Tumblr to move its half a billion blogs to WordPress

Nemeski@lemm.ee to Technology@lemmy.world – 135 points –
Tumblr to move its half a billion blogs to WordPress | TechCrunch

Not as drastic as the headline makes it out to be, or at least so they claim.

“We acquired Tumblr to benefit from its differences and strengths, not to water it down. We love Tumblr’s streamlined posting experience and its current product direction,” the post explained. “We’re not changing that. We’re talking about running Tumblr’s backend on WordPress. You won’t even notice a difference from the outside,” it noted.

We'll see how that actually works out. Tumblr’s backend has always seemed rather... makeshift, so I'm curious to see how they manage to do that. Given Tumblr’s technical eccentricities, a backend migration could probably do a lot of good for the functionality of the site, if done properly. I have my doubts that WordPress' engineers will be given the time and resources to do a full overhaul/refactor though, so I'm fully expecting even more janky, barely functional code stapling the two systems together.

WordPress is built on decades of hacky code, probably more so than Tumblr. I would be shocked if this is an improvement.

Not as familiar with WordPress, but if that's the case, yeah, I don't have high hopes for this going well...

Even after Automattic acquired it, the site continued to lose money at a rate of $30 million each year, the company’s CEO Matt Mullenweg had said.

I still wanna know what they're spending all that money on, because I'm sure it's not developers or even servers. The idea that they can only be profitable if they're constantly growing their user numbers is an investor idea that's doomed to fail eventually and why so many social media sites are crashing right now

if they’re constantly growing their user numbers

All social media needs to constantly grow because attrition. Social media requires basic levels of user ship to be functional, even lemmy. Its a network effect where you need to have certain levels of users for some emergent properties to exist. For example, I speculate that defederation early between .ml and .world was the trigger that will eventually kill lemmy, principally because this results in fragmentation and a reduction in the properties we would get from "more users". Having more users begets more users, more content, more memes, etc. And I don't necesssarily see the defederation as something unneccessary, but what I'm describing is an inherent property of networks. Its not something that can really be argued with because this behavior is consistent across physical, biological, social networks. It just "is" as a property.

So foundationally, you can't sit still on a train moving backwords (which it always is). An organism needs to be constantly recruiting and growing new cells into its network because its also always dying. Growth is "holding still" for any networked system.

Lemmy can work without user accounts made directly on the server. I'm posting from a completely different instance using completely different software (mbin), and I can see both .ml and .world and interact with them both just fine despite their defederation from each other.

It's kind of more like a random street gathering instead of an exclusive club.

Or like the golden age of instant messengers, where you had multiple choices of multi-client apps like Trillian.

You still had individual accounts for each IM platform, but a single app to chat on any platform.

I see no mention of ActivityPub in the article, but I'm wondering if this is part of their plan to eventually integrate Tumblr into the fediverse as well.

However I agree with others that this will likely result in hella janky hackable websites first...hopefully it smoothes out.

Funny how all these social media corporations were run as ponzi schemes...

1 more...

Sounds stupid. I wonder if this makes it easier to sell the content to AI scrapers?

It makes sense that they'd want to move it to a single codebase rather than have both Wordpress code and Tumblr code in the same organization.

Anyone else old enough to remember when Wordpress was called b2? Good times.

Automattic says the move to WordPress will have its advantages, as it will make it easier to share the company’s work across the two platforms.

I foresee no issues

Seeing how much CPU and memory is using a single WordPress blog, i wonder how much it will cost to host half a billion WordPress blogs

They summarised the history of Tumblr, but failed to mention how they lost 3 quarters of their users by banning porn?

Like, two owners ago. Wordpress took Tumblr off Verizon's hands for $3 million USD, ~six years after Yahoo! bought it for $1.1 billion.

Where the fuck does yahoo even get money from to do this kind of shit at this point?