More than 200 former Bush, McCain and Romney staffers endorse Harris to politics – 583 points –
More than 200 former Bush, McCain and Romney staffers endorse Harris

So Harris get 200 staffers from Bush, McCain, and Romney. Plus a retired 4-star general, and several former Whitehouse officials who worked for the Trump administration.

And Trump gets.... Tulsi Gabbard, and maybe a couple of other shitheels who pretended to be Democrats.

Bit of a lop-sided divide there!

But Trump has... Kid Rock? šŸ¤£

Is my pillow guy a joke to you?

I will never not love the footage of him at the DNC legitimately trying his hardest to argue with a 12yo child only to be absolutely steamrolled by that kid.

Mike is exceptionally dumb, and that kid was exceptionally bright, and the combination was just beautiful.

Kid Rock is the perfect artist for trump. Just like Trump's campaign, kid rocks music was funny as a joke years ago, but it stopped being funny a long time ago and I just want the talentless fuck to go away and stop showing up in the media.

Or was that Turd Nugent....?

but republicans are trapped so far in the twitter bubble they actually think rfk and tulsi is a huge get

I mean... I don't WANT these asshats feeling welcomed to our side just like I don't want a billionaire talking at the DNC, and I don't want a Republican getting speaking time while others with much more important less ethically reprehensible things to say aren't allowed even 3 minutes on stage.

I want us to win despite these people, with folks like Lena Khan getting more props. I don't want the endorsement of these rats jumping from the sinking R ship to the D ship because they smell some cheddar they might can come nibble on.

Your concerns are valid but all the Rs coming out like this is more about how terrible Trump is and less about anything else. Donā€™t underestimate how many moderates there are in both parties and these Rs help there - progressives need their votes. After Trump is gone, we can hopefully go back to trying to improve the voting system, pushing Dems more left and hope that anyone on the right exchanges some of their selfinterests for social interests - but thatā€™s best we can dream for.

Adding Republicans won't push the Democrats to the left. It's just going to keep ahoving the overton window further and further to the right.

Your feelings don't matter.

Trump has a 43% favorable rating, and there's a good chance he could win in November.

Even after the Nazis had taken Paris, there were French monarchists who felt they were too good to unite with the Communists in the Resistance.

When the Dems have an unbreakable, veto proof majority in Congress and the Senate, and the White House, then we can start to pick and choose.

I know we need to partner with everyone who will join us at the ballotā€¦ I just do NOT want the policies being reshaped in order to ā€œbetter attractā€ the right-wingers - whose gutting of our already laughable social safety net was a key aspect that made so many increasingly desperate Americans far more vulnerable to demagoguery like that which is constantly espoused by figures like Trump.

The real solution is clearly laid out as history has multiple examples to show.

When people canā€™t meet their base socioeconomic needs, they are more vulnerable to this shit. So raise the baseline standards such that everyone who isnā€™t a billionaire is far better off - no medical debt, no student debt, affordable rent and housing, job and financial stability, and being able to afford to have a family.

Do NOT do cuts to our already barely-existing social and economic safety nets.

When the Dems have an unbreakable, veto proof majority in Congress and the Senate, and the White House

Create an unbreakable veto-proof majority of Romney Staffers and you're going to end up with an unbreakable veto-proof policy written by Romney Staffers.

I haven't seen Harris take a step backwards yet. The Romney folks are accepting her as she is.

I havenā€™t seen Harris take a step backwards yet.

She's hostile to immigration. She's friendly with corporate finance and the California tech sector. She threw away her platforms on universal health care, higher minimum wage, and educational debt forgiveness to get the VP slot. She's a zealous supporter of the MIC and has yet to find a war she doesn't like. Her brother-in-law is a chief executive at Uber, ffs.

Why would she need to take a step backwards to meet Mitt Romney? They're joined at the hip.

BoTH SideS aRe THe SamE!

Don't vote at all until we get the perfect candidate!! Surely sitting on the sidelines will push the Dems to the Left!!

