than allowing Israel to walk over every "red line" without consequence and then killing children?

Pulling the trigger alongside Israel in the firing line.

  • Restoring the Spoils System we dismantled back in the 1800s because it was corrupt and filled with cronies.
  • Oppressing gays and minorities in the name of 'eliminating woke ideology', like what is all over Project 2025.
  • Forcing Christianity down non-believers' throats, like Project 2025 advocates for over and over and over again.
  • Enabling Russia to run roughshod over Ukraine.
  • Attacking people who look like immigrants, including forced deportations.
  • Forcing Culture-War Bullshit down our collective threats.
  • Attacks on the rights of women, transgenders, and gays.
  • Ignoring climate change.
  • Outlaw abortion.
  • Defund PBS.
  • Cut Food Stamps.
  • Push a law made by an anti-masturbationist in the 1800s...

Oh yeah.

  • Encouraging Israel to walk over every 'red line' without consequences...

Just so that you, the reader, know exactly what this poster is trying to get you to forget. They want you to throw your vote away. They are the bookish nerd girl working for the pretty but vile cheerleader to get the 51 Nerds to throw the election to the 49 Jocks by peeling off 3 of our votes. In fact, whenever you see posts like the one I'm replying to, remember. That's what they're trying to do. Make you one of the three dunces that let the 49 Jocks dictate to the 51 Nerds how things are going to go.

I think Democratic leadership and many in the national party would be fine with these things 🤷

After all, they have no problem with killing children

This should be seen as a violation of Rule 3 (Be Civil). The poster makes a particularly heinous claim, that Democrats as a whole are child murderers. It's just as wrong as Republicans saying we are a bunch of baby-murderers.

This poster is not here to engage in honest open debate. It's here to attack us and make us feel bad about ourselves, so we aren't as comfortable expressing our political ideology. It's here to make us ashamed of voting for the major party closest to our position. It's here to make enough of us sit out or vote third party so that the Republicans could win. Is it doing so to serve the interests of Putin and Xi? Is it doing so because it thinks this is really the best answer to the problems that face the country? Is it doing so because it wants to see it all burn down? It doesn't matter. Reader, if YOU want to ensure that you don't want Project 2025 to happen, do not give this bad-faith poster what it wants and vote third party or stay home.

PS: Democrats aren't killing kids. We actually do have problems with killing kids, but that's just as true when it's Hamas or Iran killing Israeli kids as it is when it's Israelis killing Palestinian kids. We just don't see a way out that makes this whole shitshow a fuckton worse. Keep that in mind as you read this bad-faith poster's words.

Lol you want to hide behind rules because you don't like my message.

I didn't say "all democrats," I mentioned a subset of the party membership

In any case, so many showed up to clap for Netanyahu that it's hard to think anything except that the party is perfectly OK with child killing

Do you think people here are stupid enough to buy this shit? If anything, you're just pushing more people to voting for Harris.

Oh yeah. Forgot. There's no other issues at play in a country half the world away.

We (the US) are absolutely complicit in this atrocity. Thing is, we're good at it and kind of used to it by now. Also, of note, we're not the ones actively doing the killing. So we can't vote and fix it. Best we can do is vote for a person who might fix it. Maybe. If every political issue aligns. But first duty is a vote to make sure I can vote again in the future.

We provide the weapons and financial aid with no strings attached, so we are absolutely complicit

Harris isn't going to fix it. She gave Netanyahu the luxury of a private meeting

"vote to make sure I can vote again in the future"

lol sorry but I if that's really what's coming then I don't think the Democrats are against it; they would have pulled out all the stops to block Trump from even getting on a ballot.

You are just a bunch of fun with your lack of reading posts and all. You're out here wildin'.

Actually no. One will not "allow" it, he will actively participate in it. Gleefully.

You don't give a shit about Palestinians. Stop using them as political pawns in your corny-ass, edgy teen-tankie bullshit. What you're doing is shameful.

From the article.

We have plenty of honest, ideological disagreements with Vice President Harris and Gov. Walz. That's to be expected. The alternative, however, is simply untenable," said the letter, which was first reported by USA Today.

Remember what he did with TS clearance and his children. The alternative is a national security risk.

You are on You love fascists. So you probably would vote trump anyway

You're wasting your breath, it's no use trying to point out that their choices are quite literally conservative vs conservative+, they don't care, they don't want to hear it, facing the truth is too uncomfortable, so they'd much rather just keep their blinkers on and believe that their "team" is really progressive actually and there to protect them, and so they can leave their aspirations for change in their "safe" hands, despite everything in current reality, and history to boot, points to the contrary.

And they will fight to the death for their right to never consider the bigger picture and posture with their bare minimum efforts as if they've at the very least single handily saved the world.

The irony of how identical their self harming loyalty to their "team" is compared to those they claim to be the complete opposite of would be wildly hilarious if it wasn't so concerning.

When the choice is conservative or conservative+, I'll choose the non-plus option. I don't like the circumstances, but I'll do whatever is needed to shift the overton window back towards a direction of sanity.

Progressive politics can't happen if radical conservative politics cause 10 years of societal regression in a single term.

All true. I kinda suspect they are bots/trolls or something because they post at really weird times of day for North America. Unless they have pathetic social lives, they are probably in Asia or something 🤷 they also cooperate, or post from multiple accounts.

Moreover, their arguments are a bit circular and cannot go anywhere once they are accused of being OK with genocidal activity. They ignore facts and just focus on trashing the commenter

No hasbara though

I kinda suspect they are bots/trolls or something

Could definitely be, could also be that the propaganda is so efficient that many people can't see beyond it. Probably a bit of both.

No hasbara though

Small mercies ig lol