'Who really cares?' Fox News pundit throws cold water on Hunter Biden 'addiction' segment

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 243 points –
'Who really cares?' Fox News pundit throws cold water on Hunter Biden 'addiction' segment

::: spoiler spoiler asdfasfasfasfas :::

Some Trump supporters are entrenched because of the fake "Biden crime family" narrative. They have to keep it going lest reality appear.

It is not "cold political analysis" at all. She is still simping for Trump morons, by pretending anything connecting to Hunter Biden is somehow important for Biden voters. It is just Fox News pathetic attempt at trying to mitigate the Hunter Biden slander lawsuit.

I was about to vote for Hunter Biden this election but NOT ANYMORE!

And once again, I ask: Where is the NRA?

And where was the NRA when Philando Castile was shot?

You can thank the traitor john roberts for turning the NRA into a wholly owned subsidiary of the Kremlin.

It's the NRA. They're trash. All my homies hate the NRA. They're a gun manufacturer lobbying group, not a gun rights group.

Oh I'm aware. However, the members I've talk to insist otherwise.

That said, I don't know of any gun rights groups that came to advocate for either man- although I admit I don't follow the subject of gun rights groups closely.

The only members I know that support them can also explain 4H to me. They're heavy into the training side and own cows.

I don't think any have. I'm not sure any bother going against cops - regardless of the situation. They have nothing to gain by going after pigs.

Same with Biden. Some (hopefully) might support eliminating those idiotic laws, but they can only lose on that. It'd be actively harmful considering the pure ignorance that flows out of his father's mouth when he talks about firearms.

We need a prominent pro-self defense rights group that's anti-cop and not specifically conservative. Granted, starting one sounds like a good way to starve.

I would say that if the NRA could make a big stink about Kyle Rittenhouse, they certainly could have made a big stink about Philando Castile. A legal gun owner getting killed for doing what he was supposed to do, what the NRA advises doing, in that situation should be exactly who the NRA should be making a big stink about if they were sincere, which they are not.

I agree they're not, but Rittenhouse wasn't in a shootout with cops. There have been some situations where white people either got killed by cops in fucky situations or killed cops in fucky situations. I highly doubt any of the gun rights groups touch those.

I can't remember their names (I know) but one was an older defense contractor. A crackhead stole his truck, got popped, then claimed the drugs in the truck were the truck owner's. Pigs being pigs, they raid the old man and shoot him dead.

Another one was a guy who was ratted on by a CI. Another raid happens and a cop kicks out his lower door panel and gets killed by the home owner.

These are both 10 or 15+ years ago. I'll try hunting them down. I'm sure Reason has them archived.

Philando Castile didn't get in any sort of situation with the cops that he shouldn't have gotten into. I highly recommend you read about his case.


That article talks about the NRA's tepid response.

I'm familiar. Had a carry license. Told the cop. Followed orders. Cop got scurred and shot him.

The murderer is the cop.

Maybe you should scroll down and see what the NRA had to say about the situation, since that's what I was talking about.

To be clear, I don't think they benefit saying anything that makes pigs look bad. Jumping through idiotic hoops to inhale cop dick is expected from the NRA.

Otherwise I'm confused about what I'm missing.

Okay, so what is the point of a gun owner advocacy group that doesn't advocate for gun owners?

Because that was what I was saying.

I agree. The reality is most of them advocate for gun owners when the bad guys aren't cops. The NRA sucks money from real rights advocates to say moronic shit about video games causing gun violence.

I misunderstood your objection and that's on me for not clarifying.

You mean the ATF? The atf is the government department dedicated to guns. The NRA is a pro-guns lobby group.

No, I mean the NRA. Why aren't they leaping to his defense? Much like how they didn't leap to the defense of a black legal gun owner who was murdered by police.

They generally dont do that. Theres a highly publicized exception every once in a while, but it is not the norm.

Weird, you'd think those two national news cases would be exactly the time for an organization that claims to be a gun rights organization would make a highly publicized exception for.

Kyle Rittenhouse? They were behind him all the way.

It sure sounds more like they don't care about gun owners when they don't look a certain way or have a certain political bent.

There’s so much useless noise coming from that channel that I can’t rely on anything I think I know about Hunter Biden. All I’m willing to say is that I’m pretty sure he’s a real person. Oh, and he may have owned a laptop at some point. That’s it.

They’re talking about a trial, but has he been officially indicted with anything?

It was proven in congress with evidence that he has a fat fucking cock and likes to bang hot chicks.

He has actually had addiction issues in the past and I’m pretty sure he has gone through rehab more than once. But why that matters, I don’t know

He’s been charged with gun stuff and tax stuff.

Ironic… because Raw story is essentially the Fox News of the left.

Clickbait and low quality yes, but generally RawStory doesn’t lie

Ehhhhhh…. not so much.

These media sources are moderate to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation.  They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using an appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports, and omit information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.

Left out the next paragraph:

Overall, we rate Raw Story Left Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that usually favor the left. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing of information and promptly correcting any false or misleading reports.

They’re biased. That’s the point I was making. News should not be biased. Period.

End of story.

You ended a comment with "period" and "end of story" so you must be right.