Four-Times-Indicted Donald Trump Is Still Lying About, of All Things, His Weight

USA to politics – 473 points –
Four-Times-Indicted Donald Trump Is Still Lying About, of All Things, His Weight

No, Donald Trump Is Not 6’3” and 215 Pounds


Let me tell you too.

But seriously, I'm sick of these stupid headlines. Write an article when you know the details not when you are speculating on them. There is nothing new here.

Also, the weight of some American fraudster is hardly newsworthy, and the connection to politics is slim at best.

Slim, unlike that wastline... phew.

Though it is relevant tangentially in that it's a great indicator of how petty, dishonest, and unworthy of power he is.

Pol Pot was slim.

Weight is a poor indicator of character.

I think he meant the lying about weight.

Almost 3 in 4 Americans are fat. It's inevitable that plenty of them are in denial about this simple fact.

I doubt they're all bad people as it goes. Everybody's at least a bit vain, insecure or prideful. Whether it's adding an extra inch, deducting a few pounds, pretending you're more succesful than you actually are, lying to yourself and others about that thing you did, touching up your photos or leaving your exact age a secret.

Crucially however, the overwhelming majority of those people who lie (to themselves and others) about their weight, aren't convicted rapists, traitors, or fascists.

Claiming he's 215 is a lot more than "a few pounds" and I'd bet the majority of people at least make an attempt at good faith when filling out official paperwork.

People with zero creativity are all too happy to make momentary buck off the momentum of the moment.

You know what it is? Lazy. They could be doing some proper investigative journalism, but that costs time and often money.

So instead they write an article about Trump being fat. We know he's fat. We know he's lying about his weight.

But let's be real. He's hardly alone. The vast majority of Americans are fat (something like 70%), and almost 40% are obese. I assume many of these people are also in denial about it. How are they supposed to feel about this article?

Hell, google the author of this article. He's also overweight. It's not unlikely he's also in denial given he chose to write this article. That isn't an attack. Life happens, you're busy, and if you're not careful you get fat. Invariably you're a bit insecure/vain about it. That's only human.

Let he who is not fat throw the first stick of butter.

When it comes to Trump, him being fat is the least of his crimes.

It's overdone.

The one thing I would add is that he got to get the mug in a suit and tie Typically, more casual attire is involved.

1 more...

I'm pissed that they're still letting him self-report that. They should have weighed and measured him like everyone else.

Wait, his drivers license lists him as 6’2

Is Donald trump really that tall? Because that’s tall as fuck. I don’t fault an old man for getting out of shape like that, but 6’3? I always pictured him as like 5’10. He doesn’t seem that tall in anything I’ve watched.

But idk, fuck that guy anyway. Just had a totally different in person vision in my head.

Okay I just googled pictures of him next to Putin and looked at a bunch of them and I was like “oh wow he’s a good three or four inches taller than Putin maybe this is right.”

Then I learn Putin is 5’7. Seems fishy to me.

Look at Trump and Obama standing next to each other.

Oh yeah. And Obama is 6’1, and they seem about the same height. Assuming they’re both wearing shoes for normal people I could believe trump is 6’1.

Both on drivers license and jail weight and height are self reported

He's probably around 6'. He seems to be about the same height as Obama in pictures, but that might be lifts to some extent. In his younger years probably 6'1-6'2" and still holding onto it

Is anyone really surprised that a vain, narcissistic man would lie about his height and weight? I think that's pretty standard.

One of the great annoyances of the Donald Trump era is that for all his evil, all his cruelty, all his shitheadedness, the guy is still, somehow, a little relarable.

Homie, seriously? If you relate to coming to your arrest prepared to lie about your weight so people will perceive you as more physically fit/appealing then you are, fucking get help.

I'm wondering if they didn't just take that off his drivers license. Mine hasn't been updated since 1995 and I grew an inch by the end of my teens and well, gained admit 70lbs.

He could absolutely be a lying shithead, but this crossed my mind last night.

If Trump was a woman, Slate would never have published this.

If Lizzo went around INSISTING she was 140lbs and she got arrested, I'd bet donuts to blowjobs that people would clown on her in a similar situation.

Give me a fucking break: Trump body shames like crazy so watching him be on the other end is really fucking funny. Especially because that fat, unhealthy fuck is so vain and has never been held accountable for the firehose of bullshit he's subjected this country to