[Meta] Can we ban political posts?

simple@lemm.ee to pics@lemmy.world – 353 points –

This community is for photography and interesting images. This isn't the place for shitposts about trump overshadowing quality posts. There's already 10 other communities people can go to for that.





And more. Can we ban these low effort political posts and go back to having a decent community? Thanks.


Yes please. It's getting increasingly difficult to block US Politics from Lemmy. Unitedstatesians are so obsessed with it. I don't want to be force to see it ALL OF THE TIME EVERYWHERE!

If you have Sync or Connect you can block posts with political keywords:

I don't have anything against you American homies, it's just the constant news coverage I'm trying to block

USA guy here. I don't give two fucks about politics at all. I block everyone that posts about it.

As a Unitedstatesian myself, while I like to keep informed of important events, even I like to get a break from the constant stream of the same news or meme or whatever being shared a dozen times, or in the case of today's mugshot, 70+ times.

You know what I do when social media gets repetitive? I get off social media and do something else.

I think you'll probably have to start blocking users. Not ideal, though.

Sometimes, it's all you can do. The political talk is so heated people are starting to harass each other over it. It's what the block feature is supposed to be for.

Honestly, all of Lemmy needs to sit down and decide whether this is the direction they truly want to allow their platform to go in, because so far, I am not impressed.

I disagree that all of Lemmy needs to pick a direction. That's the nice thing about instances. You can spin up your own and do what you want on there.

I think a lot of this would be resolved by more features. Instance blocking on user side should be a thing, for example. I think some app does it, but it's not a feature of the whole platform. Also, if there was a way to automatically link multiple communities of the same topic from different instances, I think it would cut down on a lot of the repetitive content we see on All. But that would have to be a feature you can toggle, otherwise I can imagine it breaking horribly.

Political campaign funded bots/PR firms are the reason you see it saturate social media so badly. It's not entirely because we're obsessed with it, most people I know try to just live our lives and go vote when it's actually election day and that's about it.

That is to say, it is very annoying to most of us, too, and I support the motion to ban political images/shitposts on the pics community.


The word you want is "Americans".

I also would like political stuff kept out of non-political communities.

if U.S. is America, than why is it U.S. of America?

Canadians too are americans, like Mexicans are americans

imagine if Germans thought that European meant German 🤷

It doesn't matter what makes sense to you. "American" is the correct term.

Do you also say "Unitedkingdomers" since the "British Isles" includes the Republic of Ireland?

no, you just say Irish, they're lucky like that.

when precision is needed, we also have English, Scottish, Welsh &c.

Mexicans and Canadians too are Americans. So i will just call you Bob from now on.

Hello Bob, how's your day?

The U.S. are far from the only people that colloquially call us "Americans." This is a non issue.

And if you really want to be pedantic, all South Americans are Americans too.

Canadians and Mexicans are "North Americans". Brazilians are "South Americans". People who live in the US call themselves Americans. That's just how language works, buddy. If it irritates your pedantic bone so much, the only solution is to build a time machine to go back a few centuries and change it.

Nah man. Why give the whole continent a bad name just because the people in the middle of it are arseholes?

Now that I am back available, all the duplicates have been removed, the first posting of the photo is locked. I will see if I can make a poll when I am off mobile to get a community consensus on if we want to ban all political pictures. I don’t have a preference one way or the other, but this is about what the community wants to do. We don’t generally get a lot of political posts anyways outside of this special event.

If you are curious as to what gets done behind the scenes, go to the sidebar, scroll to the bottom near the mod list and select “mod log”. This shows every action a mod as taken, who has taken it (mods can only see which mod did which action it seems), and who or what it was against.

so you're complaining about what might be one of the most famous photos to ever come out of the United States in a photography sub yeah okay

Because spam totally counts as photography, right?

