What's a religion you don't believe in that you find interesting and what about it piques your interest?

WackyTabbacy42069@reddthat.com to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 57 points –


> Sikhism rejects claims that any particular religious tradition has a monopoly on Absolute truth. Sikhism emphasizes simran (ਸਿਮਰਨ, meditation and remembrance of the teachings of Gurus), which can be expressed musically through kirtan, or internally through naam japna ('meditation on His name') as a means to feel God's presence. It teaches followers to transform the "Five Thieves" (i.e. lust, rage, greed, attachment, and ego).

All sounds pretty cool, but I have always liked that it's one if the few that outright rejects any religion's monopoly on Absolute Truth.

I was raised Catholic, but I've been an atheist for—oh fuck I'm old—more than half my life. But... Monastic life seems pretty dope. Why can't there be a secular order that's just devoted to knowledge/contemplation for its own sake (or the betterment of humanity). I know it kind of sounds like I'm describing a university, but I mean with the personal discipline, strong communal bond, and simple lifestyle.

You and me both. Also means giving up certain comforts, but that's kind of the point. Maybe that's why the secular monastery doesn't exist- it'd be a huge sacrifice for those who would participate in it and still require some cooperation/consent/aid from others in the community/society (as much as self-sufficiency would be ideal). I'm thinking about how much people (and governments) already don't want to fund universities which give tangible benefits, and how much worse it'll be for secular monasteries.

But hey, I also want this, and it'd be interesting to see what insights would come from a place of thinking unconstrained by the trappings of modern society.

(Or it could basically just be libraries and being a librarian but more extreme lol)

Religion of science. Where sheeps just believe whatever these so called "experts" spout without doing your own research.

When people talk about “doing your own research,” I think they underestimate how difficult and slow actual research is. For physical and biological sciences it also requires heavy investment in equipment, but you can save money by sharing resources and collaborating with others doing similar research. For social/politics/history/economic research, I would imagine you need access to primary sources, maybe some modeling software, and years of learning to understand the context of anything you’re researching. I think people who say “do your own research” don’t understand the significance of understanding context, which leads to some…interesting ideas.

Buddhism in the sense of the actual forsaken nirvana and reincarnation aspects, but the dedication to enlightenment and what I perceive (as someone not in anyway well versed in the totality of it) as a willingness to guide and teach but not seeking to compelle others to abide by it are refreshing in the modern 'my way or fuck you' world.

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Jainism, their core tenet of Ahimsa (non-violence) applies to literally every lifeform, even plants and bacteria. Jain monks that take this to the letter make your standard vegan look like a hypocrite - they cannot even eat roots, as that would kill the plant it comes from. They also must take extreme care not to accidentally harm any lifeform, so they have to take measures such as turning off all fire during the night so that insects don't accidentally burn themselves in them, or brush the soil they'll walk on to avoid stepping on an animal by accident.

The "you will be judged by how you treat the least among you" and "when you do good works, do it in secret" parts of Christianity are cool.

I find Sikhism interesting. My reading thereupon suggests that it has generally positive pro social values. There’s some gender stuff that I don’t like, but no major religion is free of that. Moreover, I can really get behind the dictate to carry a knife to defend the innocent.

Not sure if this qualifies, but the Church of Scientology. Not cause I think it’s got some good points or that I vibe with any of their ideas, I just think everything about the structure to the Bridge to the mind of LRH is super fascinating

Mormonism, because it’s particularly absurd (and considering the competition, that’s saying a lot). It’s grotesquely fascinating. Joseph Smith was obviously full of it, but the con he called a religion succeeded anyway.

I try to respect all religions, but Mormonism takes extra effort on my part.

Zoroastrianism. I don't know anything about it, but I should really pick up a book sometime. It's one of the world's oldest organized faiths, and was the state religion of ancient empires. Also, the Mazda car company is named for its god, Ahura Mazda, so that's cool I guess.

Lately it's been Islam, because of the clean living aspect. Like they consider alcohol, cigarettes, pork, and anything bad for you a sin. And I do respect that about their religion, it's a good value to have in your life.

Music and art are also considered a sin in Islam. So it's not just anything that is bad for you but rather anything that might distract you from the path to Allah.

The claim that music and art are forbidden is trivially disprovable. Why even state it, or believe it?

I’m a Muslim but the one where you’ve someone in a small place sitting (I think, the pastor?) and someone can just confess their entire sin history.

For example, you have committed fraud or murdered someone and you can confess and if I remember well, the pastor is not allowed to do anything (IE: going to the police).

I think it is Catholic or Christianity.

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I think Judaism is pretty interesting. No hell to speak of. Strong community focus. Traditions seem not-evil. Seems to foster a sense of curiosity and knowledge seeking. At least among those I know.

I've always found the kabbalah and jewish mysticism fascinating, I don't personally believe in any of it, but it's so morbidly curious and esoteric.

I'm Jewish by heritage now only. Growing up on the Old Testament, I can say it was very fire and brimstone fear-driven.

Taoism interests me as it's so very non prescriptivist and the opposite of what most religions set out to do.

I don't know enough to explain much about it, but again, that doesn't seem to be the idea.

Anyway, that's what interests me about it.

I'll also give a point to the church of the FSM. Not for any sense of it being realistic, but that such absurdity was originally used in a challenge to the teaching of 'inteligent design' by public schools in scientific classes and then people just kind of ran with it writing up a whole scripture and doctrine to go with it.

I've always liked the personal empowerment and coupled responsibility of Wiccanism.

Also the driven personal improvement aspect of Buddhism.

Sikhism was already mentioned here. Also, Scientology. I find it quite fascinating and would love read the SciFi story behind it.

Also, all these smaller groups where something weird is behind it. Jonestown, Waco, and so on.

I read most religious texts when I was a young teen, cause I was a little nerd who loved to read and had nothing better to do.

The Vedas (Hinduism) were really intriguing. Some of their stories very much sound like a futuristic post-human society, with stuff like nuclear warfare.

As mentioned sikhism but also i find occult and exoteric stuffs pretty cool. Even though they are not real, some teachings are systematic and that makes it fun to learn

One of my favorites is democracy. I find the displays of loyalty they have where they self flagellate through outrage fascinating. It's also interesting how they've built a whole mythos around ideals of equality and justice that the elected high priests never stop preaching about, but evidently do not follow themselves at all. I also find it insane how seriously their intellectuals take their purity wars and how viciously they denounce blasphemy for any kind of doubt they perceive over their hugely dogmatic beliefs.

Another interesting one is Empiricism, but since their apostoles seem to be unaware or unwilling to accept it being a belief system at all, rather considering it the unquestionable nature of reality itself and can get so defensive and upset when faced with other highly speculative and superstitious bliefs, I'll just say I find its apotheotic aspirations for mankind inspiring.

Orthodox Economic theory's intricate divination rituals and soothsaying clergypeople also wonder me, and their sacred sport of "business", a game of complex trading systems and rule circumvention has a crazy rich pantheon of heroes, profets and deities.

Good observation! Democracy, at least in the US, could be considered religion where the concept worshipped is miney and power

A meme comes to my mind. 'If you need threat of eternal suffering to be a good person, then you are not a good person.'

The newest one. Politics. I find interesting how his followers believe that the world problems will be solved by politicians.