Worst States To Live & Work In. All 10 Are Republican States

MdRuckus @lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 938 points –
These are America’s 10 worst states to live and work in for 2023, and there's a big surprise at the very bottom

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It’s democrats ranking states based off their policies, so of course the Republican states will all be at the bottom lol.

Headline should be: “Democrats say Republican states are worst states to live in”.

We should be posting political articles that aren’t clickbait echo chamber propaganda. Don’t let this become Reddits /r/politics, which was REALLY /r/democrats

You didn't even read their metrics did you? It's based on crime rates, healthcare, quality of health, etc. Those are pretty objective measures, and ones that republican-controlled states often fight against (see: reluctance to expand medicaid).

It’s mostly influenced by abortion and trans gender policies though. It’s click bait and political click bait.

Here's a completely unbiased excerpt about the "worst" state of Texas:

The Lone Star State keeps hacking away at inclusiveness, with laws targeting the LGBTQ+ population, voting rights, and the nation’s strictest abortion ban. Yes, there are enormous economic opportunities in Texas, and it is attracting people from far and wide. But this state also has some Texas-sized issues when it comes to life, health and inclusion. And it is one of the reasons that the state fell out of the overall top five for the first time in the 16-year history of CNBC’s rankings.

Are you trying to say that laws that impact people's control over their identity are ok?

Just that the article happens to align "good" with the Democratic party's top social stances. I find it extremely hard to believe that the state that left-leaning people are flocking to is the worst in the nation.

Look, I'm all for equal rights for everyone and the government staying out of people's personal lives. I just don't want the constant propaganda.

The propaganda... of judging based on those metrics you supposedly support?

It's propaganda because it's dismissing the idea that it's generally a good state to move to economically. Lots of new high value companies setting up shop provide employment opportunities in a state where there is still land to develop.

I mean, Texas would be too hot for me but it seems a little suspicious that there is not a worse state in the union than Texas according to this.

By all means, if you can objectively come to the same conclusion as the article, great! I just don't trust the validity of their findings and therefore categorize it as propaganda.

You can call it whatever you want, just know that you are badly misusing the word. Propaganda does not mean "anything I disagree with." Never has.

Just because there are opportunities doesn't mean they are good opportunities. And even if there are good opportunities, they don't necessarily comprise all of them. Just enough to draw in some skilled workers (who are still exploited, just better compensated).

But that's beside the point. The implication of your comment is that the social issues are the ones that comprise the propaganda, not the economic ones. Just because you pivot to something else doesn't suddenly mean you didn't make that argument.

Says the guy bleating conservative propaganda.

Respect for all is not a liberal propaganda conspiracy.

Your identity is your business, just keep it for yourself instead of trying to abuse women and remove their rights then you’ll become a better person

How is allowing people to identify as the gender that fits them abusive to women?

No one cares what you “identify” as. Identify as a turkey for all anyone cares. The problem is with coerced speech and trying to invade sex-specific places and events.

Coerced speech? Invading? Boy that does sound scary.

You have any other completely imaginary strawmen we should be hypothetically scared of?

Coerced speech like how some places are now looking at making "misgendering" and "using the wrong pronouns" illegal.

Not sure what word other than "invading" you would user for biological men going in to places designed specifically only for biological women?

Do you even know what a strawman is?

Yeah. Those things you're saying aren't real.

No? What's this then?


Michigan House passes bill that could make using wrong pronouns a felony, fineable up to $10,000

The bill specifically addresses "sexual orientation" and "gender identity or expression" as protected classes.

From the (fox news, of course) link:

A recently passed bill in Michigan could make it a felony to intimidate someone by intentionally using the wrong gender pronouns, according to some legal experts.

The article quotes only one person, but I suppose "some experts" is just an oversight, and not because fox knows its credulous audience won't bother reading too closely or critically. Or looking up the "expert" around whom the story pivots. No huge surprise, he's the founder of a Christian think tank that focuses on legislating Christianity as law. They're anti-lgbt, anti-abortion, and antivaxx.