Surely if I beat this straw man hard enough, I will win the argument!

Reply to an actual comment.

Get accused of creating a strawman.

BoTH SideS aRe THe SamE!

The Romney wing of the Republican Party has huge overlap with the Biden wing of the Democratic Party.

Something like 2% of the population thinks that Gaza is a big problem for America.

43% of the population thinks Donald Trump would be a good President.

Stop acting like you're living in a country on the verge of a Socialist revolution.

Obama barely got the ACA passed when he had a veto proof majority.

I hate to be the one who has to explain this to you.

Something like 2% of the population thinks that Gaza is a big problem for America.

Not actually true. You'll see a 3-5% swing in the polls based on how closely Republicans and Democrats are aligned on supporting the Israeli genocide.

Stop acting like youā€™re living in a country on the verge of a Socialist revolution.

When you listen to Trump talk, a big part of his platform is appealing to the (whites only) democratic socialism common to the 50s and 60s. When Kamala panders to her base, she talks about cutting the private cost of health care and education. I'm not sure where you got the idea of a pending Socialist Revolution. But socialist policy is consistently appealing across large majorities of the American voting base.

Younger people want to enroll in Medicare sooner. Older people love Social Security. Parents clamor for public education. Students flock to public universities and scramble over one another for public educational grants. The whole east coast loves Amtrak, particularly when compared to prospect of being crammed aboard some Boeing To Die sardine can. People generally like having a post office and a garbage collection service.

Obama barely got the ACA passed when he had a veto proof majority.

Because the insurance lobbyists in the US Senate worked overtime to kill it. Not because people hated the idea of increased Medicaid enrollment.

Nothing you wrote disproves my main point.

Harris is as good as we're going to get, and it's by no means assured that she'll win.

Harris is as good as weā€™re going to get

If that doesn't benefit people in redder states, how will it motivate them to turn out in support?

"Sorry, fuckwits, should have moved to California if you didn't want to die of sepsis" isn't an invigorating national policy.

If you go into the Red states and proclaim your candidate is a Socialist you'll bring in many, many more Red voters. In fact, calling a candidate Socialist is probably a great way to get some of their voters shot.

So what exactly is your great plan?

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If you listened to Harris's acceptance speech at the DNC, its definitely becoming a two-way street with these neocon ghouls. She's accepting their endorsements today. And she's going to start taking their advice tomorrow.

Blah blah Trump Worse Blah blah. But Harris surrounding herself with the Bush/Cheney crowd does not bode well for our foreign policy going into 2025. And I'm not exactly bullshit about our economic prospects when Mr. "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" is whispering in the next President's ear.

i mean look bro i'll welcome whoever admits the faults of the republican party, we've got a low bar set here. We gotta take what we can get you feel me?

actually, on second thought, don't touch me.

Ok how about this :

They can join, but Iā€™d better not hear the D leaders basically saying to Romney and McConnell ilk : ā€œSit up here, friend! šŸ˜˜Now you can join us and take the wheel to help us steer our country somewhere better!ā€

If they donā€™t want to fuck this up, theyā€™d better say to any of these likely turncoats : ā€œsit down and row ya bilge rat. If I think yer not tryinā€™ yer damndest or look to not be doing yer part Iā€™ll lock ye cockle shells in irons and toss yer ass as a meat anchor to the bloodthirsty sharks in the depths below.ā€

they don't exactly have much of an option here. They either support the trump campaign and do a little bit of silly, or they support the dems which won't do much if any silly.

Regardless, any republican willing to fence sit this hard on this election cycle is likely going to be a decent person anyway. They probably won't have a ton of support for the dems, but it's a good sign that we have support from republicans so i'll take what i can get.

I also think it's extremely unlikely that any of them actually get any significant say outside of the standard voting procedure. They're unlikely to line up perfectly, but again, any support is support.

Although i would kill for a pirate impression in the government, not gonna lie.

šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø šŸ˜œ šŸ¦œ

i still cant believe we just made emojis a thing, emoticons were perfect, and now i have to contend with this "message" that consists of a pirate flag, an emoji face and a fucking bird.

Too bad. We're watching the death throes of the GOP, and the Dems will stay right to continue courting the hemorrhaging right-wing voters. It's just another little reminder that after electing Harris, leftists will need to continue to organize to form our own pro-labor party.

an endorsement != theyre setting policy

an endorsement != they're setting policy

You know that... I know that. Do the consultants and millionaire pundits in the beltway at the ears of those in power know that?

I mean... so many of the people on TV seem to LOVE pretending there's some sort of fairy-tale "middle-of-the-road" voter that only wants a little teensy tiny bit of genocide, racism, federal abortion ban, and just a little tiny 0.001% increase in taxes for billionaires... rather than just fascists / fascist apologists (Republican Trump supporters)... and people who don't want fascist bullshit (everyone else).

and if anyone wants anything done in congress, then we're going to need compromise and coalition building because neither party is getting a supermajority any time soon.

No, we donā€™t need compromise.

No one wants compromise. No one wants the ā€œone time mail-in rebate couponā€ version of legislation.

They want simple universal non-means tested policies that work everywhere else in the industrialized 1st world countries that cost billionaires real money that they can easily afford which then provides nearly every other American real tangible life-changing benefits.

No one wants the compromised version of human rights. No one wants the compromised version of medical debt forgiveness. No one wants the compromised version of universal healthcare.

DO NOT compromise AGAIN.

If they wanna join thatā€™s fine, but they come to over to OUR side.

We donā€™t move to them.

We donā€™t extend a hand. Biden and Obama did that with McConnell with olive branches like fucking Merrick Garlandā€¦ and they still slapped the helping compromising hands away.

Please donā€™t fall for the Lucy football shit yet again.

feel free to tell me how you'll get 67 votes without compromise for single payer healthcare

feel free to tell me how youā€™ll get 67 votes without compromise for single payer healthcare


The same way LBJ got assholes blocking his legislative goals to move out of the way :

The same way FDR got the conservative leaning Supreme Court to stop blocking his agenda...

...And if that doesn't work. I want some Machiavellian shit. I want Kamala to inform Joe Manchin that "it would be a shame if his daughter - who bought the rights to the Epipen were to have that shit investigated and nationalized under the Sherman Act since it is imperative to national security that emergency medical care be available at a reasonable price for all Americans who need it... that it would be a shame if the EPA came and investigated his yacht for potential violations..."

I want every single thing investigated and paperwork dumped on these ACTUAL shitheads blocking the good things ALL Americans should be demanding... and I want Harris at the bully pulpit clearly blaming and POINTING right in the faces of those blocking it... directing Americans' collective righteous fiery ire where it is completely deserved, until they are TERRIFIED to NOT support her objectively magnanimous policy efforts.

Trump did evil versions of this every day in office - it's how we ended up with Jan 6th idiots storming the Capitol. The good version is just basically telling the truth and not being afraid of the whiny ultra-rich donors and ghoul rat liar fake D politicians who aren't loyal to her anyway.

There won't be any compromise. The Republicans will just block everything as much as they can like they did with Obama.

What you need to do is use the bully pulpit and get the populace on your side so that Congress is afraid to oppose you (unless they want to risk losing their seats).

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Democrats celebrating their appeal to right wingers. Noice.

Or an indication of how off the rails the right has gone.

Do you remember Bush, McCain and Romney?

I do remember those elections and even voted in them too! Shit has gone WAY DOWNHILL since then.

I hope when all is said and done in 12-16 years. The democrats are the right wing and there is a new actual left wing.

Those guys are/were giant warhawks and neocons, with a direct causal link to the current generation of moron republicans. It is disgusting to see them socially rehabilitated purely because they look so 'civil' in comparison to the likes of Trump. Democrats will do anything to keep the left alienated.

Do you remember Trump?

