Vampires rule to – 703 points –

Fun fact! Human is the only meat that can be vegan!

And uhh, there are plenty of people that would consent to a vampire sucking their blood

I think you are legally obliged to consent if the vampire is cute. Personally I like to make lewd noises to make them uncomfortable.

"Legally obliged" is a lack of consent.

there are plenty of people that would consent to a vampire sucking their blood

i feel my astarion kink being called out

Why? Is it because they could consent? In that case it's a poor argument because it could be argued that anyone who did consent was not in a state of mind where they could do so legitimately.

Yeah, it's a consent thing. Not really for you to decide that, eh? I for one would be totally down to eat some leg if it got amputated because of an accident or something, and I would absolutely ask to keep my own leg for that purpose (not that I would tell the doctor) if one of mine were ever amputated.

More on topic, I would absolutely donate blood to vampires if they were real

Vampires are actually real though, there are some companies in the US that sell young peoples' blood they bought from blood banks to rich people as blood transfusions.

Now it makes sense why most classic depictions of vampires present them as rich people in their own castles.

That's because vampires have always been a metaphor for the rich exploiting and leeching off of the poor.

Somehow this had never occurred to me...

One of my friends in my college days explained it to me. They specifically choose poor people to feed off of, rarely ever high society, and that's how royalty and feudal lords would act back in the day too. Some of the IRL ruling class would even bathe in young women's blood.

And vampires are almost always rich in fiction.

And we all know how the rich treat the poor in real life.

Well ... plus if you're alive that long and can't manage to get rich via compound interest you deserve to be staked.

Okay but arguing that doesn't prove anything other than that you can't imagine a situation where someone of sound mind would want to be eaten. It's one of them catch 182s. Dammit!

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I'd probably donate a couple of liters if a vampire asked for it.

Safely, you can donate about 400ml of whole blood at a time with six weeks between donations. I could donate a liter of plasma (the goop between the cells) every four weeks, but that was done via apheresis.

surely cultivated meat is vegan? like if you consider taking a tissue sample from an animal to be enough of a violation to make it not be vegan you're not really doing it for the sake of animals are you?

That's a popular discussion among vegans. Strictly speaking, it isn't vegan, since it's still sourced from an animal without its consent. The vast, vast majority of vegans agree, though, that even if they wouldn't personally partake in it (and some of them would), it would be a wonderful thing for omnivores to be able to eat meat without furthering animal exploitation and suffering.

Has there been a consensus on how many samples would be needed to sustain the production? I had heard that, theoretically, a single sample would suffice, but I've heard of other sources claiming that a handful of animals would be needed to meet the demand.

If a llama spits on me and its spit contains DNA has it given me permission to use that spit, and therefore that DNA?

That's an interesting question. There are ways to gather DNA from animals without violating their rights–if a llama spits on you, it decided to give you that spit. If a dog bites you, same deal.

But then, exploiting that DNA for profit. Is that vegan? My inner pirate says it's fine, copying isn't theft

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You mean voluntarily vegan? Plenty of obligate herbivores out there that aren't eating butter.

I meant in a human sense. Non-human obligate herbivores are generally not necessarily vegans, because veganism isn't just a dietary restriction

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I had thos discussion recently. In WoD, the Nosferatu clan observe two notable responses:

Fashion Model / Actor: Gaah! I'm hideous! A monster! My career is over!

Misanthrope / Recluse: Meh. No one liked me anyway. And now rats are delicious.

I’m moving different

This shit ain’t nothing to me man, I’m a dog. I’m biting the fart bubbles in the bath

I've seen they eye of horuh, I've seen the magna carta, i was flipping bricks for mansa musa before you were even a type one civilization