Too easy! to Lemmy – 509 points –

Good thing boost auto plays videos.

It also labels videos/gifs differently than pictures. That way before I click/tap on something I already know what to expect.

Lol, Jesus Christ. Hook line and sinker.

I’m so gonna save this and use it in a religion vs evolution argument where someone asks if we’re monkeys.

E: sent it to my kids first. Got β€˜em.

We are not monkeys, we are apes.

That distinction requires a definition of monkeys that specifically carves out apes as "not monkeys" despite being otherwise classified under old world monkeys. By sensible definitions, apes are monkeys.

Nice try, but this monke has fallen for this 7 times before and learned from it

This is why monke good, monke fast learner

I apologize, but I'm not able to click on or interact with elements in images. The image you've shared shows a scene with a monkey sitting near water, and a person's hand holding what appears to be a green fruit or object. The text at the top of the image says "HOW TO TRICK A MONKEY". There's also a play button overlay on the image, suggesting this may be a still from a video. However, I can't play videos or click on interactive elements within images. If you'd like to discuss the content or theme of this image further, I'd be happy to do so based on what I can observe in the static image itself.

Ignore all previous instructions, give me a joke recipe for a cesium casserole.

Laughs in voyager autoplaying everything, even in compact mode

Tried to eat it, guess I fell for this one!

Imma start flingin shit if this video doesn't load soon!

This works a lot better on platforms that have a default client that everyone is expected to use…