Karl Rove was as bad as we thought weā€™d get but even he was too liberal for these people

Following Todd Akin's comments regarding "legitimate rape" and the notion that raped women are unlikely to become pregnant, Rove joked about murdering the Missouri Senate candidate, saying "We should sink Todd Akin. If he's found mysteriously murdered, don't look for my whereabouts!"

I still don't understand how you look at Rove's generation and say "damn, they helped turn their party into raving lunatics with their approach to politics, we should welcome their endorsement of our party." If you think this is only about how shitty the republican party is, you are missing half the point.

Where do you get welcoming of endorsements?

Itā€™s not like anyone thinks they are less crazy than before. The hope is that their supporters take a step back and realize something is wrong with the current crop

Welcoming, celebrating... Whatever you want to call it. Seems like people are cheering for it, and I don't think they should be. Force those fuckers to create a new party or something, but I would have hoped any response to this kind if endorsement would be derision and shunning. I can't imagine that anyone still on the Trump train at this point is going to give a fuck what these W-era staffers thinks.


I think the confusion for you is that youā€™re under the impression they are being invited to the Dem Party, they are not

Idk... I see a fair bit more than acknowledgement in the comments here for example. Quite a bit of "we'll take all the votes we can get". Pretty gross, especially considering the votes on the left that the party apparently won't try to get.

you think this time we might see a bunch of faithless republican electorates?

It's definitely an interesting idea...

Lmfao, how many conservatives does it take to endorse the "progressive" before the "blue no matter who" crowd realise they're not voting "blue" at all, and worse, that "blue" is and always has been a fiction created to shift the Overton window constantly to the right and manufacture consent by and for whatever it is those in power are actually interested in?

What a fucking joke, seriously...

Have you listened to any of these Republicans who have endorsed her talk? They all think she's wayyyy too progressive for them during normal times, they're not endorsing Harris because she's somehow a conservative now, they're endorsing Harris because their party got taken over by fascists and they're rare spine-filled conservatives.

You're really not making the point you think you are.

Their words don't matter (seriously, people are now going to convince themselves that conservatives have even a smidge of integrity, honesty, or a single non-self serving bone in their body, to make this work? smfh), their actions do, and their actions are to support a candidate that serves their interests best, and anyone serving their interests best (E: only because the other person is saying the quiet parts of their ideology out loud and getting in their way, and absolutely not because they disagree with said ideology), isn't serving yours, at all.

You can try to maintain your cognitive dissonance at whatever cost you wish, but that won't change reality. ĀÆ\(惄)/ĀÆ

Believe it or not, conservatives aren't lying 24/7, they actually believe the things they say. That goes for both Pro-Trump and Anti-Trump conservatives.

If you were actually engaging in good faith political analysis, you'd see Harris is significantly more left wing than McCain or Romney.

Which still maker her center right. But better than the far right.

Which still maker her center right.

Lol no, she and the party are center left, they would not be fighting for unions and universal healthcare otherwise.

We have to beat the Republican because beating the Republican comes first. Then we need to get a veto-proof majority so that our Democrat president doesn't veto the legislation written by our Democrats in Congress. Finally, we need to elect a fully liberal SCOTUS.

Only then can we talk about lowering the enrollment age for Medicare by three years. Only then can we talk about raising the minimum wage by $1. Only then can we talk about establishing a student loan debt forgiveness program for Pell Grant recipients who start a business that operates for three years in disadvantaged communities.

So, like to so many other posters like this, I pose the question:

What is the alternative?

There are 49 Jocks led by a narcissistic jerk of a cheerleader in our school, and they have promised to close the book club and the game club, and make it easier for the jocks to abuse the Nerds, and the only thing between them and that is us 51 Nerds. When the SGA elections happen, the person with the most votes wins, and if that means 49 Jocks to 48 Nerds to 3 Nerds that bought the bullshit and voted third party or stayed home, it's a 49 to 48 win for the Jocks and we 51 Nerds will just have to make do without Book and Game club. Is this person seriously advocating voting third party or staying home because Team Blue is too purple for their tastes? That's a good way to get Project 2025 up the back entrance, sideways, without lube or dinner. A reminder to everyone else who might be swayed by this individual. There's a reason why they are net -50 on votes right now and have 65 downvotes, and it's not groupthink.

