Scientists grow ‘lost tree’ mentioned in Bible using mysterious ancient seed to World – 181 points –
Scientists grow ‘lost tree’ mentioned in Bible using mysterious ancient seed

Tree’s resin, called ’tsori’ in Biblical texts, was highly prized in ancient world for its used in perfume, incense, cataract medicine, embalming agents, and antidotes

The resin of a tree grown from an ancient seed found in a desert cave near Jerusalem could be the source of a medicinal balm mentioned in the Bible, a new study has found.

The strange seed, about 2cm long, was discovered in a Judean Desert cave in the late 1980s, and dated to between 993AD and 1202AD. After years of attempting to grow the plant, researchers have identified the sapling nicknamed “Sheba”.

Researchers suspected the “Sheba” tree to be a candidate for the “Judean Balsam” or “Balm of Judea”, which was cultivated exclusively in the desert region of southern Levant during Biblical times.

The Judean Balsam has been extensively described in the literature from Hellenistic, Roman-Byzantine and Post-Classical periods between the 4th century BC and the 8th century AD.


used in perfume, incense, cataract medicine

"I hear you're having trouble seeing. Put this perfume in your eye."

Well. It can’t all be snake oil.

I mean people get suspicious of snake oil literally cures… like… everything…

The funny thing is that actual chinese snake oil was incredibly effective at alleviating things like joint pain or some skin conditions. It has higher concentrations of omega 3s than fish oil and has even been shown to help mice learn mazes faster.

That's why grifters selling fake medicine all claimed it was snake oil - people already wanted snake oil because they knew it worked.

Wonder if anyone's given effort to synthesize it. Name like snake oil would fly off shelves like liquid death and emergen-c combined

Eyes aspirin suspiciously...pain reduction, anti-inflammatory, blood thinner, fever reduction. All-in-one package?

Basically all medication has side effects.

Aspirin works by blocking production of cyclooxygenase, which, causes platelets not to produce thromboxane A2, effectively permanently rendering affected platelets useless.

COX also reduces productions of prostaglandins which mediates pain- basically, causing your nerves to pay attention to pain signals. (I’m sure some one who’s actually a doctor or nurse is swearing at me by now…) and also triggers more inflammation.

COX also increases production of PGE2 (another prostaglandin,) which is what triggers the fever response.

This is how most NSAIDs work, though they each have other side effects, that are different from the others.

doctor or nurse is swearing at me by now

The people who interact with patients think you're great. Give people some info and make it easy to understand. It's the Ph.D. fella who did his thesis on cellular signaling focusing on nociceptor differences in distal/medial loci.



To add even more nonsense, you can get it naturally from the soft Underbark of willow trees.Literally eating this bark makes pain go away.

I mean people thought bleach could cure Covid…

Well it does ..but the side effects are killer.

To be clear, only a few people of a particular sort thought that.

Yes, historical medicin was so good, lets work our ass off to recreate it...

That's how I feel every time someone touts "traditional Chinese medicine." Sure, ancient peoples knew about certain cures... they also didn't understand basic concepts like viruses.

What do you call alternative medicine that has been proven to work?


Exactly. My dad had and I have a painful nerve condition called trigeminal neuralgia. My dad was desperate to try anything, so he tried acupuncture. I asked him if it helped with the pain and he told me, "no, but the acupuncturist said it did." And then I asked him what it felt like, and he said, "it felt like someone stuck a lot of needles in my face."

Jumping in to ask if you've tried carbomazapine (sp?) for the TN? My mom suffered for nearly 2 years with face shocks, sometimes dozens of times per day. That med is the only thing that helped, and we never had a doctor suggest it. I did my own research by looking up medical journals on my school's library and then asked the doc to prescribe it for her. Almost instant relief

My dad has lingering (in fact, worsened now that he's getting older) pain and contortions and his foot that was nearly severed when he was a teenager. He's very much not into alternative medicine and that sort of thing, but he finally decided to try acupuncture about two years ago. He says it helped. Only thing that has helped.

I'm still skeptical, but I'm a little bit less skeptical because he's the sort to be skeptical of it as well.

My laymans assumption is that acupuncture likely has a counterirritant effect, which can make pain seem less pronounced.

Sort of like how punching yourself in the side of the head can provide relief for a migraine.

I wonder if that might be the case. My dad said that it wasn't painful, so I'm not sure. The needles are apparently very thin.

I would expect, just like with pharmaceutical medicine, there is a placebo effect for some people and so it gets really complicated trying to determine how effective something like acupuncture is.

