Delta flight returns after passenger has diarrhea ‘all the way through’ plane to Not The – 145 points –
Delta flight returns after passenger has diarrhea ‘all the way through’ plane

Passengers, reportedly including the one suffering diarrhea, were allowed to re-board after an eight-hour delay [...]

God damn if I was the person who did it, I'm not sure I'd want to get back on and just have people stare at me with contempt and disgust for an entire international flight.

Alternately, I might feel obligated to suffer along with everyone else, all things considered.

No way I'd be boarding that flight in either role. If it happened once it can happen again!

I just keep hearing "smell of vanilla shit" in my head and I'm like, "Naw, I'm good. I'll sleep at the airport and try to catch an early flight tomorrow." Haha

I know that smell: I grew up in a house with ventless bathrooms, but plenty of Glade.

I grew up in a house with ventless bathrooms, but plenty of Glade.

Trauma like that'll make you grow up fast.

Unless they refund me, I'm boarding. Can't afford to throw away an air ticket.

A person had a medical emergency, it sucks, but to treat them like they did something purposefully wrong, or that they should feel ashamed, is not just pointlessly mean, it's ableist, too.

I don't know if you're chiding me or not, but in case you are: I quite literally put myself in their shoes in the post you're responding to.

And for the record, without going into the horrifying details, I lived a very similar situation at a really nice hotel on a work trip. I had the luck of being alone and able to clean it up on my own without anyone noticing but for that 45 minutes where I frantically ran to a 7/11 to buy paper towels and hand sanitizer as a stand-in for proper cleaning product and then frantically cleaned it up like MacGuyver was just handed a single thread and a thimble to diffuse a bomb, I dreaded more than anything that someone would see before I had a chance to take care of it.

I agree that it would be cruel to treat that person any differently because they had an unavoidable accident that caused all this, but people suck. And even if everyone was super understanding, I'd still be absolutely mortified as the person who did it.

Do you have IBS?

Regardless, I know someone with IBS, and yes they constantly are embarrassed by their incontinence.

This person wasn't "treating" them differently, they were exhibiting empathy.

You should probably learn how to tell before jumping to conclusions. My advice would be to read a book, or anything that wasn't written on an online forum.

This article is not making it clear what happened. Diarrhea in the seat, aisles? They had to turn back because quantity, smell, or passenger dehydration?

Edit: seems one of the links shows the carpet.

Most importantly: what did they order? Was it the fish?

I just wanted to say good luck. We're all counting on you.

They do actually. Right at the top they explain that

"Passengers re-board flight to Spain after eight-hour delay while social media posts describe flight crew mopping up mess"

There's also a video linked that show a trail of diarrhea in the aisles

How is that possible? It HAD to have been a kid running without pants on staining the whole aisle… right?

I can imagine that they were making a mad dash for the toilet and didn't make it. They thus were leaking it along the aisle while still trying to get there.

Having diarrhea on a plane is like my worst nightmare times 11 and this article isn't helping

1 more...

Yeah bruh I am STOKED to spend hours on a plane a month from now to go to a fucking destination wedding for my cousin.

imagine the amount of subsidized kerosene spent to board this person..such behaviour is tolerated since the same passenger has his tax money subsidizing no worries..

edit: enjoy lol

Imagine not getting triggered by the word "airplane"

tbh seeing people flying instead of taking trains feels like being cucked..unless u dont get triggered while being cucked

You ever tried taking a train from Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. to Barcelona, Spain?

transcontinental airline is cool. but internal flights are idiot. also we should streamline maritime civil transport, by modding speedboats to be more stable and host higher capacities

This exact flight was from Atlanta to Spain though.

It's near the top of the article.

I like trains as much anyone on fuckcars but a train from Atalanta to Spain is difficult.

You look like a vegan but for airplanes instead of cows

They don't torture airplanes to death?

idk what vegan implies and whether its the same as vegetarian but i dont mind labels. go ahead serve urself