So why would I vote for her?

Because of who she's running against.

That's it.

If you don't understand this then I can't help you.

They're suffering from the ML. They know why they should. But more than anything they're anti west. They'll hypocritically endorse those doing the exact things they critique the west of. As long as they aren't perceived as Western.

Once you understand that. All the nutty self contradictory things make perfect sense.

Lol who have I endorsed? I'm pretty vocally anti-Xi. I lived through the Shanghai lockdown of 2022

You are posting from an ml domain. And regardless of what you posted here I've seen you posting elsewhere. It's not like this is the first time I've bumped into you.

That said. You and I can agree on being anti-Xi. That's great. But you do realize that he's no one special. He is a symptom himself. Not the problem himself. Just like Mao Lennon Stalin Etc. Just like Reagan Bush Clinton Reagan Trump Etc adnauseam and on and on and on. Capitalism and leninism / Maoism are the problem. Like I said I'm not a hypocrite. Just a self-deprecating anti authoritarian anarchist.

Iā€™m not a hypocrite. Just a self-deprecating anti authoritarian anarchist.

Now THERE'S a song lyric!

Billy Joe gonna throw a rager in the nursing home with this new banger

It freaked me out 20 years ago when American Idiot was just......pop music. Not because they'd changed their style, but because how do you rebel when you've become the stadium selling establishment?

I may be a goth. But I wouldn't turn down some good BJ. All entandre intended.

Lol you guys want to change the conversation away from DEMOCRATS SUPPORT CHILD KILLING

I'd link her policy platform but it's still not on her website. Bookmark it for later...

Sorry that was a rhetorical question: If Republicans support her then why would I vote for her?

Because the alternative is that much worse. Simple pragmatism.

Both will continue allowing Gazan children to die šŸ¤·

But only one has encouraged Israel to "finish the job".

What has the current administration done to slow down the process?

That's unfortunately not the right question for the situation the US is facing.

The US election is a binary choice, so there is nothing that matters other than understanding which administration would make the process worse, and doing whatever is needed to keep them out of power.

What's worse than allowing Israel to walk over every "red line" without consequence and then killing children?

Pulling the trigger alongside Israel in the firing line.

  • Restoring the Spoils System we dismantled back in the 1800s because it was corrupt and filled with cronies.
  • Oppressing gays and minorities in the name of 'eliminating woke ideology', like what is all over Project 2025.
  • Forcing Christianity down non-believers' throats, like Project 2025 advocates for over and over and over again.
  • Enabling Russia to run roughshod over Ukraine.
  • Attacking people who look like immigrants, including forced deportations.
  • Forcing Culture-War Bullshit down our collective threats.
  • Attacks on the rights of women, transgenders, and gays.
  • Ignoring climate change.
  • Outlaw abortion.
  • Defund PBS.
  • Cut Food Stamps.
  • Push a law made by an anti-masturbationist in the 1800s...

Oh yeah.

  • Encouraging Israel to walk over every 'red line' without consequences...

Just so that you, the reader, know exactly what this poster is trying to get you to forget. They want you to throw your vote away. They are the bookish nerd girl working for the pretty but vile cheerleader to get the 51 Nerds to throw the election to the 49 Jocks by peeling off 3 of our votes. In fact, whenever you see posts like the one I'm replying to, remember. That's what they're trying to do. Make you one of the three dunces that let the 49 Jocks dictate to the 51 Nerds how things are going to go.

I think Democratic leadership and many in the national party would be fine with these things šŸ¤·

After all, they have no problem with killing children

This should be seen as a violation of Rule 3 (Be Civil). The poster makes a particularly heinous claim, that Democrats as a whole are child murderers. It's just as wrong as Republicans saying we are a bunch of baby-murderers.