For people who hate the greed of the pharma industry, it's really amazing to see just how little logic it takes to destroy their arguments:

You know how we know ground-up rhino horn doesn't cure your dick problems? Because Pfizer or GlaxoSmithKline or Bayer aren't spending billions on rhino sanctuaries.

Many pharmaceuticals origate as natural remedies. You think they just came up with synthetic drugs out of thin air?

No, but the process to identify the ones that work is all part of the modern medicine. Before that, placebo and lack of scientific methods made it impossible to separate a working substance from snake oil.

It may have useful organic compounds. I’m mostly interested because it could be a nice incense

Articles like this really float my boat! It reminds me a bit of the discovery of the Wollemi Pine in Australia.

Jumping in to share another article. Silphium may have been rediscovered!

Silphium (also known as laserwort or laser; Ancient Greek: σίλφιον, sílphion) is an unidentified plant that was used in classical antiquity as a seasoning, perfume, aphrodisiac, and medicine.[

Hell yeah laserwort

Thanks! I hadn't heard about that one. Here another article on it. Wow.

Ah, okay. That is a striking looking vine, but nothing is mentioned about it being tasty, and it's genetically related to other Central Asian plants, according to a study cited on Wikipedia.

Nooo! Amazing if true.

Unfortunately this appears to be an archive of a paywall.

Sorry! Worked fine for me. I'll see if I can't put a different link up

It's alright, someone else already did. I'm skeptical, it sounds like there's genetic evidence it's of central Asian origin.

As a perfume nerd I'd love to know what this smells like, and when it'll be used to create a new niche fragrance

perfume nerd


There are several active and very passionate communities online including Fragrantica and Basenotes.....things can get incredibly nerdy when discussing perfume, believe it or not 😀

There's also a fragrance community here on lemmy but I think it's all but dead now...

Neat. Anyone with a passion for specialized knowledge (assuming they don't do anything unethical obviously) has my respect.

I'd love to know [...] when it'll be used to create a new niche fragrance

Easy Satan. Let's not kill it off again after some vapid Kardashian promotes it.

"Earthy. Sandy. dreamy. Hugo Pharaoh for your king or queen. Available at Macy's and all fine retailers today. As seen on Kardashiana; season 3 extruding now."

What's your favourite scent/scent note? (Either scent to work with if you make perfumes, or just something you personally enjoy for your own use)

This is going to be a long comment.... 😀

All time favourite note is probably Jasmine, but not a nice fresh Jasmine, something a bit more indolic and sultry. Also I like Vanilla, but again not sweet, a proper vanilla pod scent with something mixed in to make it interesting (Mona di Orio has a beautiful Vanilla fragrance that also has boozy notes of Rum, Orange and Wood- she envisioned a trade ship carrying them as goods when creating it)

Also I love Labdanum, it helps to form the back bone of 'Oriental' perfumes. It lasts for ever and is deep and rich. Plus Mimosa, but so far only in Frederic Malles Une Fleur de Cassie- it is glorious with a underlying something. In a review someone said it was like a beautiful garden, full of flowers with a dead body buried in it! I think you can probably sense a theme that I don't like pretty fragrance, I like something a bit dark and skanky...

I also love the smell of soil, CBIhatePerfume has a great one called Wild Hunt, it smells exactly like a resinous pine forest, complete with damp soil and mushrooms. He doesn't create 'normal' perfumes, they're more like entire sensory experiences that transport you elsewhere. Patchouli is another favourite, it's grassy and slightly chocolatey too. Musks are another some can be gloriously filthy!

Favourite perfumes....? There are so many to choose from! I have probably around 100 different one by now, some are decants and large sample sizes (which makes it more affordable) others are full bottles purchased when the £ was stronger than the Euro, and before Brexit...

I have favourite perfume houses, including Frederic Malle (his perfumes are amazing and use quality ingredients and lots of natural oils), Serge Lutens (his fragrances tend to be dark and opulent- checkout his website for some French Gothic fun), Guerlain is a really old perfume house their La Art et La Matiere line is wonderful. Also Parfums d'Empire, Mona di Orio, Sonoma Scent Studio, Papillon Perumes.... Chanel Exclusifs and some Dior

Me and the bf are intending to visit Paris soon, I can guarantee we will be our respects to Serge Lutens Boutique and Maison Guerlain!

edit....I forgot Rose, Ylang, Incense, Sandalwood, some Ouds....the list is endless

Also changed 'les exclusifs' to 'La Art et La Matiere'

I did the same thing with the ancient seed in Stardew Valley