Claim About Trump’s ‘Small’ Genital Organ Going All The Way To Supreme Court — This Week

Flying to politics – 250 points –
Claim About Trump’s ‘Small’ Genital Organ Going All The Way To Supreme Court — This Week

Let me add that is the weirdest place to put an em dash in a headline I've ever seen.


This isn't a case about mocking a former president, it's about trying to trademark mocking a former president, which can then be used to sue other people who use the phrase. You don't need a trademark to print shirts with disparaging words against Trump, you need it to stop other people from doing it. The Biden administration isn't protecting Trump with this suit.

Are we going to be sued every time we refer to his small penis as small?

If it's factual, it's not defamation.

Alternatively, I understand that it really MASSIVELY bothers him if you refer to his funny tiny microscopic hands.

Not a defamation suit. This is about not being able to trademark "trump too small".

A Supreme Court case over.. cleans glasses Trump's penis size..? We are living in a South Park episode. Good to see our tax dollars hard at work. As usual.

His dick is as small as his political Integrity

I don't know about that, several people have claimed that, while small, he does actually have a penis. Political integrity? Eh... not so much.

6 more...

This reminds me of when the prosecutors questioned Epstein about his egg-shaped penis on the record


Ugh, now I have "egg shaped penis" in my Google search history. But that's ok. I'll take one for the team.\_27886\_jeffrey-epstein-had-egg-shaped-penis.html

The team thanks you! Best laugh I've had at this hour in years.

body shaming is ok as long as it's someone you don't like

Well it also has to be "short man," "small penis," "bald man," or "fat man." There are limited acceptible options.

The size of his manhood isn't about shaming him it's about proving the fact that he is a liar and a criminal.

Pffft been proven. Don't need to make the small-dicked out there feel bad for a post trump'll never see though. Seems "ineffective."

it would be cool if you could just be honest. "Yes we are shaming him and we don't care" instead of pretending like you are exposing some important truth. makes you a coward

I can put it in a weirder place

Claim About Trump’s ‘Small’ Genital Organ—Going All The Way To Supreme Court This Week

Wow, that first amendment kinda sucks when people are talking about your tiny dick.

Is dick so small one term presidency was not enough to compensate for it he have to try for another one