As if there aren't already 5,000 communities to post about US politics, you have to bring it literally everywhere. What's wrong with keeping politics in their respective subs? Do you think we should spam every community every time something happens? It's obvious this place is for aesthetically pleasing or interesting photos, and this is neither.

you're missing the point, it's a historical photograph in a photography sub... if it does belong anywhere it would be here if you appreciate historical photographs

I would argue it's probably interesting for most people, as evidenced by the other comments. Also, you're making a mountain out of a molehill, this is a one time thing that you could have just ignored for a few days

It was interesting the first few times but the entire front page of lemmy is just a giant circlejerk about it right now. Gets old pretty fast seeing nothing but American politics spammed everywhere, at least keep it to the political communities so it's easier to block.

That photo is not even one day old. Have some patience.

I get it, I feel the same way about Unix threads and Pokemon, but I just scroll on by, and when it gets too annoying to ignore, I put the phone down and pick up a book. It's much less exhausting than trying to police how other people use the internet.

go do something else for a while.

you don't need to look at the front page of lemmy who_knows_how_many_times a day

But, but, but he has to see something more than once! Don't you understand, his eyelids are ludovicoed open and he's being forcefed social media, and it just keeps showing him - GASP - AMERICAN P-P-POLITICS! Oh, the humanity!

Honestly, I’m in agreement with OP. Yes it’s going to be/is a “famous” photo, but I join subs like this to NOT see all the depressing political/end of world/consumerism crap. There are plenty of other places for cheerosupremes mugshot. I personally scrolled past at least 20 of them on other like every other sub.

Yes. I would like to complain about that. As a photo its content is not interesting and I am fed up of Trump spam.

If you lot didn't keep giving him all this publicity he'd be forgotten by now.

1 more...

I don't even mind the one post. But why is the same picture up several times? And the South Park meme isn't even a photo, it's a screenshot. The Zoolander one is a photo and a screenshot spliced together.

I agree with OP. There are better places to post those. And the duplicate posts should have been removed immediately.

They have been removed, the first posted is locked. I was unavailable to check in on c/pics due to family reasons the last 14 hours.

Yeah I can live with one post, but it's all reposts and memes

Yes please. Tired of blocking communities. I already know the world is on fire. Don't need daily reminders.

Surprised they’re not banned already. I would have no problem with this type of content being banned. Political content belongs on political subs.

There is already a rule for this:

3… No spam posting/trolling.

I don't object to it being shown once, but the repetition should not be allowed. As someone has already said Politics pervades everything, it would be a difficult one to enforce. So instead of trying to reinvent the wheel just stop the trolling.

Any Lemmy app where I can filter out content on keywords like Trump and Musk will be my new daily.

I have to agree, we have Politics, News and World News for that.

This would help with the deluge of the same picture flooding Hot/All.

The first time you see it, it's informative the 6th time it's annoying.

if people would use the cross post functionality... we would only see it once

Yes please. There are many communities that have to do with politics, as you mention, and I'm so tired of seeing US politics all over everything all of the time.

I totally support this. Political images or images with a political message should have their own forum.

Yes please. It's even more annoying on fediverse social networks because for some reason people can't use proper tags and instead use allegories or inside jokes to refer to trump or musk so I can't even filter it out properly.

Another way to look at this: I'd rather allow some junk posts than be strict and without much content. Let Lemmy grow before the communities become very specific and strict.

Instead of forcing a fediverse to ban certain posts, why don't you just block them from your side? Just blacklist certain words.

Unlike previous social media sites that drive on engagement, here we have that option.

If you don't enforce rules on what content is allowed in a community, they all start blending together. That's one part of why the big Reddit subs are shit.

Lol, you're doing something wrong. I just scrolled through my feed and saw one image of Trump and one image of Ghouliani. The rest have zero to do with politics unless you count the military guy from another country holding a gun to his head as "political".

If youre referring to c/pics, I cleaned them up earlier today after waking up so you may not have been able to see them. You can view the sidebar by the modlist there will be a "mod log" hyperlink, that will show you what has been removed or locked.

Ever notice that calls to ban politics only ever happen when Republicans look bad?

Yeah. It must have something to do with Democrats having no sense of boundaries.

I'd also like to ban Woke photos!


What's a woke photo? I don't even know what woke means but I hear it all the time. Is it interchangeable with tolerant? Seems to be my understanding, just another word for tolerance, what does that even look like in photo form?