The Time of the Harvest to Lemmy – 899 points –

I don't think this plan works anymore with the prices the way they are now.

Oh good. We can finally stop worrying about trump. Now there's a bigger clown to worry about.

It's hilarious and sad seeing people like you who think of him every second of your life and have to bring him up everywhere.

Why not just focus on the cows and chickens? You lose energy with every trophic level

humans could be some rare delicacy for McSpiecies, like octopi are to us

Isn't that almost the plot of Kill la Kill, except with clothes?

No wonder he was removed in recent years... they knew we were getting closer to discovering the secret.

In the Unknown Armies setting, McD's was infiltrated by a magick cabal called the Mak Attax, who "bless" burgers with random magick effects in order to trigger a slow broad awakening to magick in the general population.