well if you look at it that way

downpunxx@fedia.io to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 172 points –

Even two inches can make a big difference, just ask the guy who shot at Trump.

A joke like that will get you dumped by Jack Black and fired by your agents. At least if you're Kyle Gass.

Jack Black didn't dump anyone, he didn't want to get fucking shot on stage or have his family targeted by one of the 250 million firearms currently in American civilian circulation, primarily hoarded and used by MAGA right wing gun nuts. But do go on ........

If they wanted to target him, they've got the whole Post-apocalypto mini series where they kill Don Jr. with a machine gun after killing his KKK Nazi guards, so one joke is just adding to the pile of reasons he'll be drawn and quartered by them.

Not to worry, he has a magical healing ear. A couple days with a maxi pad on his head and not even a scar!

how small are their legs??

or is this just parallax error?

14 more...

A hand is holding the tape closer to the camera so it looks bigger. 15cm from pelvis to knee!! Not real.

Imagine if you had 6 inches swinging between your legs and it kept hitting your knees!

I'd rather have a thicc 6 than a thin 7

As a bottom it genuinely depends on the day. Some days a dude hits me up on Grindr and if he uses the word thick or sends a pic that looks particularly thick and I'm noping out faster than you can say "oh God it burns"

Some days I'm like "I wonder if I can find a dude with a 2 liter bottle down there. Like Edward scissor hands. Jonathan two-liter-junk"

I honesty have no idea what that means, but regardless, I hope you have a happy butthole.

It's all about how close the eye of the beholder is to the penis...I mean tape measuring tool.