Republicans in Panic Mode After Trump Trashes Milwaukee to politics – 256 points –
Republicans in Panic Mode After Trump Trashes Milwaukee

MAGoo logic.

"We like Trump because he says what he means and means what he says..."

"You can't take Trump literally, but you have to take him seriously."

Just like the bible!

Say what you will about the guy, but he sure knows his constituency.

“Are you subject to mass indoctrination? Vote for me! I’ll do all the things you want and end all the things you don’t.”

In 2016 he said "I will make all your dreams come true."

I thought "He's really going only for stupid people." Turns out that was enough.

People like to think that humans as a whole are intelligent.

The reality is about 80% of us are barely above a dog in intelligence meanwhile the other 20% are desperately holding the other 80% on their shoulders because empathy is a thing for them.

Read "The Marching Morons" by C. M. Kornbluth. The novella that "Idiocracy' was based on. Much darker than the movie. Much, much darker.

There was a Jordan Klepper interview with MAGAhats and, I kid you not, someone said a version of this. One sentence after the other.

The cognitive dissonance was just unbelievable.

Maybe he didn't realize that Milwaukee was Algonquin for the good land.

You may also like to know, it's actually pronounced: "Mee-Lee-Walk-Kay"

“I was not aware of that”

I think one of the most interesting aspects of Milwaukee is the fact that it's the only major American city to have ever elected three socialist mayors.

It's Algonquin for blood sport

In the off chance you don't know.. I'm referencing a line from the movie Wayne's world

Just needs to explain how he meant that Milwaukee's Best sucks but Old Milwaukee is underrated... oh wait he doesn't drink. But has a bar in the lobby of his tower. And a vodka. And a winery iirc.

None of his customers are going to be able to drink either once the convicted felon loses his liquor license.

Or maybe he accidentally bought a cheap and fake Milwaukee electric drill for his home improvement project.

There is little to no chance that Trump has ever used a drill

I know. But the mental image of him trying to use one is hilarious.

I'll bet the motherfucker doesn't own a screwdriver either lol

Now I'm imagining him at some garage, a mechanic asks him to bring a screwdriver and he goes out and brings a screwed driver from his golf bag.

Supporters interpreting what he says as what he means but he didn’t really mean what he actually said in 3…2…1…

Until Tomorrow when Trump says no I really meant what I said. Then the Magoo's just shrug and chew more cud

Politics ain’t bean bag and Donnie will keep reminding people how fucking stupid he is …. Bleach anyone?

I've read this three times and I have no idea what it means. Are you having a stroke? Am I having a stroke?

You just need to put the UV under your skin and let the vaxx chip translate for you.