Ukraine war: Kyiv claims first victories of counter-offensive - BBC News to World – 9 points –
  • Ukraine says it has liberated four villages in the south-east, calling these the first settlements won back from Russia since Kyiv's counter-offensive began
  • On Monday morning, officials reported that "the national flag is once again waving" over Storozhove, in the Donetsk region
  • A day earlier, footage showed Ukrainian troops celebrating in Blahodatne and Neskuchne - and a minister said nearby Makarivka was also taken
  • The settlements are relatively small - and Moscow is yet to confirm any retreat
  • The Institute for the Study of War backs up Kyiv's claims, saying Ukraine captured "multiple settlements" along the frontline over the weekend
  • On Saturday, President Zelensky acknowledged that the long-awaited counter-offensive was under way

ITT: Russian sympathisers coping

It's good news; though, nothing spectacular like the earlier offensive. It's to be expected though, the muscovites have had time to build up those defences.

Hopefully the exodus from Reddit will help drown out the authoritarian-worship here.

Yes, my Russian-sympathizing friends. You can certainly classify the actions of Russia and China as imperialist & bad too, and it will not detract from the imperialist & bad stuff the US or "the West" has done. Most humans can walk and chew gum at the same time, you can too!

Edit: My first downvote here! Looks like there are indeed some people who can't walk and chew gum at the same time :P

Muh both sides!

What do you understand the word "Imperialist" to mean?

Wikipedia's first paragraph is:

Imperialism is the practice, theory or attitude of maintaining or extending power over foreign nations, particularly through expansionism, employing not only hard power (economic and military power), but also soft power (cultural and diplomatic power). Imperialism focuses on establishing or maintaining hegemony and a more or less formal empire.

Russia (and the Soviet Union) has had multiple rounds of imperialism throughout its history. Slicing bits off Ukraine and its continued occupation of parts of Georgia in the modern era certain counts as expansionism. It also exercises cultural power by using state controlled Russian-language media to influence both domestic and foreign populations.

Thanks for that, I was too lazy to respond to him. Glad someone else brought the receipts

you know it's possible to 'dislike' Russia and at the same time know that they will completely overpower Ukraine, right? you're letting your hatred for Russia blind your understanding of military power and strategy

Ukraine has the Leopard and the Abrams. The Abrams was made specifically to fight the Soviets. In a weird way it's like the Abrams is "going home".

ISW is one of, if not the most highly regarded military think tanks in the world. They're backing these claims which means it's true.

Ukraine hasn't even used F16s or the Abrams yet and they're still succeeding. Russia is using T-90s, but mostly T-72s. Do you know the last time the M1A1 went up against a T-72? When the US invaded Iraq, the US defeated the Iraqi army within a month.

YOU seem to be the one who has no idea what they're talking about

and how did those tanks perform this weekend? and how many of those tanks are ACTUALLY IN UKRAINE right now? without air support those tanks are sitting ducks and will continue to be destroyed.

ISW was founded by an historian. please tell me you're joking when saying anything they say should be taken seriously. this shit is so easy dude, how do you all get dooped by these people every time.

The reason I know you're talking out of your ass is because the Abrams isn't even in Ukraine right now. You clearly aren't following what's going on in the war.

They're training them in Germany. Similar for the F16s. The Leopards are performing quite well however.

Set your confirmation bias aside. ISW is highly regarded and demoting them to a glorified historian is a gross oversimplification.

Anyone that "knows" they will completely overpower Ukraine apparently stopped paying attention to reality many years ago. They've been proven to be incapable of it.

oh cool, i've found the military understander. so what is Ukraine's strategy here? What does victory look like for them?

In weapons, ammunition, and soldiers Russia outnumbers the AFU, as assessed by any reasonable expert. Russia sees this as a special military operation, not a war. They are comfortable being conservative with their resources and not committing too many at once (which is what they've done so far). Even with this restraint, they are killing Ukrainian soldiers at a higher rate than Russian soldiers are dying. Russia has an army, including reserves, of around 2million soldiers.

Look I hate seeing young men sent into a meat thresher because they are serving the interests of NATO and capitalist interests. I wish the AFU had the courage to not waste the lives of their soldiers and come to the negotiating table so that no more lives are senselessly wasted

I wish the AFU had the courage to not waste the lives of their soldiers and come to the negotiating table so that no more lives are senselessly wasted

What's to negotiate? Russia has seized Ukrainian territory. Ukraine wants it back. There's nothing for Ukraine to concede.

The only side "wasting" lives here is Russia, if they'd just go home the war would be over. Ukraine's not going to try seizing any Russian territory.

i am once again urging you to understand that the war began in 2014.

the LPR and DPR regions are ethnically russian. they were living peacefully until 2014 when their political parties were disbanded and they've been systematically shelled by ukranians every day since 2014. minsk 2 would have reintegrated Donbas with Ukraine with some protections for its minority population, but Ukraine didn’t even implement the first step. zelensky was elected on a platform of ending the war, but when he tried Azov told him they would rather coup his government than stand down. at some point when negotiations are broken down the only thing any organization has left to do is resort to violence, which the Russian state did when it felt threatened enough by NATO (which if you’ll recall spent months warmongering prior to the invasion start) to justify the risk.

