Cassidy Hutchinson Claims Trump Stopped Wearing A Mask Because It Smudged His Bronzer Makeup

Flying to politics – 594 points –
Cassidy Hutchinson Claims Trump Stopped Wearing A Mask Because It Smudged His Bronzer Makeup

“everyone’s favorite alpha male president was against masks because it would ruin his makeup”

yep, ok, but drag queens are the real danger to society, got it.

Well yeah, they show that you can put makeup on and not look like a complete idiot.

And that whole thing like Gulliani leaking black fluid down his face.

Wait. Is that why the right is all up in arms about drag queens? They're just jealous of the great makeup skills your average drag queen has?

2 more...

Least surprising report of the last decade.

Pretty sure you can dig up a bunch of tweets from that time with people calling this exact same thing.

yep, I was one of those people

Ditto. It could not have been more obvious that he didn't want to wear a mask because it'd smudge his clown makeup. There was never a good reason for it. Not wanting to live in fear/appear weak was just the usual conservative spin for Trump's constant shitty behavior and leadership failures.

Bronzer? Shouldn't someone have told him that it's orange? I guess orange is the new bronze.

I don’t care. Let’s not go back to 2015-2021 era where we lap up every detail about Trump. The guy needs to me made irrelevant by the justice department pronto.

Can people please move on from giving a damn about Trump? Focus on real issues instead of vilification of Trump. He is literally not worth your time or mental focus.

Trump is a clear and present danger with too many allies for his enemies, i.e. us, to make him go away by sticking our heads in the sand.

Like it or not he's a shoo-in for the 2024 GOP nomination so he remains a relevant threat to democracy. "Moving on" is not an option.

Maybe block this community, and news, if you're not interested in the lead Republican candidate who is also indicted in close to 100 felonies that are currently awaiting near future trials.

If you don't want to hear it, bury your head in the sand, because it's going to be fucking everywhere, as it should.

That would be blocking myself from following substantive content I do care about.

it’s going to be fucking everywhere, as it should

You're entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine.

I figured since the prevailing opinion is sufficiently covered in this, I would voice my opinion.

Understanding others viewpoints is a basis of discussion as is shown when I express a different opinion and generate discussion. :)

Crazy, considering if he becomes President again we're all fucked.

Maybe just stop looking at articles with Trump in the title, probably a better solution for you than telling people to stop caring about things that matter.

Maybe just stop looking at articles with Trump in the title

That is my approach which is why I am advocating that others do the same. However, on a collective scale, the more energy we focus on complaining the less there is for focusing on other more important matters.

When you encounter a bully in life you naturally learn to ignore them or avoid them to lessen your psychological harm from their tactics. So ignore the bully.

if he becomes President again we’re all fucked

Whether or not you click the article does not affect the outcome of the election, that is the purpose of voting.

When you encounter a bully in life you naturally learn to ignore them or avoid them to lessen your psychological harm from their tactics. So ignore the bully.

Hard disagree.

Interesting, care to elaborate on your approach?

Bullies don’t learn by having free reign, they learn by having their nose fixed.

That is one way they learn. But you can't go around punching people in the adult world where often the bullies are your boss or some authority figure like a cop. In those cases you have to minimize how much you interact with physical and emotional boundaries. Trump essentially is a bully in the context of the news headlines and politics. He likes to belittle others.

That can both be a literal and metaphorical nose.