Marc Andreessen thinks comedy is basically dead. He believes AI could save it. to Not The – 94 points –
Marc Andreessen thinks comedy is basically dead. He believes AI could save it.

I'm not sure if I should be laughing or crying. Probably both.


He kinda sounds like a humorless dick who bought into the AI hype.

You have no idea.


I recommend Robert Evans' analysis of the manifesto and the rest of the AI hype:

“We believe any deceleration of AI will cost lives,” his manifesto states. “Deaths that were preventable by the AI that was prevented from existing is a form of murder.”

And murder is a sin. The more you dig into Andreessen’s theology, the more it starts to seem like a form of technocapitalist Christianity. AI is the savior, and in the case of devices like the Rabbit, it might literally become our own, personal Jesus. And who, you might ask, is God?

“We believe the market economy is a discovery machine, a form of intelligence — an exploratory, evolutionary, adaptive system,” Andreessen writes.

[...Evans makes a comparison to Scientology, and their belief that those who stand in the way of their "tech" become "fair game"...]

My point is that the goals Andreessen and the e/acc crew champion right now are based in faith, not fact. The kind of faith that makes a man a murderer for doubting it.

Andreessen’s manifesto claims, “Our enemies are not bad people — but rather bad ideas.” I wonder where that leaves me, in his eyes. Or Dr. Roli for that matter. We have seen many times in history what happens when members of a faith decide someone of another belief system is their enemy. We have already seen artists and copyright holders treated as “fair game” by the legal arm of the AI industry.

Who will be the next heretic?

Is he a comedian? Does search Oh, he's co-author of Mosaic. In July 2024, Andreessen announced he will donate to Super PACs that support Donald Trump's presidential campaign. What the hell is it with GenX techbros?

Tech bros in general seem to lean right for some reason

Materially, they were often launched into the upper middle class or even outright capitalists, that immediately gives them a bias. Add to that a disdain for social sciences and the humanities as subjects, that is unfortunately often found in STEM fields. On top of that, many are really addicted to the consumer cycle with gadgets and idolise the "geniuses" that "create" them, unlike proper nerds that won't trust this generation of tech nearly as much and much rather create and tinker with stuff themselves.

Rich old fart wants to replace creativity with a computer. What a chode.

Marc Andreessen the comedian? Oh? no, a face behind Netscape. An aging person who says comedy is dead, that's never happened before 🙄

I believe an ai could write soap-opera-style drama and crappy hallmark romance. Probably has been for a while. Anyone can write those things even if they don’t have a good grasp of language.

But comedy is really difficult; you have to actually understand people, and culture, and communication, and language, and timing, and shock, and a bunch of other super nuanced shit.

If he thinks ai is ready for that, he’s ready to lose his own job to ai, cuz what a joker… (see? Comedy is hard!)

I’ve seen what chatgpt outputs, it makes soap opera drama and crappy hallmark romance look like Shakespeare.

"Comedy is dead. Tragedy? Now that's funny"

- Bender Bending Rodriguez

Comedy might not be dead, but I guess irony is.

Can we all just agree to discount whatever these ghouls say? Most AI hype comes from folks who stand to make lots of money from it- not exactly an unbiased source.

Sometimes I read takes from Andreessen and I wonder .. is he human? His statements are what I expect from a poorly acting alien trying to fit into a human society.

i am way beyond accepting anyone who thinks "AI art" is art (or "AI humor" is humor i guess) is even human at this point. like wtf is wrong with you

We are literally in the middle a second golden age of comedy ...what?

Something tells me he wants more Crowder type comedy lol

If cheap animation is the thing AI will give us, why use it only for comedy? Why not magically generated tragedy, pornography, history, pastoral, pastoral-comical, historical-pastoral, tragical-historical, tragical-comical-historical-pastoral, scene individable, or poem unlimited?

I choose to believe "comedy" is what he calls his penis. It's basically dead, and he hopes technology can revive it.