That's the most tankie shit I have read in a while. I don't get how anyone with a modicum of humanity can go out of their way to defend the war of aggression Russia is waging against the people (mostly civilians!) of Ukraine.

You seriously need to stop living in your tiny bubble. The shit you are spewing is just sad and you probably don't even get why what you say is awful.

So I sincerely ask you to either become a better person or just stfu.

Stop, you will make them cry back to lemmygrad!

33 more...

Slava Ukraïni!

Quit reddit behavior please. This adds nothing and is not at all useful.

I'm just expressing my hope they will succeed and liberate many more villages and cities, in the most succint way possible. And they will succeed.

You just said 'glory to the heroes'. Which heroes are you wishing glory to? Cause that saying has a history that you are apparently unaware of.

The ones right now (not 70 years ago) defending their country (aka the Ukrainians) from imperialists (russians) who are shelling civilians, kidnapping children, castrating soldiers, raping women. YHave you been keeping up?

Just things fascists say while they murder Poles and Jews.

you're super and are loved... No need to be the token edgemaster 5000 here.

This was literally what Bandyerites, i.e. fascists that assisted the Nazis and did ethnic cleansing all on their own, used as a rallying cry.

Context is important for meaning.

The nazis used a salute one French painter imagined the Romans using. In the United states kids used to make the same salute to pledge allegiance to the flag. This doesn't make the american kids (nor the Romans) nazis. Becouse the context matters.

Sounds like this war is nearly over!

Don't confuse propaganda for the actual status of the war.

An area amounting to about 6 km by 6 km. Still an excuse for cheerleading and manufacturing consent for escalation. One of the villages is like 6 houses.

I guarantee you it means something to the residents of those six houses.

It's easy to lose track of individual humanity at the scale of a war, but this victory is the one these people will always most remember when they think of the tide turning. Their lives are worth something.

Doesn't change the fact the the suMmEr OfFensIVe is going horribly lol

Real life is not like the movies

The summer offensive that has been going on for what? One week? Looking at how fast Russia gained ground in bakhmut, vuhledar, and avdiivka, this offensive is going swimmingly

I would save this comment and get back to you when the offensive has crumbled, but something tells me you and all the other Reddit libs currently swarming this website will have long crawled back to daddy Reddit by then ;)

E: Uh oh, seems like I've angered le epic reddit army! Whatever shall I do?! I know, I'll just wait a month or two until 80% of the accounts in this thread are long dead :3

Reading this made me very sad for you. Good luck. The fact that this instance often bans people for countering your imperialist world-view created a bubble where you might think it's the libs that you speak out against. In reality it's not only radicals that you write of but it's also our comrades, long time antifa, anarchist and communist militants that are dying fighting back against yet another imperialist incursion into CEE from Russia. No amount of western ignorance, privilege and lack of education will stop us from struggling for our right to self-determination, solidarity with the refugees from Ukraine and all victims of this invasion or the broader struggle against a centuries long oppression of our peoples. With regards, from admin of one of the first lemmy instances.

It's funny how with certain folks its always the fighting back that's the escalation, never the original aggression...

Yes those Nazi bombings of innocent people were awful.

never the original aggression…

Ah the Maidan Coup, ya the Ukrainians shouldn't have done that, you're right

How dare the people rise up against their rightfully-installed rulers and decide they want someone else. What did they think this was, a democracy?

it literally took 1 day for the cia and nafo freaks to overrun lemmy world news..

Maybe you're just discovering what the median opinion of the mainstream public looks like?

Ukraine doesn’t really win anything. This is the third Army they are wasting. Too bad for the Ukrainian conscripts.

Bunch of Redditors hete getting stoked for this war to be down to the last Ukrainian.

I can't wait for the "blackout" to end so they can go back to huffing cope and baying for blood on r/ukraine again

You want russia to win? Not enough rape, castrating, stealing children, shelling appartment blocks for you?

the thing you bloodthirsty redditors don't understand is, the only correct position on this war is hoping it ends as soon as possible. I hope peace talks can be established, and we can all move past this with as few people as possible being shoved into the woodchipper. I am not pro russia, and I'm certainly not pro ukraine. The only correct position is anti war, anything less is baying for blood.

I have little trust that an "end" that leaves Russia occupying a large portion of Ukraine will last. It's a message to Russia's leadership that invasions will be rewarded. First Georgia, then Crimea, then Ukraine more broadly. Make some allegations about a Russian minority being persecuted and it's time to roll in the tanks! That's probably a large reason why Europe has been willing to arm Ukraine to the teeth: to send a message that the West is serious this time after wimping out in the case of Georgia and Crimea.