Got someone who isn't an alarmist bent on violating everyone's religious liberty?

Again though - the legislation is there. You're simply saying that because the source is a company that you don't like that the information they're reporting on is wrong, which is false.

I don't know what sources reporting on the same actual legislation you'll accept? I didn't go to fox news to find it, i just googled it and that was the top name i recognized of the dozens of sites reporting it. Again - it's in the legislation. It's not a rumour, it's not "fake news".

“Gender identity or expression means having or being perceived as having a gender-related self-identity or expression whether or not associated with an individual’s assigned sex at birth.”

This was specifically added in to the bill when adding them as a "protected class". The legislation introduced hate crime penalties for causing a person to “feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened,” regarding “sexual orientation” and “gender identity or expression.”

Here's an msn one: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/michigan-residents-could-be-charged-with-a-felony-and-fined-up-to-10000-over-wrong-pronouns/ss-AA1dibuC#image=1

Is MSN acceptable for you? Got a list of approved websites that report on legislations?

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Did you even read your boogey man bill or just take Fox News as gods word? The bill only says someone is guilty of a felony if they cause damage, bodily harm, or threaten a person because of sexual identity. It just adds a protection to people who are being victimize for a specific aspect of their identity.

As long as you weren’t planning on any hate crimes you can misgender people as much as you want in Michigan. It makes you an asshole, but not a felon.

If you would like to read the bill you’re parroting bullshit about, I can link you to the actual text of it on Michigan’s website so you don’t have to be scared of going to jail for misgendering someone anymore.

Again unless you’re planning a hate crime against them. Then you’re n asshole and a felon. Because hate crimes are bad. That’s not a political thing right? Like damaging someone’s property or body is illegal all the time. It’s just more illegal when you do it intentionally because of an aspect of their identity. I mean you don’t think it’s okay to assault disabled folks because of their disability?

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Identify as a turkey for all anyone cares.

Was "attack helicopter" taken?

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Um. Yes. It fucking SUCKS to be a woman, LGBTQ+ + community member, or a minority here in Texas. Good luck if you're all 3.

This state is a steaming pile of shit and a blight on America. I wish it would secede, but only after the government offers refugee status to those of us who are sane and want to leave.

Then Texas can take its misogynistic, racist, bigoted, xenophobic self and go create its own country. And it can take Florida with it!

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I suppose that's the only reasonable explanation that doesn't involve rethinking anything.

“Something bad said against Republicans is propaganda” doesn’t sound fascist at all, huh?

You don’t have the slightest idea what fascism was

Lay it on us then. You've brought such riveting commentary so far about "jew propaganda", so why don't you educate us all?

Powerful and continuing nationalism Disdain for human rights Identification of enemies as a unifying cause Rampant sexism Controlled mass media Obsession with national security Religion and government intertwined Corporate power protected Labor power suppressed Disdain for intellectual and the arts Obsession with crime and punishment Rampant cronyism and corruption

Oh, and fuck off. 🖕

Can you provide a ranking where you would say these states would come out top? What kind of metric would you like to see being used?

Ok, let’s be objective and use the “Republican-biased” business website state rankings that took its rankings from WalletHub and focuses on the BEST states for “affordability, economy, education/health, quality of life and safety”.

Holy shit, liberal darling, land of Romneycare, Massachusetts is #1. Followed by…New Jersey…and…New York.


Maybe Fox Business isn’t conservative enough anymore? I guess I need to start looking on the Q-Anon forums for a state ranking.

Per capita membership to neo nazi groups?

I don't feel like doing enough data analysis to get a perfect flip of these 10 being on top, but you could use criteria like low tax rates, abortion restrictions, and loose gun laws, and get a pretty solid inverse list.

The better question is what value do these lists have outside of getting a bunch of people who already agree with it circle jerking over how the incredibly biased list proves they're right?

You had me in the first half.

It is skewed and should say that it's terrible for liberals, not MAGA folks

You lost me at /r/politics being a democratic e ho chamber. That's silly. Sounds like you might be happier in truth social.

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