Biden won't pardon his son if he's convicted on federal charges, White House says to – 353 points –
Biden won't pardon his son if he's convicted, White House says

President Joe Biden will not pardon Hunter Biden if he's convicted on federal charges, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Friday.

Asked during the daily briefing if the president would pardon or commute his son's sentence if he gets convicted on the gun charges against him, Jean-Pierre told reporters he would not. It's the first time the White House has explicitly said a potential pardon is not on the table following Hunter Biden's indictment this week.

In her response, Jean-Pierre noted that she answered a similar question after the president's son was first hit with a felony gun charge.


Nobody fucking cares.

I, for one, am never voting for Hunter Biden again.

Although I heard a rumor that his dad might be better then trump. Although it was just a rumor. Not sure if it was accurate.

Something something drain the swamp. Trump drained the swamp by appointing his kids and his friends kids White House positions and forcing everyone to use his hotels.

Don’t even get me started how Fauci is corrupt!


There is no logic in the Republican Party

It's really amazing how much these people hate doctors and healthcare. Losing their shot over Obamacare and then going as far as death threats to fauci for daring to suggest you wear a mask get vaccinated and wash your fucking hands. The horror.

It’s become a party of resentment. Doctors tell them they’re wrong so they resent doctors. Colleges tell them that their ideas are historically inaccurate and broken so they resent colleges. Artists and celebrities criticize their ideas and politicians so they resent artists and celebrities. Athletes don’t go along with their beliefs so they resent athletes. When Trump won, they had lost multiple presidential elections in a row and he promised that he’d get even with all those people. He harassed athletes and celebrities and cut funding to colleges and doctors, all because of resentment.

GOP is nothing but the party of grievances. They didn’t even discuss policy at the last debate.

Let's waste less time on this non-story. How about both parties in power focus on helping the average American citizen?

The difference between how Biden is dealing with this and how Trump dealt with crimes committed by those around him is very much relevant to understand how they see and run the state and that has an impact on people's everyday lives. Personally, I'm not a big fan of Biden, but pretending there's no difference between him and Trump is disingenuous to say the least.

I'm not a huge Biden fan but I'm surprised how much he's grown on me. Definitely not my first choice but he's done way better than expected.

i thought it was because they are more worried about campaigning to be reelected at this point

I mean, why not?

Probably because that would be a gross abuse of power.

Drop in the bucket holding the American legal system.

If that was the reason he chose not to pardon his son, that would be very nice of him though, I guess.

Considering the shit stains Trump pardoned I don't think I could bring myself to care about who Biden pardoned. That ship has so sailed.


Ppfff. American laws allow law enforcement to steal from you or murder you, deny workers a living wage or representation, and recently stole the right of bodily autonomy from 167 million women, to name a few national legislative embarassments. You'd be a heartless, pedantic fool to begrudge an old man keeping his remaining son out of jail for filling out paperwork wrong.

I reckon that he would if a) Hunter is sent to prison and b) Joe doesn’t get re-elected.

I can’t imagine that Joe would care enough about the bad press at the end of his career to leave Hunter inside.

Actually, in that scenario, it would be more important than ever, assuming Trump was taking office. Biden muddying the waters with inappropriate pardons would weaken any attempt by the courts to stop Trump from pardoning himself.

It wouldn't weaken it unless the court tried and failed to stop it. Someone would have to sue Biden for it and I'm unsure there's a party with standing.

Don't you dare use logic and shit up in here. There's no way a politician actively campaigning isn't telling the full truth about everything.