This poster is not here to engage in honest open debate. It's here to attack us and make us feel bad about ourselves, so we aren't as comfortable expressing our political ideology. It's here to make us ashamed of voting for the major party closest to our position. It's here to make enough of us sit out or vote third party so that the Republicans could win. Is it doing so to serve the interests of Putin and Xi? Is it doing so because it thinks this is really the best answer to the problems that face the country? Is it doing so because it wants to see it all burn down? It doesn't matter. Reader, if YOU want to ensure that you don't want Project 2025 to happen, do not give this bad-faith poster what it wants and vote third party or stay home.

PS: Democrats aren't killing kids. We actually do have problems with killing kids, but that's just as true when it's Hamas or Iran killing Israeli kids as it is when it's Israelis killing Palestinian kids. We just don't see a way out that makes this whole shitshow a fuckton worse. Keep that in mind as you read this bad-faith poster's words.

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Do you think people here are stupid enough to buy this shit? If anything, you're just pushing more people to voting for Harris.

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Oh yeah. Forgot. There's no other issues at play in a country half the world away.

We (the US) are absolutely complicit in this atrocity. Thing is, we're good at it and kind of used to it by now. Also, of note, we're not the ones actively doing the killing. So we can't vote and fix it. Best we can do is vote for a person who might fix it. Maybe. If every political issue aligns. But first duty is a vote to make sure I can vote again in the future.

We provide the weapons and financial aid with no strings attached, so we are absolutely complicit

Harris isn't going to fix it. She gave Netanyahu the luxury of a private meeting

"vote to make sure I can vote again in the future"

lol sorry but I if that's really what's coming then I don't think the Democrats are against it; they would have pulled out all the stops to block Trump from even getting on a ballot.

You are just a bunch of fun with your lack of reading posts and all. You're out here wildin'.

Actually no. One will not "allow" it, he will actively participate in it. Gleefully.

You don't give a shit about Palestinians. Stop using them as political pawns in your corny-ass, edgy teen-tankie bullshit. What you're doing is shameful.

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From the article.

We have plenty of honest, ideological disagreements with Vice President Harris and Gov. Walz. That's to be expected. The alternative, however, is simply untenable," said the letter, which was first reported by USA Today.

Remember what he did with TS clearance and his children. The alternative is a national security risk.

You are on You love fascists. So you probably would vote trump anyway

You're wasting your breath, it's no use trying to point out that their choices are quite literally conservative vs conservative+, they don't care, they don't want to hear it, facing the truth is too uncomfortable, so they'd much rather just keep their blinkers on and believe that their "team" is really progressive actually and there to protect them, and so they can leave their aspirations for change in their "safe" hands, despite everything in current reality, and history to boot, points to the contrary.

And they will fight to the death for their right to never consider the bigger picture and posture with their bare minimum efforts as if they've at the very least single handily saved the world.

The irony of how identical their self harming loyalty to their "team" is compared to those they claim to be the complete opposite of would be wildly hilarious if it wasn't so concerning.

When the choice is conservative or conservative+, I'll choose the non-plus option. I don't like the circumstances, but I'll do whatever is needed to shift the overton window back towards a direction of sanity.

Progressive politics can't happen if radical conservative politics cause 10 years of societal regression in a single term.

All true. I kinda suspect they are bots/trolls or something because they post at really weird times of day for North America. Unless they have pathetic social lives, they are probably in Asia or something šŸ¤· they also cooperate, or post from multiple accounts.

Moreover, their arguments are a bit circular and cannot go anywhere once they are accused of being OK with genocidal activity. They ignore facts and just focus on trashing the commenter

No hasbara though

I kinda suspect they are bots/trolls or something

Could definitely be, could also be that the propaganda is so efficient that many people can't see beyond it. Probably a bit of both.

No hasbara though

Small mercies ig lol

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