Megachurch pastor and former Trump spiritual adviser admits sexual abuse to – 439 points –
Megachurch pastor and former Trump spiritual adviser admits sexual abuse

Wow, yet again it's not a trans person.

It's almost as if prejudice against groups doesn't need facts to back it up!

Or a drag queen.

Or rock music, or Dungeon & Dragons, or Anime... same shit, different generation. They are kings of scapegoats.

Morris told the Christian Post he received counseling and had since “walked in purity and accountability in this area”.

It kind of seems like accountability for that should involve a criminal record.

When people try eating the rich, they can at least follow up with "walking in purity and accountability" after. It might just help.

Yeah I didn’t make it past that part. Just started power-barfing

There’s no way in fuck this guy “didn’t know she was 12 at the time.” People who are in college even look underage to me now and this guy raped a prepubescent non-teen

At this point it feels like a history of sexual abuse is REQUIRED to be involved in the Conservative parts of “Christiandom”.

“In March of 1987, this situation was brought to light, and it was confessed and repented of. I submitted myself to the Elders of Shady Grove Church and the young lady’s father. They asked me to step out of ministry and receive counseling and freedom ministry, which I did.”

What the fuck

Like, what in the actual fuck

"People found out I raped a child but her dad said it was kinda chill"

Turning him in would have meant harming the church, and we can't have that. It's a key component of the illusion.

People around him became suspicious when he was singing a song called “It’s no good diddling kids”